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  1. Shelby

    Dinner 2025

    I can't believe it's already the 7th of January. Time is flying. My mom and stepdad sent us a delicious ham for Christmas so we had that on NYD for dinner along with Brussels sprouts and the hopefully very lucky RG BEP's. I absolutely had to have pizza. The low/no carb thing is only something I can take for so long lol. Salad to go with. We were prepping and bracing to lose power during this huge icky ice/snow storm . Thankfully we didn't but I had made a huge pot of venison chili for dinner which really came in handy for lunch yesterday during all of the shoveling and plowing in the bitter cold we had to do. I had also SV'd a pork loin and threw it in the fridge to heat up on top of the stove if we lost power so I reheated it in the SV bath for last night. Salad and roasted asparagus on the side
  2. Me three. I'd love to have something like that available. That's super cool.
  3. UGH I'm so glad he didn't have to go to the hospital but I'm sure he's super sore . I think Chinese food sounds so good. If I could order take-out I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  4. We debated about starting the grill but it was dark and cold so opted just to use the cast iron screamingly hot with butter.
  5. We had a very nice evening.....shrimp cocktail, salad, the most delicious tender steak I've had in a long time time We needed more sweets like a hole in the head, but I wanted to something special--it was also our 25th wedding anniversary. Trying to cut carbs so I made a cheesecake in the IP using Splenda. The cherries had a few carbs, but hey, it's better than using regular sugar. Turned out really good--even though it looks ugly! Ronnie gave me beautiful roses (a huge treat as I rarely get flowers) I gave him an engraved pocket knife along with this card: Happy New Year everyone!
  6. I'm so jealous!
  7. I love this We went to Sam's in the big city today which is now the only place to get king crab legs...or any crab legs...or any lobster tails at all. None to be found. We are disappointed. I couldn't order online because you guys wouldn't believe the shipping backups. FedEx, UPS and USPS terrible. I wasn't going to take a chance. Anyway we ended up buying choice beef filets. We had prime rib on Christmas so ....I really wanted seafood but ...ok. It was on sale for like 36$ for 4 steaks --about 2 lbs of. meat. Sigh. I dunno what I'm going to do for sides. I'm really wanting pasta. Ronnie will want potatoes. Maybe both lol.
  8. Bumping this thread up because it doesn't have date limitations. Feel free to the people in charge to make a new thread for this year It's our 25 year anniversary on NYE. We've had so much good food over Christmas week that I'm not sure what to make. We will be staying home, as always. I kinda want to splurge on crab legs--would have to go to Sam's for the best/only ones around here. I don't want to order any online due to the horrific delivery problems we've had for the past month. FedEx had been HORRID as has been USPS. UPS was two days late on some things but better than the other two. I digress. We've been trying to be low to no carb for meals so pizza....lasagna....etc. sounds maybe even better for NYE but we will see. What is everyone else doing?
  9. The steam vents are on the inside on the right side. I don't know how often you steam clean your CSO but they could be clogged. I'd use a small brush like I used to clean the gunk out and poke it in the vents and brush around. As for the clips I used a pair of pliers to squeeze the clamp and it slips right off. Squeezing it enlarges it so it can come off easily.
  10. Not exactly the same but it's worth a shot to clean that tube--and also make sure your steam vents aren't gunked up in there too.
  11. Hi @InFrom! Welcome to EG! I had the same problem and few years ago I decided to take it apart and see if there was gunk in the tubing and documented the process. For me this process solved the problem. Click here: How To Disassemble and Clean CSO Tubing
  12. Christmas Dinner--prime rib, simple baked potato, balsamic mushrooms and a bit of leftover broccoli salad Dessert Along with a glass of @ninagluck's eggnog
  13. No. I just used 2 30 oz. bags of frozen shredded potatoes, thawed overnight in the fridge. The water that you add to the soup mixture is enough.
  14. Cheesy Potatoes Super easy. I omitted the onions due to grandkids not liking them (I think lol). If they weren't coming I'd def. do the onions. My slow cooker takes longer than what the recipe says (it also gets hotter on the left side than the right but sigh it still works so I'll not buy another one yet). The day before I cooked it on low for 3 hours, stirred and then did 2 more hours and put it in the fridge. At 6 in the morning I started it on low again for 2 hours. Stirred. Added more cheese to the top. Let it go another hour then turned it on warm. Worked like a charm.
  15. I'll do that! I just did a mix of 2 TB OJ and 1 TB honey.....I bet the sour cream would do the trick. Thank you! And yes, I use the reg. Ghirardelli mix always--I can't make them from scratch any better either! I was just so surprised that the GF was so good lol. You'll LOVE it. It ships with dry ice--mine was delayed by two days and it was still frozen solid. Mine always comes UPS which, for me this year, has been the more reliable method over FedEx.
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