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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. 2 Minute N-oops-dles. AKA Mums late home and disorganised again.


    2 minute noodles cooked in boiling water in the microwave whilst I chop. 

    Onion, Garlic, Ginger, whatever veg needs using. Leftover protein. Sweet Chilli, Soy and Oyster Sauce. Do what needs to be done on the heat. Add drained noods. 

    Phew. They is fed. 




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  2. Shin Ramen Black. The non premium version is a readily available & popular south korean instant noodle available in most supermarkets. This 'premium' version I grabbed at my last visit to the Asian grocer. Husband rates them as ok. What they added to make them premium (veg flakes, meat? things, bone broth taste) they probably nullified with what they took away when it comes to guilty pleasure snacking (msg, sodium lookin at you guys 🙂). 



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  3. 9 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    @CantCookStillTry –I’m wondering if it is a British thing?





    Yeah I think its pretty British. I grew up with it as a staple - I thought a Grilled Cheese was Cheese on Toast for a long time though - seeing as one puts Cheese on Toast then grills it but it turns out a grilled cheese is in fact just a Toastie.  Semantics hey.


    The Cymyr have been perfecting their fancy pants version for centuries I believe, Perfect Welsh Rarebit although its still not fancy pants by many's standards - the additions are usually beer / mustard etc its still fancier than slapping some cheese on bread I guess - but for me you couldn't get much closer to heaven.

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  4. Husband is away on shift at the moment. If you asked him what I said I had for dinner it would be martyr-esque 'fridge scraps, using up leftovers'. Which is true... but its also what I'd choose as my last meal. 

    Cheese scraps on Toast. We have some Snowdonia Cheese Vintage Red Lester, Unidentified Cheddar, Something Sheepy and Spanish with some Mozz Dust to bind.  I hate cleaning the fridge 😉



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  5. 9 hours ago, kayb said:


    Girl. We have to teach you how to make cornbread dressing. Do you do cornbread?



    I'm an English girl living in semi outback Australia whose only 'American Experience' was Disney Land Florida circa 2001. I do not Cornbread. Teach me your ways.


    Edit to Add: I know there will be a thread or 6, off to find..

    • Haha 6
  6. 13 hours ago, demiglace said:

     Oh and how do you make your stuffing balls. I want them.


    Thank you so much. 

    Re Stuffing balls. So simple.


    Basically you save up every single roll / heel of bread that missed the eat fresh cut in the freezer until your significant other looses their mind. (I find for maximum effect its better that you don't store said rolls together - more a haphazard, every third package is a stale roll type of situation). 


    I process to crumbs, blitz one or two onions. Ton of Sage. Bind with egg and squidge. Cook for 25 mins around the roast or, if not roasting meat I cook in my dripping reserve - because heart disease is unfortunately tasty. 🤷‍♀️

    • Haha 7
  7. CantCookStillTries: Series of Unfortunate Events. 


    I have not had the energy to cook in a long time. Today I tried. 


    Ain't She Pretty, Rolled Fore Rib. 



    Final stages 



    Over Sized Retro Roast. Tick. 

    Carrot, Beef, Gravy, Broc, Cauli, Mashed Swede, Sage & Onion stuffing balls, Peas, Yorkie, Roasties. 



    Hubby gets held up/ I have no desire to eat? That's a wrap. 



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  8. It's not pretty, fancy or hard work but it was delicious, comforting and nostalgic. 

    Jacket Potato with Beans & Cheese. 

    A staple of my Uni diet.. but back then I made it in the Microwave - which resulted in a distinct lack of Jacket. 





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  9. Beautiful Meals Guys. Beautiful. 

    You know I freely admit my failings. Disasters. Mistakes. 


    Many mistakes were made. 🥂🍻🤢🤣




    I did try and redeem myself tonight after yesterday. But the picture is as out of focus as I am. 



    • Like 16
  10. A "Mixed Grill". I'd like to argue it was a balanced meal but there were 3 Pork products to 1 each of Lamb, Beef & Chicken 🤷‍♀️



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  11. On 4/22/2019 at 1:55 AM, suzilightning said:

    ... NO ONE in the current famiglia can stand the "stink" of lamb) 

    Not topic friendly but wanting to learn. 

    I had hoarded a couple of lamb leg bones (in the freezer) to make stock. It was the first time I had tried lamb stock, intended for a barley based soup, but it smelled. Not bad exactly but ... strong. I have no problem with the smell of lamb or mutton whilst cooking or cooked ... but the stock whiffed "strong". It tasted fine but the smell made me throw it out just in case. Does lamb stock have a strong smell whilst cooking? Much more so than beef? Am I an idiot? 

  12. I bought some pork sausages that (to me) were horrible - heavy on the Fennel. So deskinned, added Sage & White Pepper, sweated onion, carrot and spinach. Partially cooked the sausage meat to defat a little - combine with a little faffing about and Voila!  Lunchbox fodder for the small dude. 



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  13. Lunch Al Desko from the only food establishment in walking distance from my work - The Servo / Petrol / Gas Station. 

    Chicken Ceaser Wrap. It wasn't bad, actually kinda tasty, and according to the label, only 8 hours old at the time I purchased it. Was it worth $12.50? Probably not. But I could only manage half (due to size) and it was way better than any of the hot box offerings. 




    • Like 4
  14. Grabbed a bag of baby potatoes lured by the promise on the bag that they were 'perfect' for potato salad. I have yet to find an Australian potato that resembles the golden waxy new potatoes of my childhood. So yesterdays side of simple boiled Pots and butter was a little meh. 


    Tonight's reincarnation is much more pleasing and I didn't bother to make a 'main' for this side. 



    • Like 13
  15. Individual Shepherds Pies with leftover Roast Lamb - supplemented with some lamb mince. Topped with Cauli Mash. 


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  16. Stuffed Things for Various Dinners. 

    Red sweet Potatoes with Cheddar, Onion & Bacon.Golden SP with Feta Spinach and Egg.20190330_203258.thumb.jpg.93ff7cb9ae434c8d5faa312bc9704bed.jpg


    Red Capsicum / Bell / Just Peppers with Chilli 



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  17. Apologies. Slow Cooker, six hours on low, no liquid. Meat was premarinated and the instructions I recieved were from he who raised the Moo and prepped its meat. My own googling leads me to believe not long enough for the collagen to break down / maybe needed liquid? 

  18. So I tried to cook and ruined Beef Ribs for the first time! Followed the butchers instruction of 6 hours low. 

    Worst thing I've ever cooked. Just rubber. I didn't even try mine after watching hub grimace, saw and choke through a couple of bites. Anything I can do to repurpose them? Bin? 

    Luckily I always make too much potato salad. 





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  19. Obligatory Fish (Barra) and Chips at the beach. 



    You can take the girl out of Blighty but.. I'm always going to be a soggy paper, pebbles under your butt, lashings of Malt Vinegar kinda gal. 



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  20. 21 minutes ago, jmacnaughtan said:

    I think the orange skin is artificial, rather than the washed rind of an orange Munster or Epoisse.



    Yes I think you are right there. 
    Thanks for the recommendations! I feel they may have to wait until I am next in "proper" civilisation, I have found one online supplier for the Saint Nectaire and they wouldn't deliver this rural and no luck with the Tomme De Savoie, but a trip to the big smoke is not that far off. Until then one can dream of cheeses. 

  21. 18 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

     I'm really just curious. 

    Honestly I think its a learned behaviour. I don't know why but the feeling of hitting something hard with my teeth when I wasn't expecting it just sets off some weird unnecessary revulsion reaction. It annoys me to no end - I can quite happily peel all the meat off with my fingers and eat it that way I just didn't think it was a good look in a restaurant with nowhere to dip my fingers , one serviette and half an hour before a soccer carnival! 😁
    And yes, it's pretty much all meat, whole fish is out for me 😔 If I hit a bit of gristle in a Sausage the meals over - despite the fact I know exactly whats in the lower quality ones and have no issue with it.  

    • Thanks 1
  22. @Kim Shook

    I'm not sure if the confusion is for my inability to eat chicken on the bone but ordering it at least once a year 'just in case I've changed' or the restaurant... 


    In case its the restaurant. Yeah it was confusing. Describes itself as a Japanese restaurant, but its top selling item is Korean fried Chicken, and it promotes 'Australian Fusion'  - which apparently that means everything on the is basically a Schnitzel with occasionally Asian influenced toppings 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ To be fair they are being fairly brave considering their geographical location. 

    • Like 1
  23. 20 hours ago, Thanks for the Crepes said:


    That looks like muesnster. Does it taste like it and melt like it too!

    I am afraid I have never tasted Muesnster so I cannot compare but will add it to my list! 

    I also have not melted the Port Salut yet.. perhaps, in the interest of science my Dinner plans may have just changed

    • Like 1
  24. We went for Lunch at a newish 'Asian Australian Fusion Japanese Restaurant' - mouthful, specifically because I have wanted to try the Korean Fried Chicken. 


    My husband tried the Snowing Cutlet (pork and cheese) and I took 95% of the chicken home. It was beautifully crunchy - I was just reminded, as always, that I cannot eat Chicken on the bone. 

    My husband helped remind with the rolled eyes of exasperation and the not quite quiet enough muttering of "Twat" 🤣





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