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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. 8 hours ago, liuzhou said:


    I've had a couple of those stew craving moments recently, but resisted. Perhaps  I should just let go.

    Steak and kidney at 40ºC?  Yeah, why not!


    I suffer from seasonal confusion. Quite often my husband will come home in Australian mid summer ( he works outside in conditions that would cook me alive ) to a steaming plate of casserole, stew, a hearty roast, soup ( bowl for that one ) and just looks at me in despair... 

    Then he leaves it and eats it cold 🙃

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  2. 5 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    The night before my birthday, my MIL invited us over for a celebratory dinner.  She made chicken Kiev.  When was the last time you saw that?  It happens to be one of my favorite things, a taste developed in the 1970’s, I think.  And I used to make it when I was trying to impress Mr. Kim with my culinary prowess.  But it is such a PITA that I haven’t made it for years.  And hers was delicious!  







    Delicious! I adore Kiev. Can't make it. I always ended up with an oversized if well seasoned chicken nugget and an oven tray filled with wasted garlic butter... which is a sin. If the 70s gave us Kiev and Schwartzwälder Kirschtorte then it's a winning decade for me.  :)

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  3. I think the Becorked Avocado was linked to one of the stalls,  but I am struggling to remember which one, I think every produce stall had the soapy buggers though so perhaps he was more a mascot. 

    Hobby Beekeeping is massive here, and honey is a premium product. There are all sorts of campaigns about getting behind the bees. Pretty sure I'm supposed to buy every Bee I come across a sugary drink, make it a sandwich and ask if it might not prefer I carry it back to its hive. The glass things seem to be standard, there was another one at the stingless bee honey stand. 

    I wish I didn't have the embarassment factor and took a decent picture, the fish stall was 4 metres long, had whole fish, fillets, and the other end was liberally pilled with cooked prawns, crabs and bugs. It really was beautiful - and I don't even eat the stuff! I really didn't do it justice. There were some 41 produce stalls and about 20 food stands. Plus all the demos. Perhaps next year I'll make myself a badge that says 'Press' or something & carry a note pad. 😂

    • Haha 1
  4. And Dinner was Pie. With requisite Mash and Peas. The days are cold and the soul is British. 


    NB: Not British enough to like Liquor (of the Pie variety) and obviously cold is subjective. I am in thermal socks at 25c. 





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  5. We went to the WinterFeast farmers market in Bundaberg today. Excuse the poor photos. I am incredibly shy about taking them so they are all sneak shots 😁. It's an annual event in its third year. 

    Lots of stalls from local producers, Cooking demonstrations, and plenty of food vendors and alot of bodies.









    Haul - Honey roasted macadamias, chilli jerky, hopped apple cider, watermelon water and $3 for 5 Avos. 



    Jalepeno Cheese Pork Snags, Biltong, Beef Cheeks & Bratwurst. 



    Lil dudes Breakfast - Strawberry Lime & Salted Caramel Gelato. 




    And this poor dude. It may be winter. But its still 25c and humid. 



    • Like 10
  6. The time that the footies on over here means the only snack I have had has been Coffee. 

    I find 2018, as far as these tournaments go, has been rather interesting. Who would have thought the Warhols would be the last Crisps of this trio standing at the end of the group snack off. Certainly not me, or history post 1966. 

    Australia has done the usual 'flavours of the world' for crisps/pringles and stuff, usually the fast food chains do some weird and wonderful burger flavours but I don't recall seeing any adverts this year. Haven't been looking though!

    • Haha 1
  7. Oodles of Noodles. 

    Inspiration: The totally Authentic 😉Chinese takeaway, open until 3am, in staggering distance from my Dorm way back when. 

    I think I added way too many vegetables and way too little salt, if fuzzy memory serves. 


    • Like 11
  8. Dipping my toe back into the world of real food. 

    Baked/Roasted (is there a difference? Which is correct if so?) Chicken Thigh, Parmesan Cauliflower Mash & Garlic Baby Spinach. 




    • Like 16
  9. Just want to say - sorry for being the weirdo that has liked everyones standard Tuesday night dinner from three weeks ago, I'm not being a stalker, just catching up. Wish I hadn't. 

    You guys are so amazing. There is not one post that hasn't made me go 'Jeez I wish I had that right now' (okay maybe some of the ones with liver or tomato but still there was a tomato tainted Turkey sandwich I would  destroy). 

    Any way long story short. Keep doing what you are all doing it's inspiring... or at the very least hunger inducing - and if anyone wants to invite me round for dinner I'll be there in 5. 



    What 5 amounts to depends on location xD

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  10. So I have not posted much lately. I just cannot find the inspiration to cook for one that other members possess. I am so jealous. 

    I've had grilled cheese three nights in a row! 

    Mainly to use up leftovers, the cheese my husband left behind before he went back to work, and the bread leftover from small dudes lunches. 

    It's like I am 15 again. With a lot more wrinkles. 



    Jarlsberg, 3 year old cheddar and the most bland rubbish mozzarella you ever did taste. 

    • Like 17
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  11. On 04/06/2018 at 3:31 PM, liuzhou said:

    Plain duck egg (2) omelette with CHIPS. 

    Yup I could go for that. Your chips look wonderful! I think I'd have ruined the aesthetic with too much salt and splashes of malt vinegar before I got to photo taking. 
    The omelette has me rethinking my dinner plans too. 

    • Like 1
  12. No I haven't accidentally missed 'snacking while' this was my actual dinner. No crackers no nothing. When I looked at the amount I had uh.. harmlessly nibbled while waiting for it to come to temperature, I cancelled dinner, and googled local defibrillators (There is one at the bank 34km away). 

    It may have made it into my top 3 cheeses, and that is an accolade. 

    Flinders Estate Ash Brie.




    EdTA: Top 3 easily available in Australia... may have been a little hasty once I got going down cheese memory lane. 

    It's long.  :biggrin:

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  13. Captain low carb came home tonight, needed a dinner I could have on the table in 10 minutes - as travel time is fairly consistent but there are a LOT of roos to dodge. 

    Porterhouse with stir fry of broc, Jalepeno (Con-Fusion I know) red bell and spring onion in oyster & ginger sauce.



    • Like 15
  14. Ok, I tried the fresh baked whole, cut, plated and bite shots with this one, but as you are about to realise, this dinner has a face only a tummy can love. 

    Chicken Jalepeno Popper Bake, a combo recipe from a bunch of lchf blogs for my husbands tea & freezer meals. 




    Yeah, that was the best one. 

    • Like 16
  15. Its not pretty but its the first thing I've cooked in a while so I'm sharing my mediocrity. 

    Pork loin chops and a CauliBroc Cheese - Born from my excited declaration when I got home from work and a grocery run.

    'Look husband, these big chunks of short date (2 weeks) Jarlsberg straight off the wheel were 75% off! I got 2!'


    And his reply - "yeah, me too" 9_9



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  16. 9 hours ago, FeChef said:

    Sounds like a place they would have to pay me to attend.

    Each to their own, I think they are very important to the more rural communities. I doubt you would find rave reviews for a 'Brisbane RSL' but go walkabout, say Charleville, say Kempsey, then they can be the heart and soul. Honest, unpretentious, a gathering place. And thats just my immigrant opinion. 

    • Like 7
  17. @liuzhou, "Returned and Services League". A little hard for me to explain, a "real" Aussie would do it so much better. Its like a bar/pub/bistro/gambling establishment honouring returned and current servicemen/women. Every town has one be it grand or.. not. If you're there at 0600 (I dont think many would be open) or 1800 you stand and show respect for colours and sunset (I only know Navy terms) - flag goes up/down shut your mouth, stop what you're doing, trumpets etc. 

    • Like 8
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  18. Visiting the Husband. Went to the local RSL for dinner. He had an 'Aussie Pork Snitz' (pork, bbq sauce, fried egg, bacon, cheese) and I had the Barramundi. 

    The meat and the fish were very good. Can't comment on the rest ¬¬

    We both tend to eat in sequence, like meat first then sundries.. Well tonight I had finished my Fish (literally just my fish, all salad and chips remained, same for husband) and got up to get my lil boys dessert, my husband also got up to get another drink. 

    In the 1 minute we were both absent from the table but less than 20ft away (son still sitting eating) both our meals were taken and disposed of. I was too amused to complain about the staff imposed diet :D


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  19. Panko crumbed chicken Schnitzel topped with salsa, tomato, spring onion, jalepeno, cheese and sour cream. 

    With leftover skin on boiled chats, mashed and baked with goodies until crispy and creamy. Generic green beans. I miss good ole 'Runner Beans' so much. 


    • Like 16
  20. For your enjoyment :/. My first and  I guess second attempt (reheated)  reverse seared rib eye and potatoes (back story on never again..). 

    Served 4 hours after it was ready. :(


    No effort was made in the plating or photography. The will was long gone. 




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