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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. There are many seed libraries and they share generously. Local is not an issue- they reach out Example https://seedshed.org/about/
  2. Los Angeles is not exactly clam territory. I can get a variety at the big fish market but that is a schlepp. We do have access to very nice mussells however. They are cultivated just offshore on the oil platforms. I realize the flavor is different but a mussell chowder can be very nice and they are usually remarakbly inexpensive. Here is an example http://peimussel.com/recipes/soups-chowders/61-Mussel-Chowder-Classic-Style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zNDU_nGijg
  3. Italy has many regions with different styles and specialties. What dishes do YOU enjoy?
  4. The term i used the other day was 'bridging". We have so so much info available and need to find the best networks to connect.
  5. Margaret is in upstate New York. I trust her. https://awaytogarden.com/when-to-start-seeds-calculator/
  6. I love David so his blog post may inspire https://www.davidlebovitz.com/belgian-hot-chocolate/
  7. I miss the guy who had the banana farm north of Santa Barbara. Guwess thee is a new guy. @Panaderia Canadiense would have an opinion as she edited a banana trade journal. With the pest issues and diseases will be entering a new banana era. https://www.chiquita.com/blog/corporate-news/banana-crisis-and-what-chiquita-doing-about-it http://www.freshpoint.com/news/the-remarkable-story-of-kaoae-farm-bananas/
  8. My local 99cent store had carnivorous plants for a hile. I'd place them net to the fruit bowl. Lovely symbiotic relationship. (fruit gnats)
  9. My instacart delivery required subs of almost every item. The delivery person said the store was wiped out. I enjoyed this Sherman's Lagoon cartoon about about watching the game http://shermanslagoon.com/comics/february-3-2019/
  10. The hardy just grow -----without intervention
  11. We had a food truck vendor st the Garden for a while and my fried was addicted to the fries in that style. We bought me a basket once. I do the cheater verson with extra crispy style fozen fries and then the garlic and parm. The day I had them it was summer and he had chiffonade of basil added. THAT made it for me.
  12. @JoNorvelleWalker The timing issue Margaret discussed was not to start the seeds too earlly if they are headed for outdoor transplant. If you have vigorous seedlings and then they stay inside ffor too long because your frost is not over then you get spindly wimpy transplants. Of course with the bizarre weather y'all are experiencing itt is hard to predict when that will be. Also top watering can get you damping off even in sterile pots. Benn and done that drama in the greenhouse.
  13. heidih

    Food recalls

    I think the site will mention the code and that tells you if it affects what you have. Several years ago there was a tuna recall and that made me aware of the code. I got a refund via coupons I think
  14. Once pasta is in the water I never covr it. Also I think the need for that much water has been de-bunked. Looks tasty.
  15. I love this book. Got it in a cookbook club when I was 13 or 14. https://www.amazon.com/Housekeeping-Old-Virginia-Containing-Contributions/dp/1164676547
  16. Beautiful views. I think Greek food and repurposed rail cars is a thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diner
  17. Well every grocery store around here has huge walls of booze and softdrinks aligned in the teams patterns as you walk in. The drink reps try to outdo themselves yearly.
  18. On the quantity versus variety question - if drinking is part of the equation - I'd lean to quantity. Speaking from long experience...
  19. I think you have it right. I usually see it without the 'a:". Vegeta is generally in Hispanic or Euro import markets in the US.
  20. Not totally on point but reflecting on what a grocery store stocks - I spoke with stepmother yesterday and she wanted to make Sultz and getting pig's feet in Rancho Mirage was an issue. She was overjoyed when she found a Food 4 Less store that stocked them. It may be because a primary employer there is the Indian casino that attracts a vast Asian population. As an Austrian she was more than excited.
  21. You are probably familiar with this as well as the Southern Foodways Alliance as a resource. Just in case https://www.saveur.com/ronni-lundy-victuals-appalachian-food#page-2
  22. Yup that dang blue stuff! I am Ms. Organic but a grower friend swears by it as a "reviver".
  23. Well nature/nurture always a factor
  24. I suppose "anti-climactic" is the phrase. I know zero and do not generally understand anything of what is flashing across the screen though I went to a football powerhouse (OJ Simpson/Pat Haden/Anthony Davis) This was so weird I contacted a former colleague whose dad was an NFL ref to get his take: "I think all agree that the officials missed the call and it did affect the outcome of the game" Fingerfood and those old-fashioned sweet/sour meatballs in the crock pot always seemed to pass muster. Protein and fat help with the alcohol effect...
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