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  1. What a thoughtful and kind thing to do!
  2. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I'm impressed. When I'm alone I stand in front of the fridge and eat a piece of cheese.
  4. I haven't found anything that wowed me except an ice maker that makes ice like Sonic--nugget shaped, my favorite. It's on sale for like $450 down from $600 something. Still couldn't justify buying it.....I don't have room anyway unless I put it by my bed like @JoNorvelleWalkerlol.
  5. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    Me three
  6. It's soooo much hotter here. Actually I didn't get my potatoes from Burpee as soon as I should have. They ship when THEY think it's time to plant. It's about 2-3 weeks too late IMO. I used to plant right around St. Pat's Day. I didn't get my order until the end of March and really, this year, I would have planted the first week of March. Russets and Yukon Gold
  7. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    You're so sweet! But I'm really not. I ran across someone else's pic of a charc. board and googled how to make the roses like they had done. Super easy. If I can do it anyone can lol.
  8. Those peppers are beautiful @FauxPas! Ours is really producing right now. Ronnie has a weird fixation on making sure every single squash goes to a good home sigh. Usually one or two of our plants dies from squash bugs but not this year. I can't tell you how many squash I've chucked into the field corn after he goes to bed 🤣. I managed to squeeze in canning a batch of tomatoes a couple days ago (our hunter friend was here so it was really busy). I need to can again today. This was this mornings haul. Dug the last of the potatoes and pulled the last onions. Sweet corn is ready but I just haven't had time to deal with it yet.
  9. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    ME TOO I don't think we've ever had such a busy summer. I'm hoping these next few weeks will be very smooth and calm. I need a break lol. I can't remember what kind of fish this was--either bass or catfish Zoodles with venison meatballs SV'd turkey loin 4th of July was fried chicken, potato salad and cherry galette BLT's Big salad night Our hunter friend came to stay with us on Wednesday. He's worked his butt off--along with Ronnie-getting a lot of big projects done around here. So, a small board of appetizers the first night For dinner I made stuffed zucchini with some pasta--I used up a bunch of tomatoes and made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce Another board the next night And big salad night for dinner Venison cheese burger pizza the next night with broccoli salad Last night I SV'd some ribeyes --then the guys fired up the grill and grilled some zucchini and a big sweet onion and then seared the steaks. Really good. Deviled eggs and the first garden okra fried up. Chipped beef cheese ball to start with Our friend goes to the airport in a bit. Maybe I can sneak a nap???
  10. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I always get a rotisserie chicken if I'm at Dillons or Sam's. SO handy. I got one on Monday from Sam's actually. That night I just reheated it in the CSO. Sometime this week I'll make quesadillas or taco salads with the rest.
  11. I've never thought about using peanut butter chips! Great idea!
  12. I've never tried corn but I don't see why it wouldn't! I'd maybe brush a bit of oil on ....but you might not even need to do that.
  13. I couldn't take the heat...or the jet lag. But I'd love your wife's amazing knowledge about wine. And yours about the food. Again, I need to stay on the air conditioned plane lol.
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