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  1. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    It's been a while since I've made a burger with an egg on it. Need to rectify that.
  2. I do NOT like that at all. It leaves a horrid aftertaste and...some sort of slime that makes me gag.
  3. I seem to be all about easy the older I get lol. I use an Italian spice mix from Sam's and use the Italian breadcrumbs in the can from the store. Works and saves time.
  4. Thanks for this report! I, too, enjoy hard ciders. I'm decidedly more on the sweet side. But, maybe because it's been so hot, the drier ones sound good to me. I just might have to order some
  5. I know I'm not Mitch but this is my favorite recipe. I wouldn't mess around with grinding your own meats....just sub ground beef for the venison and add ground pork. Very tender.
  6. We are having a much needed break from wind and excessive heat today. We got an inch and a half of rain and more is on the way. Don't worry. The heat will be back tomorrow and next week looks to be 100+ every day (with the heat index included). YUCK. But, the rain let us pull a few onions this morning. We cut the greens off and washed them. They will dry here in the kitchen for a day or so and then I'll put them in the garage fridge. I went all last winter without having to buy onions. I don't think that I'll be able to say the same with this years crop --I didn't plant as many as last year--but I still have this many or more still left to pull.
  7. It's that time of year again over in my hemisphere. Lock your doors. I'm lurking...ready to leave squash.
  8. Today's pick Along with what previous picks Lock your car doors I'm in trouble already.
  9. UPS man came by the other day with this! From my mom and step dad It's tucked away in the freezer. Nice to have something fun in there to look forward to.
  10. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    It's hot. There are a lot of salads happening around here. But we have AC and the washing machine has decided to work (fingers crossed it keeps going). We're getting up at dawn to get outside stuff done before it gets too hot. The good thing is I can have a nap in the afternoon @C. sapidusI'm glad you guys are getting a good visit with your boys! And that seafood salad up there looks incredible. Salad with eggplant lasagna Big salad night with a shrimp salad Ronnie smoked some ribs. I made a green bean salad along with cheesy cauliflower The first tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. I could just eat this all day and be happy. For now lol. Along with creamed peas and new potatoes --taters from the garden. and wings My mom and step dad gave us some trout so I seasoned them and stuffed with lemon and Ronnie smoked them. Really good. Another big salad With a cherry cream cheese danish type thing for dessert. I had some fresh cherries that I didn't want to go bad so I pitted them and made this
  11. First pick of the summer...seems a bit early for this much, but maybe not. Potato plants are still flowering which means they aren't done growing but these guys were bursting out of the ground. Cukes, tomatoes, zukes, potatoes and yellow squash. Found some squash bugs yesterday morning but I think we got them early enough before any damage. I hate those bugs.
  12. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    You guys bring your spargel and the extra bedroom is yours. But the sheets haven't been washed because my machine is broken. So bring your washing machine as well. 😬
  13. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    We've done summer sausage a few times but it's been a while. I'd like to make bologna, too. Maybe I'll get myself motivated and do that soon.
  14. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    A fishing buddy of Ronnie's gave it to us. He makes it.
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