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Everything posted by palo

  1. I have this one: https://www.amazon.ca/Kichwit-Adjustable-Jar-Opener-Arthritis/dp/B071V3G23Y/ref=sr_1_37?crid=H2MNO30XTZUO&keywords=robotwist+jar+opener&qid=1658526850&refinements=p_85%3A5690392011&rnid=5690384011&rps=1&sprefix=robotwist%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-37 Not as good looking, but 1/2 the price of yours (in Canada) - it works too! p
  2. I'm partial to the Swissmar Borner V Power Mandoline V-7000 - I find it cuts well, even deli meats- I have "no-cut" gloves but seldom (if ever) use them - this unit has an excellent/efficient guard/feeding system that deals with all but the smallest nubbin p
  3. Not stupid for leaving them for someone else who doesn't (shouldn't) cook much. p
  4. https://www.thepurposefulpantry.com/how-to-make-blueberry-powder/ p
  5. A recipe that appeals to the non-mad scientist - let us know how it turns out ElsieD πŸ˜‹ p
  6. Added a 16 Tb drive to my NAS so I can store all my recipes p
  7. palo

    Air Fryers

    Yes the COSORI Smart WiFi Air Fryer does work with Alexa and it doesn't have the "EYES", but it also doesn't have a bottom element. https://www.amazon.ca/COSORI-1700-Watt-Programmable-Roasting-Touchscreen/dp/B07VLKMMJ5/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2CI5L532LLMML&keywords=Cosori+Duo+Blaze&qid=1657613537&smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&sprefix=cosori+duo+blaze%2Caps%2C444&sr=8-5 p
  8. Indeed, but the AF uses less electricity even than the CSO p
  9. Aside from Air Fryer eggs, I was researching baked potatoes in an AF (Yes Anna on the internet πŸ™‚) Well I found it really isn't any faster than an oven. I wondered about pre-baking in the microwave. Well long story short 6 minutes in MW and 25 minutes in AF - faster than the 45 - 60 minutes in oven alone. BUT I stumbled on this site (just linking the potato blog) https://foodcrumbles.com/experimenting-with-potatoes-in-the-air-fryer/ The site reminds me of ATK "this is why the recipe works and why not" - their motto is Learn how your food β€˜works’ I haven't explored the site very much but it looks intriguing Another topic: https://foodcrumbles.com/why-and-when-to-use-potato-starch-in-baking-tested-cakes-cookies-brownies/ Worth a look-see p
  10. YouTube/TikTok/Facebook and other social media sources are not the most reliable of sources - good place to start but not a bible p
  11. To paraphrase Johnny Cochran "If it fits, it must be good" p
  12. Temperature might be the key (higher than 320 - you can always check on progress) p
  13. if they are "18680" batteries, Amazon has outboard chargers, but obviously you have to remove the batteries to charge them not good solution Did you try it before they were charging? They should have some juice in them from the factory - it might be the blender and not the batteries 😨 p
  14. My Gaggia Brera Super-Automatic Espresso Machine is the noisiest machine in the kitchen when grinding the dose, a close secnd would be the Ninja Creami p
  15. palo


    btw the "small font" comment was a joke!!!! After I googled Aldi locations and found that it seemed there was one on every corner in America (the southern part of America at least compared to the northern part of America, affectionately known as Canada) I could see the problem πŸ˜› p
  16. palo


    Small font? p
  17. palo


    Easiest way is to dedicate 1/2 page or 1/4 page to store locations - I've seen many flyers use that approach p
  18. I think you still are!!! p
  19. I saw the picture before I read your comment, but my first thought was "dry" and I can easily see why you would add over-cooked and tasteless to the description - did you perchance spritz them with a little oil/pam prior to cooking? I find that sometimes helps p
  20. Amazon says: "Usually ships within 1 to 2 months" Bestbuy says: "This will be delivered as early as tomorrow." Canadian Tire actually has 3 in stock (Orillia) - sale ends June 30 I guess you know where to shop 😁 p
  21. Great story(s) Lettuce not so much, but much more.πŸ™‚ p
  22. Nice looking mat! Oh and the chicken looks okay too πŸ˜› What time and temp did you use? p
  23. palo

    Air Fryers

    The Original Air Fryer (also known as the Halogen Oven) Was great on performance and capacity - not so much on clean up p
  24. palo

    Air Fryers

    I use one for the top of my APO to prevent scratches as I'm always putting something on any flat surface in the kitchen p
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