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Everything posted by palo

  1. palo

    Food recalls

    What to eat and NOT eat https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/avoid-e-coli-food-safety-expert-tips-rcna177311 p
  2. palo

    Food recalls

    One dead in multistate E. coli outbreak tied to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders, CDC says https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/22/health/mcdonalds-cdc-ecoli-outbreak/index.html?utm_source=cnn_In+Case+You+Missed+It+-+ICYMI&bt_ts=1729639204553&bt_ee=YrrlYq555Rv8Bq32EhCKCGxRksQw5g8JOOJJdsBmMZrm21XEidSW59AwlpuUXSCU&utm_medium=email&bt_alias=eyJ1c2VySWQiOiAiMzc4ZDkzNjItYWVmZC00OGQzLTg2ZDQtM2RjMTg3OGU5NDYyIn0%3D
  3. palo

    Food recalls

    USDA names schools that may be affected by recall of 11.7 million pounds of meat and poultry over listeria concerns https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/18/health/brucepac-meat-poultry-recall-expands/index.html p
  4. palo

    Food recalls

    Update: https://apnews.com/article/brucepac-meat-listeria-recall-98d34858d2b909b69525dc089654cc9d sent to schools p
  5. palo

    Food recalls

    Rana brand sauce -Canada -Listeria https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/possible-listeria-contamination-leads-to-the-recall-of-rana-brand-sauce-cfia-1.7072512 p
  6. palo

    Food recalls

    See Mel_B 's post: p
  7. palo

    Food recalls

    More listeria: https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/10/health/brucepac-listeria-recall-ready-to-eat-meat-poultry/index.html p
  8. @MM73 Great video - thanks very much 😀 p
  9. No, the cleaning and what to do with the hot lid were deal breakers. I now have the Instant Vortex Plus XL 8-quart Dual Basket Air Fryer Oven - dual baskets individually controlled also cook sync (if one basket is set to 350 for 10 minutes and the other to 400 for 15 minutes, you can sync them so they bboth finish at the same time) https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B09K6MK5VN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 p
  10. Actually, I rather liked them - high temp - large capacity - easy to see how things are cooking Major downfalls were having to wash that huge heavy glass bowl and where to put that hot lid when you take it off https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B007P6SAZ4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 p
  11. palo

    Air Fryers

    I think we might be talking chick rather than chicken p
  12. palo

    Food recalls

    Eggs https://apnews.com/article/salmonella-wisconsin-egg-recall-3844d37fd76ef04b84632075c48d45b0 p --
  13. Well said and should be applied to many culinary theorems that rely on science instead of taste p
  14. palo

    Food recalls

    Behind the curtain... https://apnews.com/article/boars-head-listeria-recall-fcde06b66dca38d53361c92495a7cfed?user_email=10431698d757bf1a4af6f5c134c68eecbb52dd534279eb0a0af44a41fad7d7e0&utm_medium=Afternoon_Wire&utm_source=Sailthru_AP&utm_campaign=AfternoonWire_Aug29_2024&utm_term=Afternoon Wire p
  15. palo

    Food recalls

    Just when you thought the problem was resolved: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/more-deaths-linked-boars-head-deli-meat-listeria-outbreak-rcna168681 Effects can be experienced up to 10 weeks later p
  16. palo

    Food recalls

    Walmart + Arsenic - a match made in heaven 😮 https://apnews.com/article/walmart-apple-juice-recall-e4c185fd48af2438023ea94b3f6b2b74 p
  17. @lindag and @ElsieD for the references to the Breville videos I think the first on is the best as it details a real world experience rather than a scripted studio film and it was very illustrative of normal usage p
  18. It would have been nice if the correct information was available in the first place, but it has all worked out for you 😀 p
  19. Breville has not been too informative about what will work with what p
  20. Electricity in Mexico is the same as in the U.S. and Canada, 110 Volts, 60 Cycle. You do not need a transformer or converter. Some older places may not have 3 hole ground receptacles with ground so you might want to bring one of those inexpensive adapters that go from a 3 prong plug to a 2 hole receptacle. So I've heard p
  21. palo

    Food recalls

    Just right for your Air Fryer, not really!: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/perdue-recalls-frozen-ready-eat-chicken-nuggets-tenders-possible-metal-rcna167004 p
  22. Be careful: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/trader-joes-recalls-653000-scented-candles-due-fire-hazard-rcna166797 p
  23. palo

    Food recalls

    Trader Joes candles unlit: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/trader-joes-recalls-653000-scented-candles-due-fire-hazard-rcna166797 p
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