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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Rice Cookers

    As I have mentioned before mine is OLD and purchased at auction and has a huge dent! Maybe cuz I am old with much experience the water ratio is not an issue. I keep in the back of my mind the "knuckle" test and though finger lengths vary it works for me (eating excellent rice as I write). 8
  2. @lemniscate Ha I am carefully doling out the dried Polish mushrooms my step brother brought back a few months ago. Just opening the jar is swoon enducing. Thank you USDA beagle dog for not sniffing them out!
  3. Interesting on the butter shrimp SV. I've never SV'd so I don't mean to dis it. I have recently come to the conclusion that I prefer shrimp not brutally subjected to high heat via grill, saute, or broil/roast. I make a bit of broth with Dijon mustard, butter and herbs. Bring to a boil for a couple minutes. Add the shrimp and simmer for just a minute or two, pop lid on, and let get cozy off heat for a bit. I've been using Argentinian Red.
  4. heidih

    Breakfast 2019

    @JoNorvelleWalker Good looking paella. A local well known chef was selling it at farmers market a while back. Made on site. He is Basque but with international training. Now i need to find some. Your clams look almost cartoonishly (in a good way) happy!
  5. heidih

    Breakfast 2019

    Where do you source your avocados and do you add seasoning? I used to have trees and live in avo country so I am curious. I enjoyed learning about this avo guy in NYC https://ny.eater.com/2018/9/17/17869694/g-de-p-miguel-gonzalez-avocados-restaurants-nyc (I am a bit of a NYC junkie...)
  6. heidih

    Frozen Garlic

    The little frozen cubes are a hit with many I know. Looks like they add a neutral oil and an acid. Many many folks rely on the product. https://www.thekitchn.com/frozen-garlic-203651
  7. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    Daniel Gritzer over on Serious Eats mentioned the extreme variability of artichokes due to age/season/ His hilarious anecdote was having a combustible dry one actually spark as he cut into it. We do push seasons.
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    Just google Bisquick sub like this https://kitchendreaming.com/bisquick-substitution/ It has leavening and some shortening in the flour
  9. heidih

    Canned Beans

    I am not a canned bean fan but I always have a "back pocket" can of chickpeas. Despite the more frequent admonition to rinse canned beans I often use the liquid. To my jaded taste buds it seems to add a flavor that enhances.
  10. heidih

    Dinner 2019

    Yes - it is commonly referred to as amateur night
  11. They make peeps at Halloween, Christmas and Easter and in various shapes. Google their site for a plethra of images.
  12. This topic reminded me that we usually have a seasonal chesnut roaster vendor outside one of the local Korean markets. I'll have to try to get down there.
  13. It was 39 at 8am so I'm working on split pea soup. (un heated house...)
  14. I like them as a snack. I usually microwave. But they are a pain. I just get seduced by the super plump glossy ones in the Korean market. We tried one of those perforated specilized pans to use in the fireplace. Romantic notion that was a disaster in practice...
  15. Have you cojnsidered any of the Ottolenghi establishments?
  16. @Chris Hennes I think of kohlrabi like chayote. More textural crunch than a taste of its own. An easy grower I think. See both often in South Asian cuisines - more as a flavor transport vehicle and filler. Bit of sweetness but ya kinda have to reach for that part.
  17. Oh good grief I could eat a whole pot over the course of a day. Thanks!
  18. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    I like the apple chip idea. How were they done?
  19. To me they are more dense than a red. Russets are the norm (fluffy baker kind of 'taters) here but the Yukon Gold is preferred in some appplications. Melissa's is the star of the produce show here and yes there are some trudemarks but I would not get hung up the exact variety https://www.melissas.com/category-s/1855.htm?searching=Y&sort=7&cat=1855&show=15&page=2
  20. @Shelby Crock pot cheesy potatoes need further facts
  21. Yes I am lucky to have Latin markets like that. It is like a "kid in the candy store" thing for me. I have also only seen the nubs left on nopales. There are many locally growing and I see workers when trail walking who harvest the bounty. Not commercially just guys doing gardening or construction. They harvest the tuna as well.
  22. That voice in the New Yorker was what made Kitchen Confidential such a significant and popular book. I don't know anyone who has read the texts who orders fish on the wrong day
  23. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    I think we will all brave the weather in Manitoba and park on Dejah's door step regularly. https://www.google.com/search?q=weather+in+manitoba&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&oq=weather+in+manitoba&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.5745j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  24. heidih

    Breakfast! 2018

    Is the yellow one made with the spicier chile we refer to in the West as habanero?
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