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    New Jersey USA

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  1. I have a 1.16 kg unopened block of Gruyere that I bought as the stores were emptying out at the start of covid. The sell by date is 07/24/2020. I have been afraid to cut into it.
  2. Modernist Pantry sells and ships Super Bags internationally.
  3. Cinnamon sugar and pastry cream not shown.
  4. Sadly I can't quit either.
  5. I recommend Giuliano Bugialli's Foods of Sicily & Sardinia and the Smaller Islands.
  6. I was wondering which version you were using. Mine is indeed the newer model with the groves.
  7. I don't often cook to music in deference to the neighbors, or if I do it is something fungible. However almost invariably when in the kitchen mixing my mai tai I am listening to Gillian Welch and David Rawlings All The Good Times. (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) I particularly love their cover of Senor. To my ear better than Bob's original.
  8. I don't care for apple butter -- too many memories from the orphanage. But I have to wonder, would sous vid work?
  9. @lindag for me your link came up as an ice cream maker, not as an ice maker. My need was urgent. Last spring I evaluated an ice machine for Amazon. I fell in love. I am addicted to nugget ice. A couple days ago my beloved ice machine failed, and it is no longer available on Amazon (although an exact clone from another company still seems to be). In desperation I ordered about the cheapest nugget ice machine that I could find -- $199.89 on sale: (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) The Iceman was recommended by the NY Times.
  10. Batch 40: 90g blanched Spanish almonds 90g apricot kernels 350g water 280g sugar 60ml Wray & Nephew Overproof Once again I used a stirring hotplate, however I think next time I will go back to an hotel pan and a spatula for mixing. The sugar is too heavy to mix well with stir bar.
  11. I made a recipe of Modernist Pistachio Peanut Butter Gelato: https://modernistcuisine.com/recipes/pistachio-gelato/ I spun a portion of the mix in the Creami on the Ice Cream setting. The result was a powder. A lovely tasting powder, but a powder. I spun a second container on the Lite Ice Cream setting and it came out exactly as one would expect, perfect texture. Has anyone else experienced such outcomes?
  12. I have not seen it for a while. I once had a can of cream of coconut blow up in my kitchen. It wasn't pretty.
  13. I'd hate to think what it'd be like if it weren't in the can.
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