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Posts posted by lindag

  1. I get prepared dogfood delivered in shipping boxes packed with dry ice.

    Handling the packages of food creates an 'almost' burn and numbing of my fingers.

    I think this is due in part to the fact that in my youth I suffered minor incidences of minor frost bite while skiing, skating, sledding, etc.

    Note to self:  next time wear the gloves that I set out next to the freezer for this purpose when handling frozen foods for extended periods of time.

  2. And, that memory is more than just for color, case in point:

    Recently I needed some French fried onions (the ones in the can) for a recipe.  I knew I had purchased some a couple months previous.  I searched and searched through my cabinets thoroughly, making several attempts.  I was so frustrated.  When I finally did find I realized that I'd been looking for the container that was in my memory.  But the product I had purchased was a house brand and not the French's that I was seeing in my mind.  Totally different in appearance.


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  3. Indeed, Costco's roast chicken is better than any other, in fact it is infinitely better yet if served while still warm (without prior refrigeration) - try it for yourself sometime and compare).

    Here, Costco's meat and seafood is way better than anything in the local grocery stores.  For me it's a long 35 minute drive to get there so I don't go very often anymore, maybe every three months or so.  I cook most days for only myself so it's hard to justify the sizes sold.  I have a big freezer and a big garage so I still stock up on their paper products and I buy their steelhead, beef, pork and chicken plus products from the pharmacy.  For me it's worth the price of admission just to be able to buy better quality.

    It'd be even more worthwhile if it could sell alcohol!


    • Like 3
  4. Recently I made chicken strips from some organic chicken tenders.  Used the buttermilk brine and then well-seasoned flour to dust them.

    I don't deep fry inside my kitchen because of the lack of a hood, so I took my Fry Daddy outside to the deck and cooked them there.  They were absolutely amazing and I'm just waiting for another nice day (it's been cool and rainy lately) to make some more.

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  5. On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2008 at 10:40 AM, deltadoc said:

    I bought a Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy Logic rice cooker. It cooks any kind of rice, and the bowl that it cooks in has printed in water lines depending on type of rice and how many cups.

    I've cooked about 5 different types of organic brown rice from Natural Foods up the corner from where I live. I prefer the short brown rice.

    ANyway, I put vegetables in with the rice, sometimes a little S&P and EVOO, and it comes out exactly right everytime. IT even keeps it warm for up to 12 hours without scorching or losing the just right consistency.

    Pardon the pun, but just set it and forget it. It plays a little happy tune when its done, and even lets you know how much more cooking time is left.

    For white rice, it allows you to choose soft, medium or firm textures.

    For the money, I wouldn't be without it. I guess the fuzzy neuro logic is what does the trick. It must sense doneness, and does so extremely well. It placed first in rice cookers on America's Test Kitchen.


    I have another model of the Zo (the induction kind) and I absolutely love it as well.

    It makes every kind of rice imaginable perfectly.  Just about the best small appliance investment I've ever made.

    • Like 1
  6. My preference these days is for the pretzel M&Ms. 

    Of course, the more exotic flavors rarely  make their way to these parts.

    In fact it took a very long time before we even got the pretzel ones.

  7. I learned absolutely nothing about cooking from my Mom (who was the homemaker).  I detested doing anything in the kitchen, though I was made to set the table, peel potatoes, wash dishes, etc.

    The, once I was living on my own in my own apartment, it was necessary that I learn how to cook something!

    I actually had to ask my friend's Mom how to make mashed potatoes.  The first real dish I made for myself was meatloaf and, boy, was I proud.  That began my love of cooking and learning about cooking!  And I've never tired of it.

    • Like 4
  8. I grew up on the Swanson's brand as well, because back then it was the only brand.

    Now there are so many different ones and those that are so much better.

    The best ones I've tried are Marie Callendar's chcken pies and the turkey pies.  I've had the pleasure of eating one prepared in her restaurant in Denver and it was wonderful.

    I buy Shwan's now and they're pretty good too.  The biggest complaint I have against these type of pies is that the bottom crust always seems to be gummy.  So I just scoop it off and toss it into the disposer.

    Oh gosh, I had forgotten about the Banquet brand, I think they were actually the original.  Quite awful, actually.

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  9. In a recent post by Kenji Alt's Serious Eats he post instructions for cooking halibut steaks.

    I want to make my first sous vide dish.  I have some mahi mahi from Shwann's that I would like to use.

    HIs instructions was for 1-inch cuts; cook at 130º for 30 mins. 

    Could I cook my ¾" fish for approx. the same temp and time and have it done right?

  10. On September 17, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Craig E said:

    Report back with your impressions!


    Finally got around to trying the "Intro" (didn't have any oranges!).  Because I love gin, I tried this one first.

    it was very good!  Tomorrow I'll try another of the variations.

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  11. I really love beans of all kinds and have always felt good about taking the extra time to used dried beans.  So how surprised was I to learn from Cooks Illustrated (my go-to source) that it is actually far better to used the canned ones now because those that are dried are quite often old and dried out.

    And the canned beans are subject to much greater quality control than the dried variety.

    So, I will try to use up my stockpile of dried beans but will convert to canned.

    (CI did say the one exception was the heirloom beans, ((such as Rancho Gordo.))

  12. I don't much like flat water and prefer carbonation in just about anything,  In fact last night I was wanting a dram of Maker's Mark, I had an opened can of club soda that was flavored with grapefruit.  Tasted mighty good to me.  (And, by the way, the soda had been opened in the fridge for at least three days and still held some of its carbonation.)

  13. On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 6:10 PM, chefmd said:

    Cauliflower steam baked at 450 for 30 min.  It was slightly charred on the outside and custard like on the inside.  Dreamy.  Extra thick pork chop cooked in cast iron and sliced in half (horizontally) cause we eat too much... Spicy ketchup, hoisin, lime juice sauce.



    i'm curious about your cauliflower.  I bought a nice, large head a couple days ago and was planning to make a new recipe but discovered it was so tedious and full of odd ingredients that I had to change my mind.  Now I don't know what to do with it.

    Yours looks tempting; did you season with anything other than S&P?

  14. I just purchased a bottle of this last night on a whim.

    Now I don't know what to do with it.

    Can you suggest any simple cocktails that I could make with it?  (I don't have access where I live to many exotic liqueurs).


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