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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Almost every time I visit an Asian supermarket I grab a pack of mystery Noods (No English on packets) for my husband to sample. 

    Today I chose these based on the weight of the packet. 



    Google at home has taught me it is instant Jajangmyeon, Korean Black Bean Noodles. 




    Not anywhere near the spice he likes but its just a fun game we play! 


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  2. "Ugly Beef" Stiry Fry. 

    Whenever I take on a primal cut, I always keep the ugly trimmings in the freezy for this 10 minute sodium bomb of quick comfort. 

    Oyster Sauce, Hot Chili, Soy sauce, onion, ginger and garlic. 



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  3. Grew up with canned corned beef in sammiches, and its slightly better presented sliced version from British supermarket delis. I was very much of the opinion the Australians did not know "Corned Beef" when I was first served it over here (they make it like the American version). But a lot of research later I appreciate and like both, I will eat the former (British) when I am in the UK, no longer from the cans but the pre-sliced deli versions, and I eat it cold, unadorned straight from the packet - whilst my beloved goes green at the gills. Can't say I fancy it deep fried, and I like it sliced very thin, but there is nothing like it, and it will always have a place in my tummy! 


    Food preference is shaped in childhood I believe, and I was half raised by my grandparents who were both evacuated in WWII and later went on to fight. I imagine at times, a tin of meat product was close to heaven if not just A Ok. 

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  4. Australian Delicacy 'Curried Snags'. 

    Yeah. I'm with you guys. Wtf. 


    But it is comfort food for my husband and he has passed the liking of meat tubes in cat vomit to my son so when I am asked, I make. 

    I have to use a recipe base because the first time I prepared what I thought curried sausage should be - it was so far from the food of his childhood the disappointment was palpable. 



    This is my sons plate. Stand by for the awe inspiring photo of my actual dinner. It'll be 10pm toast. 


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  5. Stars of my Weekend. 

    At the front we have Snowdonia Black Bomber. A proper punch you in the tongue sharp Cheddar that I cannot live without. 

    9 O'clock is Fromage d'Affinois sort of a quick Brie, only about 30 days old, super soft and one of my favs - husband hates it. 

    12 o'clock is an American (by way of the Netherlands) Midnight Moon goats cheese, its tied as my fav semi hard goats at the moment. 

    5 past 12 sees an Australian King Island double Brie.. a bit of a 'Meh'. 

    Jambon Serrano for me, biscuits and hurt your eyes spicy sausage for the husband. 

    Unpictured, grapes, lots and lots of liquid grapes. 


    ( I'm a cheese lover not a connoisseur - so forgive my rubbish descriptions) 



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  6. I agree fully on all aspects of taste being subjective. Whether it is the winning scone at a country fete, the award winning pie at the bakery, the worlds best ham - whatever. It is never going to please everyone, and as @Anna N mentioned no two things are truly identical in taste, my example of the Cornish Kern is just that, spoiled perhaps by environmental factors - or just not for me.


    What makes me laugh is I didn't KNOW it was supposed to be the 'Worlds Best Cheese' it was picked because it was from Cornwall and usually, I'm a fan of Cornish Cheese!

    I found that article when I googled how you were supposed to eat Cornish Kern because it sure as heck wasn't a nibbling cheese! 🤣



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  7. Give me all the cheeses. 

    I really miss the availability of good European cheeses and proper British cheese, particularily a super sharp crumbly cheddar - the kind that makes your mouth produce double the amount of drool as soon as it hits your tongue. I can't stand the generic cheese sold in Aus as 'Tasty' cheese. It's a misnomer. 


    Hauling it back. Before I fall into a cheese hole. 


    Mozzerella and Sharp Cheddar if I had to forsake all others.  

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  8. We are Air BnBing it this weekend and on arrival discovered a beautiful flame grill Bbq - so I rushed to the supermarket (only thing open) bought nearly ALL the animals (I'll catch you tomorrow lil piggy) rushed back .... aaannnd cooked it all inside because there was no gas. 




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  9. Yup! Make & Freeze for the win!

    Perfect for busy weekends like this one has been. Sunday night grab a couple of these out of the freezey, 20 minutes later, I have something to stuff in the lunchbox that makes me look like one of those homemade got their sh!t together mums 😂




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  10. Tonight I tried Nigellas Chicken & Pea Tray bake from At My Table. Mine does NOT look like her Instas!

    But it did taste good and was beautifully easy on a work night... I did find the peas a little chewy though & skin not as crispy as I like - I just followed the recipe, so none of my usual skin crisping efforts occurred and its my fault.  (It's Hump Day gimmie a Break 😁




    Nigellas recipe used 8 thighs to feed four, I was only comfortable with 7 in the pan with spacing. We are also a well sated 2 with this to fit in the freezer!




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  11. A Taco on Tuesday. 




    This is the first picture... I turned the plate to take a better one, it fell over, I shoved it all back in with my fingers, didn't improve the aesthetic, declined a second photo. Tasted the same 🤷‍♀️

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  12. Quickly spatched, blasted with a hair drier, natural assets enhanced beneath the skin with garlic paste, butter and rosemary and 40 mins later, dinner was Chicken. 


    Something about a spatch-cocked chicken really amuses me and I have no idea why.. it seems so.. embarrassed ?! 🤔😅




    Edit: Thanks to @liuzhou for solving my formatting issues! 

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