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Posts posted by lindag

  1. 13 hours ago, Shelby said:

    Oooooookay.  Confession time.  I'm actually red in the face right now because I can't believe how stupid I am.


    No wonder my bread didn't come out well.  I mean it's good.  Ronnie loves it.  But I knew it looked nothing like Kay's.


    I didn't use the bread setting.  


    13 hours ago, Shelby said:

    Shelby, can you tell me what's different about the 'bread' setting?  I want to try this with my Caraway Rye Bread recipe.


  2. I'm jealous that you have red snapper available where you are.  When I lived in Portland it was plentiful; not so in Montana.  I've never seen red snapper here, even at Costco which has an abundance of fish at all times.  I wonder why.


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  3. I had a similar issue with leaking.  I moved the oven over to the spot where I had previously placed the BSO.  After I moved it there was a big puddle on the counter.  Slid it out, wiped up the water and pushed it back.  Came back later to another puddle!  Then I checked the stopper in the reservoir, tightened it, and checked the black plug on the back and tightened it.  No more leaks (and I do store water in the reservoir).

    On another note:  I'm wondering if anyone is using their oven as a proofing box.


  4. rotuts,  Of course I l-o-v-e dark meat ckn. 

    the whole chicken I cooked yesterday turned out very nicely; very tasty and nicely browned.

    I tried steam/bake for 50 mins. at 425º to start out and then added another five minutes when that time was done - using the recipe in the CSO manual.  Then rested it for about 10 mins.  Chicken was slightly overdone but still delicious!  Also my chicken was a bit large, 4.3 lbs. but it fit nicely inside.

    Worth raving about.  And the cleanup wasn't too bad.  I'm really liking my new CSO.

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  5. As I mentioned earlier, I've put my BSO into storage to replace it with my ne Cuisinart Steam Oven.  I am puzzled about a couple of things with the CSO though:. Why, since it contains water, does it no have a three prong plug?

    why is there no 'bage' setting to only toast tops?  I've used this feature several times with my BSO although I wouldn't say it's necessarily essential.


  6. I actually just removed my Breville Smart Oven and replaced it with my brand new Cuisinart Steam Oven.  The toast it makes it remarkably better and I love all the options it offers:  steam, steam bake, convection, etc.  Everything I've tried so far has been really good.  The only con is that it can't take those lovely quarter sheet pans that are so darned handy.

    I made a simple recipe for Zucchini Onion Pie in it last night that was particularly good and ever so easy.

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  7. My first CSO toasted bagel was a bit of a disappointment though it was surely operator error.  It was a tad too dark and somewhat unevenly toasted (I don't think I had it centered on the rack).  I'll try again this morning with the other half.

    I'm  really eager to steam bake some bone-in/skin-on chicken thighs later this week.  I like to marinate in a little Yoshida sauce and then serve with rice and baby bok choy. 

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  8. My CSO arrived a day earlier than promised!  I made my first toast from a big round loaf of Parmesan Onion Bread....it was indeed delicious; much better than when toasted in my BSO.  I'm so impressed.  Now I'm on my way to toast a first bagel!!!

    On another note, has anyone else seen a big increase in deliveries made by the USPS instead of the usual UPS?  I get a lot of deliveries and I'd say that about five of the last seven have been by the post office.  Seems Odd.

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