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Everything posted by palo

  1. palo

    Air Fryers

    @dtremit no, it has 2 separate baskets https://www.amazon.ca/Instant-8-quart-Independent-ClearCook-Dishwasher-Safe/dp/B09K6MK5VN/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1RDMROIR6QH4N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CaSc0rQsfmkD-r5VacrjaEGqqqiC_TNeosNAfOHyCdDG8zHa_8RZK3CZDeMtGd1QwwaymWqfr3oCGWycqLxIoH4y71qQ_zD6TX0pIhnjUtyhxJGlgoPLDWuQJKQ844O3pCR3K_gQ4xHn2P2wM_dfwTQOPhiXYPikv91jRK1aAnyqqpabBkrjDTi8sLZdzJAty1z1Xv8bmq556OmrigMGWU-2Z4umbmfwOxhVDOSFmRlgRPh8j0wdL-OGuq76C01rVD1GlHJkHLLkMIeXvL9QTJhKo9Nacn94Fm8FsHWXIvU.Ego7lLXokXYEJ6eiRNUFaG4XKK1YWt-naHqk4Jirg0M&dib_tag=se&keywords=instant+air+fryer&qid=1709861299&sprefix=instant+air+fryer%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-4 I tend to use only the one, although a couple of nights ago I did use both baskets for different foods at different temperatures and different times and using the sync finish feature they were both ready at the same time 😀 p
  2. palo

    Air Fryers

    As lindag has mentioned the Instant Vortex is a fine machine - I have the one with dual baskets that can be individually controlled as per time and temperature and can be synced so both items finish at the same time p
  3. palo

    Toaster ovens

    What is a toaster oven? Considering the price of the top end Breville (a wonderful machine) would the APO qualify? Sure it's bigger (counter space), but it does everything and more! p
  4. I use these: Housolution Reusable Air Fryer Silicone Liner, 2PCS 8.5 Inch Heat Resistant Square Silicone Air Fryer Mats (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) p
  5. Which air fryer are you using as if I don't flip one side is definitely "browner" than the down side p
  6. I think the law of diminishing returns would rear its ugly head in those kitchens p
  7. @AlaMoi p
  8. Leviton 5822-W 20-Amp, 250-Volt - I matched it up with the induction burner I was using p
  9. If you're handy and do your research, it's not that difficult or expensive to add a 220 volt socket in your kitchen - I've done it - all you need is a breaker, wire and a socket - again I stress "do your research" p
  10. 50 amp/120 volt circuits require 6 AWG copper, which is expensive, not very flexible and of course the circuit breaker is not cheap. Obviously this route is not followed in many (all) kitchens. p
  11. btw re parchment paper - I use a silicone liner which can be cut to fit p
  12. Congrats on your first AF adventure, I'm sure you'll embrace its functionality - I wouldn't skip the flipping as it does promote the overall browning p
  13. palo

    Food recalls

    Some recalled foods that may be on your Super Bowl menu: https://apnews.com/article/listeria-rizo-lopez-queso-fresco-cotija-food-poisoning-328cba7e711f82caad679aa3fd79ade5 p
  14. palo

    Food recalls

    Trader Joes again - cheese lovers beware: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trader-joes-recalls-food-items-cotija-cheese-potential-listeria-contim-rcna138002 p
  15. You might get a misinformed answer or an opinion - "I just push the button" - not necessarily what you need. p
  16. What's your location? p
  17. I'm amazed at how few condiments you have, but as you say you've been eating a lot of takeout Re - bars on windows - safety - decoration? A lot of NYC kitchens would be considered closets in some parts of the world - it's easy to criticize cultures we are not familiar with p
  18. OOPS!!! p
  19. The problem with the Breville (I have one too) is that it is too big - an air fryer's advantage is its small capacity - the Breville has many strong points but air frying isn't one of them p
  20. or a pair of jeans - I can notice the difference p
  21. Basically it's efficiency - want to cook a whole large turkey, then a full-size oven is the right choice, if you're cooking for one to three people than an air fryer is the better choice An air fryer is a compact convection oven, that requires little time to preheat and cooks rapidly due to its small size Suggest (if you're in the market) - stay away from the "oven" style as they have cooking probems (heat circulation) and cleanup is a pain - google some air fryer recipes you would use and see how they stack up against your full-size oven Instant brand has received good marks p
  22. I usually use my jeans as a strop after steeling, needles to say I don't use any paste p
  23. I thought you would use it the same way a barber would p
  24. Anyone have any comments or experience with the Breville Custom Loaf Bread Maker p
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