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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. Mexican-ish Street Corn Snacks for the boys... Watermelon for pudding. 

    Yeah. There was not alot left in the tank come dinner time today! 


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  2. Phew! It is really heating up down here! We have had some insane supercell storms to announce the start of the hot hot. 

    So. Of course. My hemispherically confused body is craving brown stew. 


    Turnip, Swede, Leek, Carrot with Beef Cheeks & Neck.


    Cooked low, slow & sweatily. 





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  3. I decided to break open the Mae Ploy Red Curry Paste. I just followed the directions on the tin, very simple, the veg I chose was what I had available - Capsicum & Bok Choy the protein was chicken. 

    Was nice. Was hot. Authentic? No bloody idea. A lot 'runnier' than curry I am used to.. but I grew up with British Indian Currys so I'm hardly a judge. 





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  4. I made tonights quick dinner with a mind to use up the Guac & Sour Cream near perishing in the fridge. 

    Found out the Big one had the same idea for little ones lunch as I came to serving... 

    So instead of fully loaded, I present 'Half -Cocked Nachos' 😅



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  5. The Big One wanted the Chorizo Breakfast. 



    The middle one wanted the Halloumi and Bacon. 



    The smallest insisted he only wanted Jammy Toast. 



    Then ate some of mine (sans green 🙄) and all of Dads toast, hbrown & bacon. 


    The whites on the big ones eggs were still runny unfortunately but everything else was awesome. 

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  6. Away for a few days.


    Wagyu Rice Bowl



    Shoyu Ramen



    Pork Gyoza



    Karage & Spring Rolls.



    First time I have ever used chopsticks 🤣😬 Baptism of fire! 

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  7. Clean the Fridge Cous Cous. 

    Whole meal Cous Cous, Peas, Bacon, Roast Pork, Pizzaroni, Cheese Ends. 


    Pictured is my sons bowl. Mine will be whats left in the lower third of the bowl. It will be 90% peas. 




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  8. "Road" Food. 



    If you can call it a road. 

    He had bacon egg tom sauce and onion on white from a volunteer community market kitchen... it was not the ideal onehander sammy 😂


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  9. I baked the aforementioned Fish Pie of my childhood tonight, as one thing I loathe doing is being wasteful. 

    The recipe is from this book - the book I consider to be the one I first tried to cook from (This one is actually a £1 second hand job from Amazon - the original is safely in my mums possession). 



    It is so incredibly retro British (50% of recipes at a guess contain tinned corn and frozen peas 😂). So dinner is a riff on the 'Family Fish Pie' - a dish I love for its associated memories as much as its taste. However these days I am forced to make so many alterations when I do get a craving (no boiled egg - minimal smoked fish subbing for 75% unsmoked) that the most nostalgic thing is probably the fact I use my Grandmothers enamel cookware! 


    There is no way to make her pretty once served so fresh outta the oven shot. 





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  10. @David Ross My Kingdom for Smoked Haddock. 

    It's one of the first things I buy when I return home, much to my husbands displeasure. I assembled a fish pie (much like @Anna N description - although I am sure much simpler,  the recipe was from the book I learned from as a child) on Sunday but I haven't bothered to have it for dinner yet. I've done it a few times since moving overseas driven by nostalgia, and everytime, it misses the mark. Without the Scot Smoked Haddock it's just not quite right!

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  11. I finally got the perfect (for me) Steak Sambo! Mid complaining via messages about how I forgot my lunch again my husband went radio silent. 45 minutes later he walked into my office. Silently dropped this on my desk and drove off! 




    Rib fillet (with anything that might be slightly chewy looking removed ), bread toasted not fried, lettuce, sharp cheddar, beetroot, onions on the cusp of burnt, s & p - no sauce. 


    I don't know why but it's almost like he has heard me be a complainy bi**h so much he knew exactly what to do!😀😂


    And yes I had gobbled half before I took a picture. 

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  12. 20 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

     Anyone else want to chime in on this?


    I am probably not the brand of people you wanted to chime in (i.e I'm English flavoured) but I do agree, I have purchased 'American Cheese' from Cost Co that was much nicer  (and actually melted) - and yes while it was pre-sliced it was not individually wrapped. I think Aldi just got it wrong on this occasion!! I meant no disrespect to American Cheese - It's not in my nature. Cheese = Life. 


    • Haha 1
  13. Boring but pretty desk salad. 

    I have never been friends with Salad, probably because I don't like Cucumber or Tomato, but I'm trying. 

    Would probably have been a lot better if I remembered most salads have some kind of dressing! 


    Edit: I know there will be a specific post somewhere in the last 9000 years of egullet that I should ask this question but if someone wants to send me an idea for a dressing to suit this salad - that would be great 😋😆


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  14. Sausage and Egg MumMuffin 😅

    The cheese was branded 'American Burger Cheese' at Aldi - I think they did the USA a disservice. The way it looked made me riffle through my bin to confirm I did infact take the plastic off!



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