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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Bragging on Mr. Kim

    John and I judged at bbq comps for the then Canadian Southern BBQ Association. We judged for about 7 years and really enjoyed it. We had some truly spectacular stuff, and very little, but some, really awful stuff. And no, the meat on ribs should NOT fall off the bone but rather, require a gentle tug.
  2. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Thanks to @mgaretz I haven't been able to get beef stew out of my mind which is kind of funny because I'm not a beef stew type of gal. So that's what we had for dinner. I cooked the veg separately and combined them to reheat in the stewed meat when it was done. So, as they say, that itch has been scratched.
  3. @ChocoMom Was the recipe you used the one for the apple and cranberry upside down cake?
  4. @Toliver Yes, thank you, that is the one I was looking for. On Amazon.com the Kindle edition is $15.69 but I am not a Prime member. I am a Prime member of Amazon.ca but their Kindle edition shows at over $20. So, no Ample Hills Creamery ice cream book for me. But then, Christmas is coming........ Edited to add: an index of recipes doesn't show up either. All I get is the intro. Any good looking caramel types?
  5. I just re-read this thread and decided to see if this is available to me here in Canada. Amazon.ca does not carry it but Amazon.com does, at $159.00 US. With shipping and custom costs added were a Canadian to order it from Amazon.com, it would cost about $270 Canadian. Too rich for me.
  6. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    @shain Beautiful food.
  7. @Shelby I cut them in half, and didn't do anything more with them than that. No oil, salt or pepper. These were plum tomatoes.
  8. I 🤣 when I read this and then I felt 😟 for you.
  9. Today I picked up these three books for the sum total of $6.90. The Baking one on the right is a William's-Sonomo book. The Whole Grain Bread is interesting in that each recipe is for three sizes of bread - a sampler loaf, a regular loaf and a large loaf. Each recipe has instructions for making it by hand, a heavy-duty mixer, food processor or bread machine. The third book, Bread Making Machine, gives instructions for each recipe for the 12 most common bread machines. That book has 75 recipes in it. I haven't had time to give them a good look but in the case of the last book, I will likely just photocopy the recipes I want and give it back to the thrift store for recycling. There is, for me, a lot of dead space in that one.
  10. Here is the link to the recipe. I left out the bacon but used bacon fat to brown the chicken. I needed to further cook the pasta on saute for a couple of minutes after the pressure cooking to finish cooking the pasta. A pretty good quick dish. https://www.pressurecookingtoday.com/pressure-cooker-chicken-bacon-penne-pasta/
  11. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Chicken penne in a garlic cream sauce. This was cooked in the Insrant Pot.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    @Shelby @ElainaA may have talked about popcorn ice cream and so have I. I have some in the freezer as I speak. Good stuff, that.
  13. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    @Okanagancook What is the zucchini stuffed with? Looks good!
  14. I will never again step off the second rung of a utility stool without first checking that I am standing on a stool and not on the floor. And especially not when holding a jar of PC "Memories of Seoul" sauce.
  15. Yes, after the 18 minute baking time, I opened the oven door to find the lid sitting on top of the bread, as though the lid had been removed and placed on top of the loaf. I found it rather peculiar. We ate a good chunk of the bread today for lunch. Very happy with the crumb.
  16. I made the shokupan again tonight with the ingredients as listed in the above-linked recipe. I followed the directions as per my post above. When I went to remove the lid after 18 minutes of baking time, the lid had already popped off. I did not know that lids popped off pullman pans, but now I do. I cheated and made the dough in my breadmaker. This is how it turned out. We are waiting for it to cool enough to sample.
  17. Sadly, the Ice Cream book is no longer on sale.
  18. I just read the article and also the interesting comments. I am not a regular WF shopper although I do or rather did, go there to buy a couple of things no one else carried. They no longer carry them so I have no need to go there. The last time I went for those items, the prices were still sky-high and nothing looked very impressive.
  19. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Thai pineapple shrimp curry with Japonica rice.
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