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Posts posted by lindag

  1. I do not like oatmeal yet I feel like I should.  it's something from my childhood when I had to eat it for breakfast many time during the winter season (Midwest = snow time).

    I have bought steel cut oats (Bob's Red Mill) and would like to find a way to cook them that would be good. I have a rice cooker (Zojirushi) that has a porridge setting.  For me I think it's mostly the texture that I object to.

    Are there additions to the oats that are better than others?

  2. On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:56 AM, Porthos said:

     I will be using BKF on the Instant Pot since the isuse is discoloration as opposed to stubborn food residue

    Is the discoloration you refer to a kind of cloudiness?  I have a bit of that around the perimeter on the bottom.  I'll try BKF on it next time.

  3. I didn't appreciate mine or realize how dependent I was on it until the magnetron died in it and it had to be repaired.  Lordy, I'd forgotten how I used to boil water (which I do twice a day for to rehydrate dog food).  What a pain to have to boil water in a saucepan!

    It was out of order for a couple of weeks while the part was ordered and then the wait for an available repairman.  I use mine a whole lot more than I'd ever been aware of.


  4. When I had my microwave repaired the repairmen had to clear out the cabinet over it to get it unplugged and have room to maneuver.  They took out all the dishes and casseroles out which were extremely dirty and greasy from the cooking vapors.  When they were finished they asked if I wanted them to put the dishes back in and I said yes.  Why wash them all up and put them back just to be covered in grease again.  I wash them as I use them which is very infrequent.

    I'm sure they were appalled that I wanted dirty dishes back in the cupboard.

    • Like 1
  5. One of local restaurants is having its annual Lobster Fest later this week.

    I went last year and it was great; I hoping for a similar experience this time.

    We are landlocked here so it's a happening when there's fresh lobster.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Shel_B said:


    Just curious, why do you dislike Symon?


    I remember when  he was competing against John Besh  in the Next Hottest Chef contest, or whatever it's called, I was definitely favoring Besh, but I could see how Symon's personality would be a better fit with FN.

    Because he's loud and obnoxious.

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  7. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 8:10 PM, kayb said:



    I found this one on sale for $9.95, free shipping. Looks almost identical to the IP-branded one. Glad I've got it. The IP gets even more versatile, if that's possible.


    Thanks for the tip; I didn't get mine at the sale price but I ordered it just the same.  Perfect fit for the IP.  I like it a lot better for regular cooking than fussing with that quirky big PC lid.



  8. Before we moved I had my freezers organized with Cambro boxes.

    All the meats and goods were divided up into separate containers.  This worked well in theory; however in practice it was not that good; some containers were over-filled and the extra had to go into the next container.  You can see what happens over time.

    After the moved I abandoned that and went back to haphazard organization.

    That's not so good either.  I just have too much stuff and am now trying to cook from the freezers rather than going shopping for more, which is what I'm always tempted to do.

    keeping the freezers in order and frost free is a big chore.

    I hate the 'avalanching' that was referenced above.


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