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Posts posted by CantCookStillTry

  1. And we are back for the next swing. Kicking off with roast pork, pasta and fresh veg. The veges got a vote of good and the pork a vote of a bit dry.... he is not very forthcoming with his reviews 😓😂




    They are not completely anti social,  my hub and 2 others have a "Gentlemans Club" on a saturday night, where they eat nibblies from the dining hall out of polystyrene on one of their porches and try weird booze (so long as no blasting next day)... this week they were scouring op shops (charity stores?) For "Gentlemans Attire" I will try for pictures. But don't hold your breath. They also eat lunch together and smoko everyday, so... I can see why evening solace is a thing. 

    • Like 9
  2. Okay so I asked and yes, they could use a plate if they ate in food hall but that's really not a popular option. He has metal cutlery or can currently opt for plastic. From the 1st of sept, in Qld all single use plastics and polystyrene, straws cutlery etc are banned. I am very curious to see what they use, bamboo products are on the rise here... feel that may cause its own problems down the track. 


    Parmy and Veg tonight for his final night. Its his absolute fav, so was never going to win an award, but filled with comfort all the same 🙂




    • Like 7
  3. Tonights tea and peekatoe. 

    Funny story, last night someone stole my husbands boots from the front of his box! He suspected a prank but nope, someone really wanted his stinky size 14 work boots 🤢. He spent the day working in size 12 steel cap gum boots. So thats one sad little piggy 😂


    Anyway, dinner is lamb and bacon casserole, mash, sweetpotato, cauli and peas. I have a flavour report of quite sweet but also savoury and great with the mash. Now.. I don't really know what that means either, but I think its a hit. 



    • Like 8
  4. Back to our day ones. It looks okay to me. I mean one can hardly complain about half a chicken! Ok it might not be a "Cheeky Nandos" and he says it's dry but the broc looks fresh and the wedges - well potato is potato and can do no wrong. Apparently he could have opted for the usual gravy or a chili sauce which he 'forgot'... so lack of lubrication is his own fault if you ask me. 



    As far as I'm concerned, while it didn't hit last nights yumminess - this shouldn't be a meal to complain about 🙂🤷‍♀️

    • Like 8
  5. 11 hours ago, liuzhou said:


    From what I can see on the internet, "wok ready noodles" are just rice noodles and will be very soft and liable to break up. Especially if you fry them for 20 minutes or did I misunderstand that part?

    I just stir the noodles through after the 20 minutes cook time, you heat and separate in water. These ones were egg/wheat. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I still try sometimes 😬

    Pork mince, 5 spice, sweet chilli jam, oyster sauce, soy sauce, hot chili flakes, corn flour, frozen "Shanghai Mix ( broc, carrot, capsicum, snow pea, water chesnut)", wok ready noodles and 20 mins. 




    Won't use this brand of noodles again, they broke up real small. Great for my noise hating sanity, but from my sons perspective... slurp factor zero.. and what are noodles without slurps 🥰🙂

    • Like 10
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  7. I agree, I think they look more appealing but that could be bias. Tonight will be the last of the "opposite crew" and we'll go back to our original chefs for a week to compare. Still need to find out how often they get fresh produce delivered. 


    Last night was pork schnitzel with gravy and veg & rice (I had to take his word for it - you do too!). Veges look fresh not frozen to me.



    • Like 8
  8. Yes sorry, blast crew terminology - borrowed from seafarers / soldiers of yesteryear. 


    Tonight was Pork, Pasta and Veges. Also on offer was a Seafood Mornay, which was new but not the kind of thing to tickle his tasties. 




    Pork is a little dry and we think it could be the Maggi powder gravy. Thats a "royal we" I have no idea. 


    First a thong, now a bare top, perhaps tomorrow brings the full monty 😂🤔

    • Like 2
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  9. Hello Strangers. 

    I have a reason to post. The mine is short staffed with a shortage of powder monkeys. My husband has offered himself as tribute, which means he is not coming home - boo 🙄. BUT it means he gets to experience the opposite crews chefs 🤔 and give me some content. 

    First Night looks like anyones guess but its veg, sweet tayto fries, gravy, and under that, a steak. The steak is from the hot box, apparently first time he's seen that, and was apparently very very good. 

    Don't judge a book by its cover. 




    Ok ok still looks like slop. But it's tasty!

    • Like 11
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  10. These are some recent dishes. Pork and a sweet chilli potato bake with veges. Apparently the potato bake was great, I struggle to marry those flavours in my head. 



    And roast lamb and sweet potato chips (sweet pototo chips are his favourite thing). 



    I toetally only got back on to share these for one reason 😂🤦‍♀️

    Maybe he's on to me.... trying to get me out of my depressive slump 😂. 🦶

    • Like 3
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  11. When the comfort food you crave is 10,250 miles away with your sick mum and Australia has rock hard borders 😂😓



    Sausage Mum Muffins for dinner, sorry @rotuts... I was going for authentic so the cheese is unmelted 😋


    ( Also obv australia has sausage mcmuffins but they are beef not pork and really peppery and I don't like them). 

    • Like 12
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  12. Simple meal for a simple (souled) Boy. Who knew single serve mashed potato would be so tricky! It was very nearly butter with a potato swirl. 





    • Like 14
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  13. The boys had a Turkey Bolognese type thing tonight. 




    Mr 8 followed with an apple, a mandarin, an easter egg and 2 slices of Cheese on Toast 🤦‍♀️

    • Like 11
    • Haha 2
  14. I will also add I do pick and choose what to share, because I truly believe its not the chefs fault at all. So I share the better or funnier meals 😂

    I also have sent him now with emergency food, I pack Ramen suprises from the Asian Grocery (stock up when in town), tinned soup as you have now seen and jerky. Any other suggestions? When he is on site and is back at camp he has no access to anything to heat food ... unless I invest in a mini microwave 🤔

    Also. I don't wanna provide food 😂 Breakfast, lunch and dinner is part of the salary and he dosen't eat breakfast. We're throwing away money here 😂. Some nights when he grabs a sandwich, or jelly and cereal because you can't mess that up. 


    He is not starving, he is not being mistreated. The chefs are trying their best. Thats why I think it must be a "In your head thing" at least 50% of the time - some times it is just shocking lol. 

    • Like 3
  15. See this is exactly it and why I slowed down. No the food is not bad, it's not great but I can't SEE any reason why they are all so dissapointed - of course I don't eat it. My husband is literally the unfussiest bloke in the world. He once ate a "Borscht" I tried to make for a solid week (I pureed pickled beets and chicken stock from a cube - thats it 🤢 I assumed it was so gross because I was preggers 😂). 

    Thats why I think it must be a psychological thing? Something about eating alone - thats another thing, I think the food would taste better if they ate socially - or at least wouldn't make the miserable. 

    Interstingly though the camps google reviews - yup thats a thing - all comment on the food being below par for a camp. 

    And yes - oil rig workers eat like kings and queens - check out jaime oliver the rig chef of insta if you get the chance. He's currently out of action but ... just wow. 


    Sorry for ramble

    • Like 4
  16. Without getting too personal, a reason I'm slowing down is my hub is really disengaged from the food. He really dosen't look forward to it or enjoy it, and he says the feeling is wide spread. Surely that's something that has to be looked at for like.. mental health or something?

    They are already doing thankless jobs in the middle of nowhere, away from their familys and busting their butts. 

    One of his latest dinners (I thought this looked good for camp food) - and he was entirely indifferent and over it and I am not playing poor him - so many would be so LUCKY to have this meal - I know it's a first world problem, I'm just inexpertly dabbling in the psychology of food and mental health. 

    Breaded meat (he didn't/ couldn't tell me what it was), gravy and frozen veg. 





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