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Posts posted by lindag

  1. 20 hours ago, JAZ said:

    In my experience, salmon that is cured but not smoked (gravlax or lox) is often erroneously labeled "smoked salmon" -- is that what you got? If you're used to smoked salmon from Seattle, most salmon there is hot-smoked, which is an entirely different product. If you can't return what you bought, you might look for recipes that call for lox and see if you can use it in those.

    Jaz, I think you're absolutely right!  it does not have any smoky flavor at all that I can distinguish.  And the friend's smoked salmon was completely different; it was thicker and darker in color with a definite smoky taste.

    I'm so disappointed.  I suppose for $20 I should return it to Costco, I don't see how I can eat it.


  2. Cooks Illustrated recommends steaming for the best results.  I've tried it and it really works!


    East Peel Hard-Cooked Eggs
    Be sure to use large eggs that have no cracks and are cold from the refrigerator. If you don’t have a steamer basket, use a spoon or tongs to gently place the eggs in the water. It does not matter if the eggs are above the water or partially submerged. You can use this method for fewer than six eggs without altering the timing. You can also double this recipe as long as you use a pot and steamer basket large enough to hold the eggs in a single layer. There’s no need to peel the eggs right away. They can be stored in their shells and peeled when needed.
    6 large eggs
    Bring 1 inch water to rolling boil in medium saucepan over high heat. Place eggs in steamer basket. Transfer basket to saucepan. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook eggs for 13 minutes.
    When eggs are almost finished cooking, combine 2 cups ice cubes and 2 cups cold water in medium bowl. Using tongs or spoon, transfer eggs to ice bath; let sit for 15 minutes. Peel before using.
  3. I'd been wanting to pick up some smoked salmon so when I was at Costco last week I grabbed a package of their Norwegian salmon.  It was not what I expected.  I don't much like the texture which feels a little slimy.

    Also the flavor isn't what I expected either.

    We used to have a friend (a Seattle-ite) who made his own SS that was really, really wonderful and that's what I was looking for.  We also used to be gifted with packs of it at Christmastime that was also quite good. 

    Now I'm wondering what to do with this salmon that I have (in a Costco size quantity).

    I'd love suggestions.  I'd also love to know where I can get some good smoked salmon.

  4. I have a set of three sizes of plastic cutting boards.  The largest is often used when slicing homemade bread so it has a few nicks but nothing major.  I clean all of mine routinely in the d/w.  They come out sterilized and nicely cleaned.  I've had these for many years (more than ten) and they are in very good condition and I expect they will last me forever.

    I had a Boos type board years ago and ended up donating it because it was suck a PITA to get and keep clean, as well as to keep oiled.  I never felt like it was clean enough.



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  5. Saw this in use of America's Test Kitchen and thought it the best tool ever.

    It is so handy for any kind of jar.  The paddle is just flexible to be able to scrape out anything but not so soft as to fold over.

    I had to buy both the skinny and the mini! 


    Not to Andie!  You must have one of these!

  6. the breast (white) meat always cooks faster.

    BTW, don't make the mistake I did and bread the chicken for use with the air fryer.

    The flour mixture just turns gummy and does not crisp.

    Next time I attempt chicken air-fried I'll just use some type of marinade, I'm sure that would be an improvement in the final product.


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  7. I bought one of these from Amazon a couple months ago.  It was priced, as I recall, around $79.99. 

    Used it once for fried chicken but I prepared the chicken the wrong way (with a flour coating) and the chicken was not good.

    I haven't had the courage to try again yet.  Now that I see your success with French fries I will get it back out and try again.

    I wait eagerly for others' reports on their successes as well.

    (I have to admit to being a sucker for gadgets and small appliances.)

  8. Speaking of cocktails, I made bourbon/lemonade drink for the first time and it was great!

    Mason Jar Bourbonade
    1 lemon
    3 Tbs sugar
    1/2 cup water
    1/4 cup bourbon
    Crushed ice
    Club soda
    Halve lemon. Cut lemon half into quarters; reserve remaining lemon half for another use. Place lemon quarters and sugar in a pint-size jar. Using the handle of a wooden spoon, muddle lemon wedges. Add water, bourbon, and ice. Cover and shake for about 20 seconds or until sugar is dissolved. Top with club soda.
    I used Jack Danials since it was handy, tonight it's Maker's Mark.
    Edited to add: I should have mentioned that I found 3 Tbsps. sugar was too much for me.  I decreased the amt first by 1/2 Tbsps. And then by 1 Tbsp. which I liked better.
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  9. I've baked a couple batches of cookies in my CSO and find that the conv bake setting bakes foo fast and it appears there's no bake without convection.  The cookies I baked yesterday just spread way too much.  I may have to check against my own oven to see if the fault is really the oven or if it's the recipe.

    I'm also working on a Jewish Rye recipe and am eager to bake in the CSO with the 'bread' setting to see how it differs.


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  10. What I'd like to see you do is to mix up all the ingredients in the breadmaker and set it for dough only.

    Then remove the loaf after it's fully risen and bake it in your own oven.  I think you may find that you will finally get a satisfactory loaf.  In my experience (and I've owned at least a half dozen breamakers, they just don't bake to my satisfaction).  Even with my Zo, I always bake in my own oven, that way I get to control color, final temperature and doneness.


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  11. The corn flavor is definitely up front!  The combination of ingredients is a wonderful blend.

    And I didn't use the corn bowl either, I'd much rather have the bread on the side (which I did).


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