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Everything posted by palo

  1. Received an email today from Anova informing me of an update to their oven app: "A new update just went live for the Anova Oven App. This app update is the first step in our transition to a new cloud infrastructure โ€” with a mandatory Oven firmware update soon to follow." "When to update: It's very important to update your app to version 1.1.0 or higher before our new Anova Precisionโ„ข Oven firmware goes live in early July. Why: If you fail to update your app ahead of the firmware release, you'll lose connection with your oven from your mobile device โ€” and nobody wants that." This info seemed to be lacking in background about the new firmware (what to expect) and sounded rather ominous Just an aside the app update went very smoothly with none of the connection issues I had experienced in the past p Anyone else received this info? and what do you make of it? p
  2. As to "bare bones" noodles - any one tried HAIKU Ramen Noodles - definitely cheap from Amazon p
  3. palo

    Air Fryers

    Air Fryer preprogramed settings are just programmed in suggestions - personally I just choose "Air Fry" and choose my own temp and time p
  4. palo

    Basic Toasters

    I think a "Variety of colours" may be limiting - (hey, if you're in Canada, says so in your profile!) p
  5. palo

    Air Fryers

    Largest one possible and don't choose the "oven type" - racks have to be re-positioned and allow food and coatings to fall through, they claim a larger volume but the reality is different - "Instant" makes one that I would recommend https://www.amazon.ca/Instant-Pot-Vortex-Plus-Fryer/dp/B07VHFMZHJ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3L5L3IXK9WRU3&keywords=instant%2Bair%2Bfryer&qid=1686389888&sprefix=instant%2Bair%2Bfryer%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.71722c10-739d-471b-befb-3e4b9bf7d0d6&th=1 Prices have gone up by about $CDN40 since I got mine!!! p
  6. With your "username" I would have thought you would have chosen a French banneton ๐Ÿ˜ƒ p
  7. They work for me - fold bag and slid the gripstix thingie between the fold - think of a "U' and pokie thing goes between the arms of the U - easier to do than explain - there must be a video p
  8. APO vs regular cooking You may find the hosts to your liking or not
  9. In July of 2021 they panned it as a "Smart Oven" saying it was "Not Recommended" (full review is paywalled) Flash forward to Jan 2023, it is now "The Best Countertop Steam Oven" and as the "Winner" and "Top Pick" was "Recommended" (again, full review is paywalled) I guess the passage of time has modified their results One point, it seems they still can't get the Bluetooth connection working - unless I'm mistaken the APO is WIFI not Bluetooth, at least mine is WIFI! p
  10. Mine was shipped out of Toronto, assuming they are still maintaining that hub, it shouldn't take long (this was some time ago though) p
  11. https://www.canadianappliance.ca/product/Cafe_CCHS900P2MS1_Range_Cafe_CCHS900P2MS1.html Might have one in stock๐Ÿ˜ p
  12. @dtremit Compared to the Anova, its size is definitely a drawback, but as chamber vacuum sealers go the Anova is an outlier - check out size and weight of the competition - aside from price, my main concern was for a 12 inch sealing bar - but not having the space is definitely a deciding factor in your case - having a chamber vacuum sealer is much, much better than not having one. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ p
  13. @ElsieD VEVOR: https://www.vevor.com/s/dz-260c My pick, based on price and features - basically you're buying the machine with little or no support, but after a couple of weeks, I'm happy - Youtubers like it - roughly 1/3 to 1/4 the price of the Vacmaster p
  14. Good news: https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/15/business/egg-prices/index.html p
  15. The proof is in the pudding ๐Ÿฅธ p
  16. @rotuts Big up on headspace and resealing - I do that with big slabs of cheese (400 g) - keeps it fresh and un-moldy p
  17. Unsure of exactly what you're looking for, but I googled "Molcajete serving plate" and choosing images gave me a number of results p
  18. palo

    Food recalls

    OOPS! New Hampshire lab error incorrectly resulted in salad greens recall 2 hours ago CONCORD, N.H. (AP) โ€” A laboratory error incorrectly caused a recall announcement for a brand of salad greens, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services said. The products from lฤ“f Farms are safe and the recall has been canceled, the department said in a news release Thursday. p
  19. I believe you and I have the same machine (Vacmaster VP112) - mine has also worked flawlessly until now - it has suffered a catastrophic mental illness (it's brain-dead) the control board emits a high-pitched sound - it still works but that noise can't be good! - the VP112 has been discontinued and parts are unavailable - factory technician suggested I try EBay I ordered and received today a Vevor DZ-260c chamber vac - oil pump, 12 inch sealing bar - $535CDN vs $1249CDN for the cheapest Vacmaster (VP215) No brainer as far as price and obviously I don't expect Vacmaster quality - Chinese import and Youtube reviews point out its idiosyncrasies (weaknesses?) - but if it performs as illustrated in reviews I'll be happy Seems a better deal than the Foodsaver choice imho p
  20. Yes, there are number of exemptions, such as for emergency backup power and for commercial food establishments, laboratories and car washes. But as I read it "New York state is banning natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings" Pretty damn close to "exactly" p
  21. Hey NewYorkers - Any new buildings in the state are banning the use of gas: https://apnews.com/article/environment-gas-ban-stoves-612319f94b42b035921bf30aad141780 p
  22. palo

    Rice Cookers

    Thanks, I tried that but to no avail p
  23. palo

    Rice Cookers

    Started off well then my nose got smooshed against a paywall ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ p
  24. @Jon S The app is nice but unnecessary - my APO works perfectly using the controls on the bar - I got it based on its hardware capabilities not its software p
  25. I broke down and ordered a bottle @ Amazon.CA - I tried it on some left over beef Rice a roni - found it predominantly salty, but other notes as well btw I did the Rice a roni from scratch in my Zoh rice cooker and did not brown the vermicelli first - used white rice, harder setting- anyone tried this? any suggestions? p
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