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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. Just spoke with Laurel and she was happy to hear positive feedback "I feel taller" were her words
  2. Hey Melissa Clark writes about grilling in NYC
  3. Just call Laurel - she will not be shy about her take on it. First time I went to get the fertilizer she suggested the garden center said "oh the tomato witch?"
  4. I am at the point of making my own as well as (when peppers are in season) fermenting some. Rene Redzepi has me on a fermentation tear
  5. Lovely bread and rye flour is also on the to do list.
  6. My vegan friends (yah I know don't judge) find it the best source for canned jackfruit which is the new black:.
  7. heidih

    Lunch 2019

    Looks good. Hell I remember my first tongue urchase. Those nubs were somethin else. (papillae)
  8. On line (think Kenneth T in New York has ordered) is my local tomato person Laurel . The Berkeley Tie Dye was amazing one year. https://www.heirloomtomatoplants.com/
  9. Horticulturally speaking lots of roots (thready) are not a sign of best vigor. You want one strong tap root. When you transplant those whispy guys shrivel and you get die off. Think desperation versus "I got this"
  10. You might enjoy Rene Redzepi's Fermentation Bible or the podcasts he did with Ed Levine. "Its a whole neq world" as they say. Do report back. https://forums.egullet.org/topic/157691-rene-redzepi-on-serious-eats/
  11. In awe of your busy productive day. Thanks for the journey view.
  12. @blue_dolphin Wow that honey is dark. Generally that is a tell for a.n more intense flavor. Maybe next time. Thanks!
  13. heidih

    Breakfast 2019

    Well that takes me back in a good way. I was at a Taiwanese neighbor's house long ago and was startled to see her doing a "Western" cake in the steamer. Opening our minds is a good thing. She casually showed me alot that sticks with me.
  14. Yes my deep potato memory is the one time as a young child we grew them. Those spectaular nuggets are my gold standard.
  15. Daiso = impossible! So many interesting things at such great prices. My friends and I load up the cart, then step to the side before checkout and ask "are you really going to use this item?" in an attempt to reduce spending and accumulation. (we do re-stock on shelves) Love the camera mugging.
  16. @rotuts Seems similar to a classic Cantonese-American dish I grew up with. Like this https://damndelicious.net/2013/07/16/honey-walnut-shrimp/
  17. Is it tart? Method? Remi nds me of buttermilk cheese Ethiopian woman does.
  18. No idea where you are at but they sound very similar to the little pinquito beans that are traditional with tri-tip BBQ in our central coast area.. http://www.westcoastprimemeats.com/santa-maria-tri-tip-recipe and https://santamariavalley.com/news/the-scoop-on-santa-maria-pinquito-beans/
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    Not a long process. They never get firm. . I used to always simmer them in water with my favorite soy sauce. It never changed the texture but (in my mind) added flavor. I think because visually they remind me of glass (mung bean noodles) I was expecting a "change" but they just get a little drier. Move them around occasionally while you are doing the other prep. As previously noted - no sticky starch so at least for me no pan stick. As a general re-cap I like them plain in soup and in a pan prep Iike them dried out as much as their nature allows. An acceptance issue - they are what they are and can only be slightly manipulated. Because I enjoy the texture I don't get too busy with making them be what they are not.
  20. When I have spoken with a manager about discontinued item the reason for disappearance iss usually an issue with the packaging vendor or the distriibution chain. I agree they are quite helpful and definitely focus on custommer service. I interviewed at their headquarters once and it is an interesting office culture. Very interactive and Hawaiian shirts are the dress code.
  21. I shared this with a professor (Michigan based) and thought it wise to see how they were doing. I got this back from Brandon: Heather also emailed and said they have opened a butcher shop and deli. Cool beans as they used to say Brandon E. Chrostowski <brandon@edwinsrestaurant.org> 7:27 AM (3 hours ago) to me Heidi, Everything's going great! Thanks for asking. Regards, Brandon E. Chrostowski Founder ~ President ~ CEO EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant Institute 13101 Shaker Square Cleveland, Ohio 44120 216.921.3333 www.edwinsrestaurant.org
  22. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    It makes it less slippery in my experience and adds a different element I rinse in colander, blot with towel and just move around in pan on pretty high heat. Play with it. My go to are the bo standard shiritaki from Asian market so no oat. The ones Kenji uses. We have years of relationship so divorce not in sight although I have strayed with the tofu added ones.
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