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  1. Mostly....I have some things that are older like pickled okra. I bring a large pot of water to a boil then put the corn in for 5 mins. Take it out and place in a sink full of ice water. Let it cool completely and then slice it off with a knife.
  2. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    We're certainly not carb free or anything but I've been looking for small ways to cut back on them. I ran across someone doing this when I was looking for low carb ideas. I bought this brand of already crushed up rinds. Of course, you could whizz them up yourself but I figured it would take many bags to get a decent amount. Anyway, I put some crushed rinds in a ziplock and seasoned it up with Lawry's salt, black pepper and a few crushed pepper flakes. I've also used dry Ranch dressing and tossed it in there. Put the fish in an egg wash and then dip it in the rinds and fry as usual. It's crunchy and good. You can taste the pork rinds a bit but that's not off-putting to us.
  3. Lots of sweet corn vac packed and in the freezer Around 16 bags of spaghetti sauce 21 jars of plain tomatoes and juice are downstairs on the canning shelves along with homemade canned Rotel using our first jalapeños ready from the garden
  4. I haven't been taking any pictures but I still order Misfits every week. No complaints. Even in this heat my cold pack stuff is still cold enough that it's all ok. Anyway, last week they offered Hatch chiles. I was skeptical but I ordered. They are beautiful! The label says they are really from NM. I roasted them last night so I'll peel them today and put some in the freezer.
  5. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    No question. You have to eat BLT's with homegrown tomatoes over everything else at all times This summer doesn't seem to be slowing down. I can't remember the last time I was able to take a nap. I miss my naps lol. Roasted chicken quarters. The rest is all from our garden. I swear I could eat that corn every day and not get tired of it. Homemade key lime pie for dessert Venison meatloaf with beans from the garden Fried fish--used crushed up pork rinds Still being overrun with squash. They may soon invade the other rooms of the house and completely take over. So zoodles which used up one whole squash 🙄 Deli meat sandwiches. I think I canned that day and needed something easy. Zucchini pizza boats Big salad night More roasted chicken Last night was Canadian bacon/sausage pizza using the bacon that Ronnie cured and made. Super good. Berries and cream for dessert
  6. What a thoughtful and kind thing to do!
  7. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I'm impressed. When I'm alone I stand in front of the fridge and eat a piece of cheese.
  9. I haven't found anything that wowed me except an ice maker that makes ice like Sonic--nugget shaped, my favorite. It's on sale for like $450 down from $600 something. Still couldn't justify buying it.....I don't have room anyway unless I put it by my bed like @JoNorvelleWalkerlol.
  10. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    Me three
  11. It's soooo much hotter here. Actually I didn't get my potatoes from Burpee as soon as I should have. They ship when THEY think it's time to plant. It's about 2-3 weeks too late IMO. I used to plant right around St. Pat's Day. I didn't get my order until the end of March and really, this year, I would have planted the first week of March. Russets and Yukon Gold
  12. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    You're so sweet! But I'm really not. I ran across someone else's pic of a charc. board and googled how to make the roses like they had done. Super easy. If I can do it anyone can lol.
  13. Those peppers are beautiful @FauxPas! Ours is really producing right now. Ronnie has a weird fixation on making sure every single squash goes to a good home sigh. Usually one or two of our plants dies from squash bugs but not this year. I can't tell you how many squash I've chucked into the field corn after he goes to bed 🤣. I managed to squeeze in canning a batch of tomatoes a couple days ago (our hunter friend was here so it was really busy). I need to can again today. This was this mornings haul. Dug the last of the potatoes and pulled the last onions. Sweet corn is ready but I just haven't had time to deal with it yet.
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