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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. @Smithy I really, really, want some of that broccoli salad.
  2. @Okanagancook What kind of soup is it?
  3. Thank you. Yes, it is the 13" pan.
  4. We went to a Korean restaurant today that we both like. We both had the same thing - Spicy Dak Gang Jung or boneless chicken with sweet and spicy sauce with corn cheese and pickled daikon. Half of mine came home with me. I don't normally like leftovers but I make an exception for Korean food.😋
  5. This is my second attempt to make a sourdough pain de mie. The first one did not work out as it refused to rise although I did get some oven spring. For that loaf I used starter straight from the fridge. With @Ann_T 's help and a lesson or two learned I set out to make a second loaf. On Wednesday, for the second loaf, I made a levain the night before. I mixed the dough at 9:30 AM, did the requisite stretch and folds and took it out of the oven at 9:30 that night. I ended up proofing it in the BSO on the proof setting to speed things along a bit or I swear I would have been baking it at midnight. When I tried to put the lid on the pan, it refused to go on, so it went into the oven as a regular loaf. Thursday we had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch using this bread. The sandwich was perfection. I love this bread. Lessons learned are these: take 2 days to make this bread and use a levain. Ferment one day, bake the next, as it takes forever to rise. Secondly, if using the proof setting on the oven, let the pan come back to room temperature before baking and the lid will slide right on. Best loaf of bread ever.
  6. You just made my day!😅😅😅
  7. @Anna N Wow, those look good. Are they sort of like a butter tart bar?
  8. Elements of Pizza by Ken Forkish $2.99 https://www.amazon.ca/Elements-Pizza-Unlocking-Secrets-World-Class-ebook/dp/B012KJYR3O?_bbid=11960326&tag=bookbubemailca-20
  9. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @dcarch Beautiful plating, as usual.
  10. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    A recipe from Martin Yan's China he calls Beef Shangri-La. Tasty and quick to put together.
  11. @Smithy That tenderloin looks good how long did you end up cooking it for and at what temp? Too bad about the steakhouse. It's always disappointing when you look forward to something and it is no longer available.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    We had a prime rib roast beef dinner.
  13. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    The only good turnip is a haikurei. Those I can eat by the boatload.
  14. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @Norm Matthews everything looks great, buy please hold the rutabagas. Those cheese and pear scones look amazing.
  15. @rotuts What is high quality bubble wrap as opposed to normal bubble wrap and where do you get it? You're corned beef looks lovely but I think that sandwich needed a bit more lettuce.🙃 I "corned" my beef braising ribs and took two of the ribs and they are cooking SV. I have done them this way many times, but never corned. They are cooking at 133F for a planned 48 hours. I put a bit of pickling spice in the bag. They were well rinsed before they went in The rest of the ribs are simmering on the stove with a planned cooking time of 3 hours. After rinsing and covering them with fresh water I added a couple of tablespoons of pickling spice. Hopefully they will be edible.
  16. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Korean chicken wings.
  17. I just sent them an e-mail asking why they don't list stores that sell their products on their web site.
  18. This came today courtesy of Book Bub. Anyone know anything about this book and or author? https://www.amazon.ca/Eating-Ground-Up-Recipes-Vegetables-ebook/dp/B071W4J3FQ?_bbid=11942964&tag=bookbubemailca-20
  19. @weinoo Where are they grown? Are they greenhouse tomatoes?
  20. Mine is a two slot Breville and works just fine.
  21. And, now, like @rotuts would say, I feel like it's close to time for a personal beverage. Have two - one on me! Great job you did fixing that.
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