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Posts posted by lindag

  1. Although I've never been to a Jimmy John's folk around here tell me it is head and shoulders better than Subway.  I have a Subway quite near, the JJ's is about 15 miles from me.

    I never go to Subway anymore but there were times in the midst of summer heat that I'd stop in and pick up a sandwich for lunch (I'd go in the mid morning to avoid the lines that start about 11:30 some days).

    When I was working in Portland we had a Quiznos in the building on the main floor;

    I'd often stop in there for lunch rather than face the wind and rain (and possibly snow) outside.  Their food was very good and service was fast.

    The only thing that irritated me were the twenty-somthings that had to pay for their four dollar lunch with a credit card! 

    • Like 3
  2. I don't make the Chex Mix anymore simply because I can't keep my hands off it.

    What I do instead is purchase a small bag of Chex Cheddar Mix, add a can of Spanish peanuts (the mix must have nuts) and put it in an airtight container.  At least I don't have three gigantic boxes of cereal to store.

  3. On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 11:41 AM, Darienne said:

    dog food freezer


    You have a separate freezer for your dogs' food?


    I buy my dogs' food online from Darwin's and it comes frozen in dry ice.

    I get about 11 weeks' worth at a time and store it in the big upright in the garage.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, ElsieD said:

    Lamb Shanks tonight but nothing starting with an L or an to go with it, unless salt counts.  Everything was cooked in the IP, 30 second green beans as per @JoNorvelleWalker, mashed potatoes as per @Anna N, carrots cooked a tad too long, some pearl onions added to the sauce as it was reducing.  Just realized that potatoes are also known as Spuds so I guess I'm okay.  Last night we had chicken drumsticks but they don't count because they went into the freezer after the FCO started.


    DAMN that looks good!!!!

  5. DH and I and another couple had dinner at Mama's a few years ago.

    DH and I went one night and when the other couple indicated that they wanted to go there we tried to discourage them.  But they really wanted to see what everyone was talking about so the four of us went another night..

    Well, we were very disappointed.  The food (in our opinion) was average at best.  The atmosphere was nice but I didn't think it was super special.  We were surprised that it was so well regarded because we didn't think it was anything put of the ordinairy and certainly not any better than many other places that were much less pricey.

    Maybe we were there the wrong week, I don't know.  I do know that based on our experience we would not recommend it.

  6. Speaking of re-useable totes.  I buy dog food from a source in Seattle.  It is shipped to me every six weeks in a box with dry ice (the food is frozen - Darwins).

    The boxes are large and very sturdy and are returnable to Darwins.  You only need to re-seal the box and add the return label included and set it out for your UPS guy.  No charge for the return.

    It helps keep the shipping costs down and I appreciate that.

  7. 1 minute ago, Darienne said:

     I am a voracious reader and cozy mysteries are only one slice of what I read. 


    Me too, although these days it's all audiobooks for me....so soothing.  I love listening when I go to bet at night, it's just so peaceful that I easily go to sleep.  Although sometimes I have to search back for the last chapter before I fell asleep.

    The Ann Cleeves series sounds quite interesting, I'll definitely look for it.

  8. When I was a kid I used to like liverwurst sandwiches with a little thin sliced onion and maybe some mustard on white bread (of course)..

    That was a really long time ago.

    About a year ago I happened upon a tube of liverwurst in the deli case and was tempted to buy it until I looked at the amount of fat....17G.  I changed my mind.

    • Like 1
  9. On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 11:59 AM, MelissaH said:

    This brings up a topic I've wondered about for a little while. Many vegetables will float, even if you manage to seal them without adding air. I perpetually have a problem when I do carrots, as their density is apparently not much different from water so if you trap the least bit of air in the bag, up it goes.


    How do you all deal with things that float? I've contemplated putting my sealed food bags inside another ziplock bag, along with a few good-sized washers from the hardware store. My husband proposed adding some large teflon-coated stir-bars from the chemical supply directly to the food bag. At times I've resorted to just using a rack, a potato masher, or another utensil to wedge the bag down. I'm not happy with any of these solutions. So, vegetable bathers, what do you do?

    I suggest using the lid from a small-ish cast iron (Le Creuset) stock pot.  My smallest is the 4-½ qt. and the lid is fairly small in diameter.

    • Like 1
  10. I got my Vitamix at least 12 years ago, mostly for making smoothies.

    Well, after a year or so I got really tired of the smoothie routine.

    I've never had a need to make purees or pastes. hummus, etc.

    Except for the (extremely) occasional need to use it for a blender, it has sat in the back of my pantry.

    If I were making that decision today, I'd pass on the Vitamix and stick with my old reliable Oster.

    • Like 1

    3 hours ago, Anna N said:

     When I woke up this morning and went into the kitchen there were the perfectly package leftovers still on the counter. There will be no rerun.  



    I have had those moments when, just settling into bed I think to myself, "Did I put away the leftover food from dinner?"  I blame it on the wine.

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  12. On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:11 PM, Jacksoup said:

    @Thanks for the Crepes I feel unbelievably lucky to be able to drive to Trader Joe's, Safeway, Whole Foods and Asian, Indian, Mexican and so many ethnic groceries.  I need to go more often just to enjoy my luck.  Trader Joe's is the only one I go to regularly because they have my favorite wine.

    I miss the days when I'd go to TJ's, order up 8 cases of wine and have them loaded into my SUV.

    Nowadays the nearest TJ's to me is a 3-½ hour drive in good weather.  No more TJ wine for me.

  13. 17 hours ago, rotuts said:

    interestingly enough


    America's Test Kitchen  ( ep # 1704 ) today in my area was NewEngland favorites :  CornedBeef dinner and Sinickerdoodles , which Id never had



    I can't figure PBS.  My ATK yesterday was a completely different episode.  Why?

    And...in my area "Cooks Country" isn't even on PBS.  I have to go to a completely different cable channel for that. 


  14. 16 hours ago, benjamin163 said:

    I do have a costco nearby. What brand was it that you found good?


    When I bought there, they had only one brand in the large bag, I don't know what it was.  I have found I can rely on Costco to almost always have the best that's available.

  15. The Catholic Church located in the next town over has a fund raiser every St Patrick's Day.

    They slow cook their corned beef (they get very high quality stuff) and then they smear it with yellow mustard and brown sugar and bake it slow for an extra couple hours or so.

    It is the best corned beef I've ever had.  I tried their method last year at home and, for whatever reason, mine was not nearly as tasty as theirs.  I will probably try it again this year, just because.

    And I will definitely be at their dinner!!!

    • Like 2
  16. I also buy the bag of pre-trimmed radishes from Walmart when they're available, mostly in summer here.

    As far as celery goes, I've never figured out how to get from one use to the next without it's having gone by.

    When I take it from the crisper for a second use it already seems too late.

  17. I know absolutely nothing about restaurant service, help, etc.

    What you've written, Chris Ward, makes me even more aware of the great little local restaurant near me.  In a town with a population of around 2000, this place serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, beer and wine, seven days a week.  Their food is SO good I love going there.  It's locally owned, of course, and I imagine some of the employees are family members.  The cook(s) are great and as many times as I have eaten there, have never had a meal that wasn't worth bragging about.

    I don't know how they manage to do it but I'm sure grateful they're there.

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