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Posts posted by lindag

  1. OMG, I am totally out of control now, I just realized.

    Yesterday while watching something on TV I saw an ad by a local appliance store for a small-ish chest type freezer for $208.

    And, for about 30 seconds I actually considered it.

    This, mind you, would be a third freezer in my house.  The other two are full sized uprights.  In addition, I have a large side by side. 

    And...I live alone and cook most days for just myself.

    I think I have a problem.


    • Like 4
  2. On the advice of a message board friend who is way more tech savvy than I, I am keeping my LC software and continuing to use it daily (being very mindful to back it up often).

    My friend tells me there is nothing unusual about software that is abandoned (like LC) and there's really no reason to not use it as long as I continue to enjoy it.

  3. Since we're predicted to have another foot of snow here tomorrow I dug thru my freezer looking for that corned beef that's been hiding for years!!!  I hope it's still good because I'm really looking forward to a New England boiled dinner for tomoorow's dinner.  

    Edited tonadd:  I must confess that I first tried to buy a fresh corned beef at my local grocer but they didn't have any due to the huge remodel they're going thru right now.

    I thought I had one w-a-y back in the big freezer and I lucked out.  Otherwise I was going to go forth with a pork butt which is often what Mom used to use with her boiled dinner.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, IowaDee said:

    I read the entire thread and didn't find any mention of the hot cereal my Nana used to make for me  Anyone else out there ever eat Zoom?

    I can see the word spelled out on a slant so it looked as if it were zooming along across the box.  I liked it but that may have been because Nana was the best person in my life when I was a kid.  Anything she did for me was "perfect".

    I do remember Zoom cereal.  I don't think we ever had it at home but I remember seeing the box somewhere maybe in the stores or in a commercial somewhere.

  5. Ackkkkkkk!   How I detest hot cereals!

    Growing up in the Midwest, with lots of snow and cold, Mom made us oatmeal or Cream of Wheat often in winter.  I really didn't like it although everyone else in the family did.

    I know it's good, healthy food and through all these years I have many times tried again to make it and at least, if not enjoy, to tolerate it.  Still haven't.  I can make steel cut oats in my Zo rice maker that has a porridge setting and I can choke some of it down, but darned if I can like it.

    • Like 1
  6. On ‎1‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 6:45 PM, Porthos said:

    I have been thinking about this for a while and wondered where I fit on the spectrum which I am sure exists.


    When I refer to full-on cooking it is taking raw ingredients and preparing them, producing a meal. Prepared foods would be canned beans that have been seasoned and are ready to eat once heated, frozen pizzas, etc. or ordering in.


    We eat six dinners at home each week, scheduling and commitments make the other day drive-thru meals or such. Five of the six dinners are for four adults, one evening it is just my DW and me. When it is just my DW and me we have simpler meals, but generally from raw ingredients. Of the the other 5 meals I typically cook 4 meals from scratch and about once a week go "I'm tired" or whatever and convenience wins. On those days it is either "i'm picking up a pizza" or something simple at home like cutting up a kielbasa, browning it, and then putting in a couple of can of Ranch Style Beans and ladling it into bowls.


    So that is my reality. I'm curious about my fellow egullters and the typical amount of "Full-on cooking? not tonight!" versus producing a meal from raw ingredients. Anyone wanna play?

    I cook very much like you do.  Although since I'm now widowed and live alone when I cook most anything I end up with massive leftovers.  So I end up only having to cook maybe three times a week.  I get tired of the leftovers after a second time (third, if it's something I really like that holds well), but the dogs get any of the meat, and the rest goes in the disposer.  Summer time I'm more likely to yield to a Papa Murphy pizza.

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, Anna N said:



    Caramelized onion – tomato soup with Jarlsberg Croutons. It is from the book Pooles: Recipes and Stories from a Modern Diner. I found it online through Lucky Peach. For a relatively simple final soup the steps to making it are quite complex. The onions, the canned tomatoes and even the broth are each cooked separately before being combined.  For the amount of time and effort taken it was extremely disappointing. Was it me? Was it my ingredients? I honestly don't know.  There was more than enough for one meal so I have stuck the remainder in the refrigerator hoping by tomorrow something magical will have happened.  I am not in the least bit hopeful. If anyone else has attempted this soup I would love to hear your opinion.  


    Maybe it's just me but that combination of ingredients just doesn't sound very good together.

  8. Indyrob said:

    I have a rule of thumb that says whenever you call a professional into your house, you are out $200 as soon as they walk in the door.  But with appliance repairmen, it won't likely be much more.  Because the parts are just that cheap.



    you're fortunate where you live, I've had several repairs done here on my Kenmore Elite appliances (fridge,

    2x, dishwasher 2x, GE microwave 1x) and all were well above the $300 mark with lengthy wait times to get them done.

  9. On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 8:54 AM, rotuts said:



    In my case , one freezer became two.  for a good reason : to defrost the first every few years.  I used to do this during very cold weather.

    My upright became two as well.  I was doing a lot of breadmaking in those days and needed extra space for all the extra ingredients I kept on hand....at least that was my excuse!  I got an even larger upright than the first and in no time they were both filled to their brims.

    I badly really need to defrost the one in the garage but it's SO cold out there right now I can't bring myself to do it.  That's when I really get down and get rid of some of that stuff that lost as well as the stuff I'll never use.


    • Like 1
  10. You only have to mention school breakfasts to get under my hide.

    And please don't start throwing rocks, of course I don't want children going hungry, but when did it become someone else's job to feed kids?  There are just so many you people who are multiplying without any regard as to how they'll support their offspring, they just don't worry about it because someone else will come along and do their job.

    My biggest issue is where will it all end?  I already have spent thousands and thousands of dollars over my life to support the school system,  am I going to have to pay to raise all those children as well?

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