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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. 21 hours ago, weinoo said:

    I wonder if you'd have better luck rendering your duck fat in a low oven.  Then, when you know you're not going to be distracted, you can make the cracklings on top of the stove. 


    That sounds promising, do you have any general guidelines? I know it sounds stupid, but I hate to try and "wing it" I don't have the, skill set I guess, yet. Perhaps I do but I'm the kind of person that will read six different recipes before making something I have made 1000 times no mater what - no confidence I guess! I do not belong here! Every online guide I found (Saveur, 'luvaduck' ... etc) was stove top. 


    13 hours ago, Cronker said:

    if you can, you will be far better off trying to source your bird from any Asian grocer or butcher.


    My kingdom for an Asian grocer! You are completely right of course, and I agree on quality and everything, plus this bird was completely squashed when I defrosted it. Not good. There is an 'Asian Supermarket' in the closest town (about an hour), and it is a treasure trove, it is also the size of my lounge room, covers the basics from Vietnam to Japan, all tinned or frozen but still a gem. I did see some ducks in their freezer and may try when I am over my disappointment!


  2. ((Quick note I'm sure there is probably already a topic but I'm obviously not punching in the right keywords - could someone do their merge magic for me?)) 


    OK so, we all have them, some alignment of the stars or distractions that prove fatal for our cooking ambitions. I just had one, and I'm still kind of gutted. Anyone else suffered a mishap lately? 


    I bought a duck recently, I don't think they're particularly cheap in my area, a "LuvADuck' brand frozen duck cost $24 Au at my local supermarket. I bought it specifically to try two things, I wanted to try and break down a bird (I have never done it before) and I really really wanted to try rendering my own duck fat (roast potatoes, roast potatoes, roast potatoes). It was going well, I read the post of favourite breaking down methods, watched a heap of videos and gave it a darn good try for my first attempt. So far so good. 

    I then chopped all the skin and fat (there was a lot - a gold mine) into one inch ish pieces, loaded it into my pan, covered with water and let it start to do its thing. I kept checking and checking. it started to do the crackle and spit and it was smelling wonderful. 

    And then life happened, and I was distracted by my little man. 

    Anyway to cut the waffle - when I got back, my golden buttery Duck fat? Well. Well it was not golden. I had burnt the living sh.. out of it. 

    I tried to strain it through the finest thing I had (goodbye stockings) in a attempt to salvage. But it was not to be. And now there is nearly a pint of dark aley looking, burnt tasting bird fat languish in a plastic bottle in the garbage. A fitting portrait of my weekend cooking dreams. :(


    The cat loved duck scratchings though - must not have taste receptors for 'acrid'. 

    • Sad 1
  3. We had Risotto (?) for Dinner. 

    If I could get a do-over I'd probably rename myself "ITryReallyHardToCookButIhaveNeverEatenTheseThingsBeforeSoIDon'tKnowIfI'mDoingItRight' - Catchy no? My food experience is extremely limited restaurant wise, all I have to go on are my beloved cook books and the Internet. So I don't know if this is Risotto, I don't know if I got the "slow wave" texture the recipe required (I've lived in the UK and Australia and only know 'No Waves' and 'Frick thats a big Wave'). 

    I used Arborio Rice, Homemade chicken stock (thank you freezer clearing post), white wine, enough butter to make James Martin proud and a (un)Healthy amount of Parmesan. Then I put in some peas because it looked like my Nannys rice pudding. I liked it, my carnivores said they did... have a feeling they were looking for the main course though.


    Edited to add: I don't think It's 'Gooey' enough... I know it's not quite runny enough.. it was gooey to me but, I'm ooze phobic. 





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  4. I made my first 'Family' pie tonight. First large pie I have attempted fully enclosed, usually if I do big I do a 'Pot Pie' style with a floating lid. To be honest, won't bother again, it took ages to cook! I think individual pies have more 'something' factor (not sure wow is what I mean but 'cute' seems wrong too o.O), they take less time to cook, I can just chuck the whole thing on a plate and they come with out the horrible feeling of hopelessness I have just discovered - there was absolutely no way I was going to manage to serve it in the neat little portions I had envisaged, nope it was going to be a big pile of pie filling with a lid 9_9




    Apart from this one little slice I reserved and (I'm not stubborn, you're stubborn) carefully piled up to look sort of like I had expected :laugh:


    • Like 18
  5. This is by no means a pretty picture but I have been rather successful in my continued freezer thin out. 

    I no longer have bags of 3/4 portion frozen veg, the Broccoli, Brussels, Green Beans and Broad beans all got evicted tonight, the stuffing balls and Yorkies have also come from the freezer, I make and freeze big batches when I am in the mood - to combat those times when I am not but really want a roast. Bacon in the cabbage, also evicted. All in all a pretty successful day - One freezer is completely empty! (Ssssh its the little one). 

    Excuse the dried out pork steak, liberal gravy was added, but I figured that would make an even uglier photo. 




    • Like 3
  6. Pizza Dough, Pizza Sauce and Bacon have been released from the freezer! 

    Lunch Box additions for the smallest of us. My weapon against the Lunch Box police should they rear their heads is that there are so many vegetables in my thickly layered pizza sauce if the kid knew what he was actually eating I would have ruined pizza forever. 




    Quality Control 



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  7. itsnotramen.thumb.jpg.3333a0d9edfbd6d56297fb306323b9ee.jpg


    To the casual observer, it may seem like I tried to make one of those dishes that's really popular on blogs, in restaurants, amongst general people that have taste buds.  


    Disclaimer: I have never had the opportunity to eat unsaid dish, there are certainly no local restaurants, although I have lusted over probably a hundred blog posts and recipes. However, as I have never actually eaten the unsaid dish, tonight we had spicy noodle soup with bits piled up on the top because I forgot to stir. :P xD

    • Like 6
  8. Dinner last night was interesting in circumstance if not in product. We had a storm come through, they called it a 'SuperCell' but we were lucky enough to just suffer power loss and a few tree's down. 

    I'd had a pork shoulder in the slow cooker, luckily the power failed just about the time I was due home, and thus the pork was done. 



    I pulled it outside so I could see, up until the point I ran out of fatty bits for the dogs and the barn cat, guilt then drove me inside. 

    Where I was very lucky not to skin myself considering my history making coleslaw in full light But you gotta have slaw with pork right! :P



    Managed dinner in the end, totally romantic ¬¬. I'm sad because I had enough pork for 4 more meals (which was the plan) however the lack of power meant it all went to the mine to feed 'the boys' in the morning because I couldn't store it properly. 







    • Like 11
  9. 20 hours ago, kayb said:

    I will confess to envy at the eggs benny, money shot or no. I'm an oozy-yolk kinda girl....


    My one, my only.... 

    You have no idea how sad I am I didn't like it! Mr.CCST did remind me, while laughing because he was right, that I don't like broth, soups without enough bits to make them stew, smoothies and generally liquid or 'runny' food. But I was so sure Eggs Benedict was going to cure me :(






    • Like 7
  10. Took the family on a whistle stop Road Trip to the Coast for a little bit of R&R and, as it turned out some delicious food. 

    I'll start, as one usually does, with breakfast, nothing fancy, nothing that deserves posting but hey, I'm still getting my family used to my need to photograph everything before they try it :D.  

    Bacon Egg Wrap with BBQ Sauce                                                                                                  




















    Sausage Roll for me - It was very good because of its simplicity (I like to think myself a meat in pastry connoisseur) the ones from our local bakery are trying to be fancy, laced with vegetables and chia seeds - it's a sausage roll, I know it's not healthy, I don't want it to be! 



    The next discovery was from a little hut next to the bay called "The Snack Shack" we had been told to check it out by the owners of the home we rented. It doesn't look like much but it delivered.   

    The Menu.  It pretty much covers everything, seafood through to Service station fare (I'm looking at you chicko roll). I love that there are two options for the seafood basket, fresh or frozen - I do wonder how many/if any people order the frozen. 



    Fish Counter - sorry its not clearer, I was trying to be subtle. 



    And then dinner. Calamari and Prawns for Mr. and Whiting for me. 















    My Whiting came with a lot of salad... A lot.  




    Our final discovery was for breakfast by the bay in a different Cafe. It was OK, the main things that weren't great had nothing to do with the establishment and just the environment - like flies, so, many flies. Although 35 minute wait for coffee was a little stressful first thing in the morning. 

    My husband chose the 'Happy Mans Breakfast' I guess he was happy about it? 



    Small man had a babycino to accompany his sausage and bacon because sometimes frippery is fine and cute. 




    View from the cafe to the road the food was consumed beside to make sure it fits the topic :D



    And finally to finish my post. My Breakfast. Eggs Benedict. I have been saying I'm going to have eggs benny for years and years and always get something else, usually blaming spinach being present or salmon, todays menu had options so it was eggs benny time. Confession - I have probably only been wanting to try Eggs Benedict because it was the food de jour for a while, the internet was filled with pictures of oozy poached eggs, still is. Thing is - I don't like egg yolk and I have never had a poached egg. I'm a boil til dead, fry til bounce kind of girl. But some how, I was sure, eggs Benedict was going to cure me of all this, I was to be converted and be able to take photos of the oozy eggy money shot!!!





    I was not. 

    • Like 10
  11. I wanted to share tonights well balanced meal. We have fats, protein, carbs, veges (there's some corn in one of the dips... I think) and of course fruit, (so the grapes are liquid, still counts.) 



    If there are formatting issues forgive me, I'll fix when I'm not on my phone :)


    French Brie, Danish Salami, South Aus Cream Cheese and Gouda, British Cheddar, Jamon Serrano. And bits. 

    • Like 13
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  12. This is my second dinner so I'm not going to try and pretty it up for you! (If so inclined, you can find my first comedy of errors on the 'Cook your way through the freezer challenge' ) 

    My first attempt just didn't come together for my personal tastes, but luckily I was also roasting a chicken for the boys lunches/ pickings during the day. 

    What happened was an accident / great sacrifice, on my part, for the health of my family, depending on who I'm talking too. 


    It Wasn't Me.

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  13. 'Spending time' with you guys is really pushing me out of my comfort zone. I purchased some Tasmanian Salmon a while ago (frozen), despite the fact I have never cooked salmon before (I was sure I could find a post to teach me how), I have however come to the conclusion it will probably not be in my repertoire.    


    Seared and Roasted Salmon with Basil Pesto Pasta, Zoodles & Roasted Tomatoes.  




    So disaster number 1 - half way into prep it is casually mentioned to me that one person I was feeding would not eat salmon. I managed to grab some whiting (also in the freezer) and grill that as a quick substitute but the stuff was so thin it took a mere minute and was NOT pretty. I'm certain the thickness (or lack thereof) of the fillets was the reason the whiting was languishing in the ice.  


    So, honesty time, as it leads neatly into disaster number 2. I don't actually like Pesto or Tomatoes so.. uh... this was MY actual dinner. :$xD




    So while the salmon was definitely over done  by most standards (I had to be cautious, dinner eater number one was present at the food poisoning incident that has sworn dinner eater number two off salmon for life) what ruined it for me was that shiny looking bit in the lower left portion of my plate. I have 0 fish experience and I think you all know I'm here to learn, I munched away happily until that bite. It had a mouth feel of loose jelly - I am assuming it was fish fat? Freezer burn? Whatever it was it turned my stomach and I doubt i'll be trying salmon again for a while! 


    Cat was exceptionally happy though. 



  14. On 30/10/2017 at 4:18 PM, Okanagancook said:

    After viewing your l lovely looking meal I think you should altering your username! xD

    You are very kind Okanagancook! I have my moments. I will add though that while a picture may be worth a thousand words, they're also very good at hiding any disasters that may have lead up to said picture.

    Like the 'tiny drizzle of pan sauce'... trying to be fancy? Maybe.
    'Most of it actually burnt to the bottom of the pan '  sauce - more accurate xD

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  15. Tonights dinner for 'the boys' was pork tenderloin with a balsamic pan sauce, salad, egg and backwards bubble n squeak patties. I'm calling the Bubble and Squeak backward because I looked at the fresh vegetables in the crisper and came up blank. So I cooked up some cabbage, sweet potato, normal potato and added in the carrots and onions I'd held over from a ginger ale corn meat earlier in the week specifically for bubble and squeak, if that makes sense.  



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  16. Rescued some chicken drumsticks from the freezer. Quick BBQ Honey marinade, corn and capsicum salad and a baked potato that I had greater dreams for but I ran out of time. 

    Regarding the drumsticks, I read a post/thread  where someone (tentatively Anna N?) suggested you take the knuckle off the chicken and it will make magical succulent shrink free chicken. I then searched the forum further and found another thread of posts (something to do with knives) that basically said only cut bones with a cleaver unless you hate your knives. So I attempted to "French" my drumsticks. First off I'm really grateful for the advice to cut the tendons etc, I was really happy with the result as were the boys... however as it was the first time I had ever tried to french something (in the kitchen at least) I really should not have tried when I was already 45 minutes late home from work and had hungry people waiting for their supper! My first attempt was not pretty, although I will continue to practise! ( I will also learn how to link and give correct credit, eventually). 


    Anyway. Six less things in my freezer. 




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  17. Tonight we had Jerk rubbed steak and Slaw-lad. Started out as Coleslaw then I found things I needed to use that I would never usually put in my Coleslaw. 




    (Holy sheetpan did I just dare post a picture of actual cut meat on a forum filled with the darlings of home sous-vide and meat masters?! Panic) 

    I am afraid the close up is not because I am proud of my steak, or because I am trying to improve my food photography (I am but its an uphill battle with this old phone). Tonight's close up is due to the fact that if I were to pan out just a little, you'd all see the kid covered in spaghetti sauce, the table covered in spaghetti sauce and the rest of my clutter! 

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  18. Went to a funeral today, only the second I have ever been too, couldn't spend too much time at the wake as I have a young child to look after. Asked my husband to bring me dinner home from the Pub the wake was hosted at. My husband knows that when I am sad/angry/moody/itstuesday/he'smassivelylatehomefromsaidpub etc I revert to being an angry child xD And thus.. my dinner. 




    Now. I hesitated posting this with you guys and your amazing meals. I mean. It's Dino Nugs and Chips. 

    But this thread is specifically about what you ate for dinner and this is my reality! (with wine - because I'm classy). Plus the Chef even garnished it. It's gourmet now. :P

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  19. On 17/10/2017 at 1:47 AM, blbst36 said:

    Oh man, I have so many older cookbooks.  They come from my grandmothers and mother.  I love looking through them.  Some of the ones from my mother's side have hand-written recipes in them.  Nothing like trying to figure out how long to cook a list of ingredients!!


    Exactly! I love the personality you usually find in the older cookbooks, inherited or discovered, clipped out recipes from news papers, really random bookmarks... trying to decipher beautiful flowing handwriting that doesn't seem to make any real letters... I doubt anyone is going to find quite the sense of nostalgia when (if they even can) they find my google 'book marked' folder! 

    • Like 5
  20. It seems to have accompanied the release of the first ovens that you could set the temperature automatically on. "Gas Mark #" etc... and the oven watched the temp for you - sort of! I think 'radiation' just referred to the heat aspect. 

    There is a section on salads in there as well so they did try to branch out from just the oven! And I had a browse, there's a recipe in there for a Brit style curry too!  








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  21. I think they were more aimed at the mothers, the 50's house wives in particular, trying to convert the masses away from Butter and to use Margarine - although I'm sure that path had been made easier with post war rationing. These were in a folder with 'Stork Wives Club' on the front.  







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