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Posts posted by lindag

  1. I finally had the opportunity to cut up some vegetables with my electric mandolin.

    I had onion, celery and green pepper that I was using for my Red Beans and Rice recipe.

    The mandolin did a very nice job of cutting even dices of all the vegs.

    We still have to cut everything into portions that will fit into the feed tube.

    Once in the tube, everything is automatic.  Just push the pusher and press the start and its all simple.

    The clean-up is a bit of a chore; there are multiple piece that all have to be washed so I wouldn't use this unless I was cutting more than, say one onion.  All in all, I will keep the appliance and recommend it with that reservation.

    Made the Red Beans in my Instant Pot using Slow Cook.


    • Like 2
  2. Maybe I'm just ridiculously clutzy but I manageg to cut a finger on each hand getting that super sharp replacement blade out of the packaging from hell...designed to protect the blade but nearly impossible to get the blade out of it! 

  3. 1 hour ago, liuzhou said:

    I strongly recommend not doing what I did today in the middle of cooking Christmas dinner.


    Somehow I elbowed an almost full bottle of oyster sauce off a shelf and watched it smash into the floor. Mopping up glass and sticky oyster sauce while simultaneously making sure your Christmas dinner isn't being ruined is not the best fun ever. Especially when the bottle-free sauce managed to shoot across the kitchen and land right beside the oven containing my beautifully roasting fowl.


    Did that same thing with a big bottle of Worcestershire...it broke and splashed inside my corner carousel!  Could not believe that cleanup and how the smell of Worcestshire lingered for a really long time.

    • Like 2
  4. I set up my machine yesterday to check out the blade configuration, etc., although I didn't do any actual cutting with it.  But to allay the fears of someone upthread, when you have it together and put the food in the hopper, the blade pusher assembly moves back and forth across the blades automatically, so there's no hard pushing involved.  It's very easy to do.

    As darienne said, though, there is all the cutting of pieces to fit the feed tube, much like the older food processers required.  For me that's not an issue.  What I saw in the results on the video were very nicely, evenly chopped and diced vegs. and that's what I want in quantity. 

    I'll offer more details when I get a chance to do a bunch of cutting.

  5. I saw in the video that the fries are, indeed, quite short.  However, since I never fry fries (not that I'm not crazy for them, it's all that oil that stinks up my house and leaves oil residue everywhere).  When I want them, I order them in a restaurant instead.

    In summer I'll take my FryDaddy (the big one) outside on the deck and cook my fried chicken there; but even there it's still messy.

  6. 21 hours ago, Darienne said:


    Found another electric mandoline in my search today.  GForce GF-P1158-572  On Amazon.com and Amazon.ca (Canada).  Right.  Same model.  The American one is regular $89.99, special at $49.99.   And the Canadian one is...wait for it...$233.95.  Yes, it is the SAME model.   Canada    USA
    Going to lie down quietly for a bit now....

    Indeed, you deserve a large adult beverage for that one!


  7. I watched a review some time ago of mandolins on America's Test Kitchen.

    The results of which were (as I remember) was that the v-blade slicers were infinitely better at cutting cleanly than the straight edge types.

    I have a v-slicer that I got a few years ago and I like it a lot.

    And I also just got an electric mandoline dicer, slicer, shredder.  Just haven't tried it out yet.

  8. Darienne,

    I read lots of the reviews and most were very positive as far as the performance;  the only negatives seemed to be that people had trouble with putting the blade sets together.  In looking at the manual, there's a very good color-coded chart that identifies how to put the color-coded blades together.  For me, I really don't think there will be any question. 

    • Like 1
  9. I'm such a sucker for kitchen gadgets and small appliances!  First the BSO, then the IP, then the CSO.

    Now it's this.

    I do so much chopping and dicing this time of year as I get really inspired by the colder weather to make soups, casseroles and stews and braises.  I watched the demo and knew I had lost control.

    It arrived yesterday and this weekend I'll try it with everything I can find to chop up!


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  10. This actually happened to me just a couple days ago.  I routinely boil up about a half cup water every morning to use for my dogs' dehydrated food.  I use the same Pyrex 16 oz. measuring  cup (that's been around for years and years, so it is not super smooth on the inside anymore).

    Water blew out of the cup and onto the turntable, however, it did not blow the door open.

    Odd that it should happen after this many years of doing the same thing.

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