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Posts posted by curls

  1. I've been a bit busy... not too much time for cooking or posting photos but here are a few photos from a dinner in July. Beef is from Costco -- forgetting the name of the cut right now but it is quite tasty and makes for nice fajita style preparations.




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  2. @chefmd and I met up at @Hassouni place today and enjoyed some wonderful cocktails and snacks! If you are in the area and like good cocktails, go visit. The bar snacks are also very tasty. @chefmd took a few more pictures so hopefully she will add them later. I had a picture of the menu that included our cocktails but it is too blurry to read!


    most of the menu



    the main bar



    our drinks

    image.png.88dc9e5971f2d74720f85a4ff4709690.png image.png.df34f0e28911267a6ecbf7561a4d4210.png



    bar snacks: Hummus bi Tahina and Levantine Flatbread with Labneh



    curls, chefmd, and Hassouni




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  3. 1 hour ago, Kerry Beal said:

    I found it a bit challenging - I went back and added more Apry to mine. Likely won't repeat. I think its the Maraschino that I don't care for. I pick up the same flavor I don't like in an Aviation.


    We've sort of been picking a bottle of something from the bar - Anna goes to Kindred Cocktail and we opt for the first one for which we have ingredients. 




    Thank you. I have a bottle of the Bols jenever that I don’t know what to do with — may try Anna’s Kindred Cocktail approach. I like the Dutch jenevers neat but the North American Bols jenever doesn’t taste like Dutch ones.  😞

  4. 18 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    I'm not sure why the shot about a 'private chocolate club'? We like to help each other out here in the learning process and I think what @curls is asking is whether you are posting all these pictures because you might have issues that you want us to help you with or if you are just showing off what you have made?


    Are you having any problems that we might be able to help you with?


    Thank you @Kerry Beal, yes, that is what I was asking. 


    This is a forum and traditionally people post some details and/or questions when they post. I was attempting to find out why@Jamal12‘s was posting all these photos without descriptions or questions. I am not offended by your posts — I want to know more about them and the person posting them. 

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  5. 16 hours ago, Jamal12 said:

    They all have fillings.  I don't find many of the callebaut or cacaobarry chocolates here where I am. some are available.  I tend to use either what I learnt of making my own courveture from cocoa butter and cocoa powder and so on.  Or I picked up readymade herseys baking chocolate from the confectioners or hypermarket.  The fact that I am not yet a pastry chef or chocolatier and still learning so made do with what is available to me at a most cost effective way I can.  Once I get certified and qualified then I can source these top of the range couverture.

    Ok. What are the fillings? Do you have questions for us (what is your reason for posting these photos)?


    Have you started chocolatier training? What source recommended that Hershey's baking chocolate and/or cocoa powder + cocoa butter can be used instead of couverture? 

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  6. 4 hours ago, snickrs said:

    Good day, long time reader first time posting here. I'm curious to know if my technique is similar to Andery's. I've never taken any course from him but I was experimenting the last few days trying to get a similar result! Would you say it's similar or different? 

    Thanks kindly!



    To answer that question, we'll need to see a whole tray of chocolates all showing the same technique and finish level & a shot with one cut open. It does look interesting. Perhaps it truly belongs in the chocolates with a showroom finish thread.   😉

  7. 1 hour ago, gfron1 said:

    I think it is more an issue of a bad formula. His recipe is 100g white choco to 10g matcha. First, apparently there is culinary matcha and also drinking, and he didn't specify (I used culinary), and second if he's like most chefs he just added some and when it came time to write the recipe he guessed. It just needed to be cut down to 3-5g and I think it would have tasted okay.

    Interesting, I did not know about culinary matcha. I've always used drinking matcha for tea and pastries. What is the difference between the two?

  8. 2 hours ago, Anna N said:



    Tonight’s cocktail is an Oriental.  According to the Savoy Cocktail Book the recipe was given by an American engineer to his doctor in the Philippines to think him for curing a fever.  





    Ok, I've decided to join in on the fun (at least for this weekend) and join you with my own Oriental. While interesting, this is not one I see myself making again. Cheers!


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