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  1. Regarding the amount of liquid in the pressure cooker, you rarely need a full cup of liquid to start. If you're not cooking something that absorbs water (like rice or pasta), you can get by with as little as 1/4 cup, because most foods contain a fair amount of water, which is released on cooking (and since you're using a pressure cooker, it doesn't evaporate). A pound of mushrooms, for instance, will release about 1/2 cup water. Meats release both water and fat, so you'll end up with a lot more liquid than you started with.
  2. JAZ

    How big is an onion?

    Some years back, Kenji Lopez-Alt wrote about measuring by mass v. volume, using onions as one specific example. While he didn't discuss onion size, he made some interesting points about using onions in recipes. This is part of what he said: I'm currently working on an onion soup recipe. In my final recipe, I'm going to be calling for "4 large onions, finely diced (about 6 cups)"—a relatively imprecise measure. A quick search for onion soup recipes in the UK reveals this one from the BBC, which calls for "1kg onions," a far more precise measure. So precise, in fact, that unless you're really lucky, you're going to have to use some fraction of a whole onion in order to land right at one kilogram. What does this level of precision get you? I'd argue that it doesn't get you better food, and in fact gives users a false sense of precision, which, in reality, doesn't even exist." He goes on to point out that in some recipes, a difference in the amount of onions of 20% (by weight) doesn't actually make much difference in taste. I'm not sure he's right, mind you, but it's an interesting view. (Scroll down about halfway for the onion discussion.) https://www.seriouseats.com/why-mass-weight-is-not-better-than-volume-cooking-recipe
  3. Thanks, @PatrickT. The crumb is exactly what I wanted; I just meant that I sliced into the bread when it was still a bit too warm, so that slice tore a bit. The taste is good, not terribly complex, but perfect for toast, which was my main goal.
  4. I haven't baked bread in decades, but I decided to try my hand at pain de mie. I used a recipe from King Arthur's site and was pretty pleased with it. I was probably too impatient to slice it, so the crumb is a bit mangled, but I think it's going to be fine.
  5. Or (as is the case with us currently) if your dishwasher is broken. Seriously, some one-pot recipes seem to go through so many hoops to stick with one pot that they take forever. In my one-pot Dutch oven cookbook, for instance, my editor was adamant that I only use the Dutch oven, so some of my recipes there are a bit convoluted -- I have pasta recipes where I call for cooking the pasta, then draining, then finishing the sauce. Of course it's faster if you cook the pasta at the same time you're making the sauce, and I made sure to note that, just so readers were aware of possible shortcuts. But it was kind of fun to see just what I could do with only a Dutch oven.
  6. And now for something completely different . . . We've discovered that we really like deep fried lobster; in fact, that's about the only way we prepare it anymore. These chunks were served with remoulade (which looks oddly green in the photo; I think I added too much parsley) and Gruet Brut rose sparkling wine.
  7. Thanks. This is a very specific question, which you may or may not be able to answer. Apparently, my bother-in-law wants this mostly to open cans of coconut milk. In my experience, some brands of coconut milk don't work well with safety openers. Do you have any experience with your opener on coconut milk cans? (I know, weird question.)
  8. Any updates on safety can openers? My brother in law has asked for one for Christmas. My Rosle is still working fine, but they apparently doesn't make them anymore. I usually have good luck with OXO products, so I feel confident with that choice, but is there something better?
  9. I'm not sure about cream of mushroom soup, but I've developed a few Instant Pot recipes that use milk with no problem. I use milk and butter for cooking potatoes that are going to be mashed; and milk and water in oatmeal, mac and cheese, and tuna and noodles. I also have a recipe for pork loin in milk. In that recipe, the milk curdles a bit, but I call for pureeing the sauce with an immersion blender, so that takes care of the texture.
  10. I found, when I was developing a recipe for Instant Pot stuffing, that an egg together with broth made for dressing that was more moist. It seemed to me that the consistency was more like stuffing that was cooked inside a turkey, which is what I was aiming for. Over the years, I've used several different recipes for dressing/stuffing; some use eggs, some don't.
  11. I just saw this from the new editor and CEO: https://www.saveur.com/culture/print-is-back/. From the announcement: "Today, I’m so delighted to announce the pre-sale of our first new issue, which will drop in March of 2024—just in time for SAVEUR’s 30th anniversary. . . . This doesn’t mean we’re diving right back into printing monthlies. In starting from scratch, we had the opportunity to reconsider the old print model and land on one that will allow our publication to be the best possible version of itself, in 2024 and beyond."
  12. I don't think anyone has mentioned TJ's grilled olives. My sister told me about them (we are both big olive fans) so I picked up a jar on my last visit. They're great -- very unusual, with an actual grilled flavor. Rather than a brine, they're packed in an oil-based liquid. I'd never heard of this variety of olive before, but in my opinion, they're a winner. This photo makes them look huge -- they are large, but the plate is a very small tapas plate.
  13. I just saw this on Twitter. I thought it was a joke, but apparently it's real. There's a hilarious review of it there -- my favorite comment is about the green bean flavor: ". . .it is unforgivable. If you left a cup of green tea on the porch in bad weather for a week, during which time it attained sentience and promptly began plotting your demise, and you hate green tea, that’s what this tastes like. . . . Raw, unholy green in flavor as well as color, with a single, 1-note foghorn taste, like mowing the lawn with your mouth open."
  14. Sorry I'm late to the conversation, but I developed a potato salad recipe with eggs and potatoes cooked at the same time for my book Instant Pot Obsession. (I can post it if anyone is interested.) Like@OlyveOyl, I cooked them for 4 minutes. In my case, I used smallish red potatoes quartered. To make the salad, I crushed the potatoes into smaller pieces.
  15. In addition to the spinach and feta, we tried the steak and stout, chicken and bacon, and the chicken tikka masala. The steak and stout tasted great. The steak was cut into fairly big chunks so if you were truly trying to eat it out of hand, it would have been a mess. Since we were using forks and knives, it was fine. The chicken and bacon was a hit with both of us. We didn't make it to the chicken tikka masala for dinner (too full), so I had it for lunch the next day. The filling was excellent, but you're right, it was a little odd inside a crust. Although to be fair, since it was reheated, it probably wasn't at its best. The crust was pretty good. The pies are made with puff on the top and short crust on the bottom. The bottom crust was a bit thick and would have been better, I think, if we'd taken the pies out of their foil pie tins halfway through cooking so they could have gotten more crisp and browned.
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