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Everything posted by palo

  1. palo

    Food recalls

    Simulated food/health warning: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/baby-teethers-recalled-due-to-contamination-hazard-health-canada-1.6037610 p
  2. I have the Panasonic NNSD965S p
  3. I'm not in favour of technology just for the sake of technology, but my mw is a Panasonic with inverter technology which actually modulates the mw output rather than just cycling the power off and on - it's dead simple, a knob to tell it how long to cook and a start button, that's all you need to do everything that $4000 mw will do - however it does much more, defrost based on weight and set power level for slow heating. It has other functions but haven't seen the need. p
  4. palo

    Food recalls

    Watch your burger choices: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-cdc-probing-ecoli-outbreak-four-states-some-wendys-customers-fall-ill-2022-08-19/ p
  5. I have a Max Burton ProChef 3000 (3000 watts) which has been discontinued. but the newer model is available https://www.amazon.ca/Industries-6535-ProChef-3000-Stainless-steel-temperature/dp/B01N5JOIED/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2J6HCSM0ZVEX2&keywords=max+burton+prochef+3000&m=AUJBRIGYRJ3Q8&qid=1661003012&s=warehouse-deals&sprefix=max+burton+prochef+3000%2Cwarehouse-deals%2C85&sr=8-3-catcorr I also have a Duxtop 1800 watt which is still available: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00GMCAM2G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 p
  6. If you can install or have access to 220 volts, I would suggest one that can use it (more than 1800 watts) - much better performance, but pricier. p
  7. You will definitely need 220 volts in the kitchen - how much that costs will depend on your locale You do realize that you will need a separate oven, either gas or electric as there is no such thing as an induction oven - cooktop only p
  8. palo

    Rice Cookers

    I'd rather have the $606.39 USD 😄 p
  9. palo

    Food recalls

    I'm sure we all have cartons of this on our shelves: https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-268b970c6d99fdaef4283fc3cfc68466?utm_medium=Article&utm_source=Connatix p
  10. Etching is safe, otherwise no p
  11. Attractive handles, but that's probably their main selling point p
  12. Not quite the same but close: https://www.amazon.ca/onlyfire-Santa-Maria-Rotisserie-Adjustable-Attachment/dp/B07VRYCPFT p
  13. palo

    Rice Cookers

    Or just set the clock 😝 btw, mine counts down as well...but I set the clock 😝 p
  14. palo

    Rice Cookers

    I think the "micom" or "fuzzy logic" that Zojirushi employs actually is a piece of artificial intelligence living in your rice cooker that determines "what you did, but don't worry we'll fix it for you" so that your rice comes out well all the time - all the measuring and adjusting we do just makes it easier for the AI p
  15. palo

    Rice Cookers

    Well you were probably doing something right the first time, which doesn't surprise me - the reason I reached out to them originally was because my Jasmine was turning out perfectly, but I was using that setting for the basmati and it was almost crunchy - I was informed to use 1 to 1.5 ratio and the white rice setting - great results since p
  16. palo

    Rice Cookers

    The supplied "go" has markings for 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4, otherwise you have to do the math like Jo did and use a granulated cylinder p
  17. Yes, we CDN folks always need to specify the currency when quoting prices p
  18. palo

    Rice Cookers

    Hey Jo, how late do I have to stay up to find out how it turned out? p
  19. palo

    Rice Cookers

    I am truly dumbfounded by the fact that it claims to be "wall mountable" That would seem to present a huge number of problems. The 3 cup is fine for two people, but if you want leftovers or need to cook for more people on occasion the 5 cup would be the better choice p
  20. palo

    Rice Cookers

    Actually the 5 cup/1 litre can cook 1/2 cup (go) which is enough as a side for 2 persons (imho) - Id go with the NP-HCC10 model - not the highest, like Jo's, but pretty much the middle of their lineup, the only "biggie" that it's missing is pressure, Jo can probably fill you in as to how she sees that feature. I have the NP-HCC10 and can highly recommend it (that's how I know it will do a 1/2 go) - as for the GABA capability, you may never use it, but it's nice to know you can if you want (I've not used it in the almost 10 years I've had mine, but it's always there hiding in the menu settings, tempting me. $340 at AmazonCA - https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00VAG84O2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 p
  21. palo

    Rice Cookers

    They just haven't updated the chart to include that model Call them
  22. palo

    Rice Cookers

    I called Zojirushi a few years back and I was told the ratio was 1 to 1.5 - so 1 go of rice to 1.5 go of water - has worked for me and use the white rice setting in the menu p
  23. palo

    Rice Cookers

    ☺️☺️☺️ Enjoy ☺️☺️☺️ p
  24. palo

    Rice Cookers

    You're cooking rice at that time of the night? p
  25. As well as being a decent knife at a decent price the Vic Fib has a handle hat doesn't slip when cutting messy/greasy/oily foods! p
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