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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. heidih

    Breakfast! 2018

    Is the yellow one made with the spicier chile we refer to in the West as habanero?
  2. Peppers have spunk. Maybe its the Capsaicin
  3. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @Kim Shook I am a lobster fiend. Funny I always see them done the other way up with the back split but taste is the defining factor I do them usually with soft side scissored open, flavored fat drizled on and broiled facing that way. Now I want lobster for Christmas! When my friend freaks out after buying tails from Costco for New Years I send her this link https://www.mainelobsternow.com/cooking/how-to-cook-lobster-tails
  4. Cooked for one of my favorite men today. Argentine red shrimp (China!) simmered in a flavorful broth, Calrose new crop rice, a red cabbage slaw and crushed peanuts and Huy Fong Chili Garlic Sauce on the side. It was nice to see him heap up a second plate. And he brought the dog who was over the top interested in the shrimp. No pic as he would have thought it odd.
  5. Neighbor showed up with his yearly Hubs peanuts. Interesting prep method. I like them.
  6. My baking has all been gifted but 2 and they are coming over in 2019 (in freezer). Cooking shrimp, rice and slaw for one of the boys tomorrow. Not always traditional stuff buff but making them happy is the point.
  7. heidih

    Cheese Fondue

    As discussed elsewhere it is the process and company less than the taste around the holidays. Dissenting taste vote noted.
  8. I have found that simple and delicious is appreciated over fancy. I did a spinach/egg white/cheese omlette the other day that took less than 10 minutes and was raved about. I've since made a smaller version for myself twice! Along with fruit and a quick bread (maybe pumpkin or cranberry) I think you are done. Orange juice & fizzy water or cheap sparking wine, coffee, and hot chocolate completes. BTW a friend manages a gift shop with heavy foot traffic and sets out hot chocolate for customers during the hoidays. They all rave snd want her recipe. It is Swiss Miss w/ water!!! During the holidays it is more the atmosphere than the food I think. As I stress about what to serve one of my boys tomorrow - heed thine own words Heidi!
  9. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @shain Couscous along with much middle eastern food is surging in the US. Example https://ny.eater.com/2018/6/18/17475156/kish-kash-open-photos-nyc
  10. heidih

    Cheese Fondue

    Don't ask just do it! (insert Nike logo here) Unless they are lactose intolearnt everyone loves melty cheese and bread. The bread texture matters in my opinion. I like a mix of sourdough and something sweet like Kings Hawaiian but the latter may be a Cali thing.
  11. It is on here but I have to prop Rene's fermentation book. I think it rivals the innovation of MC The Noma Guide to Fermentation: Including koji, kombuchas, shoyus, misos, vinegars, garums, lacto-ferments, and black fruits and vegetables (Foundations of Flavor) and a cool interview https://www.seriouseats.com/2018/12/special-sauce-rene-redzepi.html
  12. I like that list. So many coming out now it can become white noise. Then again I sleep with a New Yorker under my pillow and in clear reach on my nightstand...
  13. I am not familiar with blood cubes. They are in all my markets; just have not used. Do they break down or maintain their form?
  14. Totally OT but can you imagine this horror reported today about dumped Amazon boxes in my area https://abc7.com/society/dozens-of-amazon-packages-found-dumped-in-rolling-hills-estates/4926746/ Will check out that book offer.
  15. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Pasta and beans - underappreciated. I'm there.
  16. I may have to prompt my dad to make jerky again though his wife would freak at the bit of mess in the oven. As a classically trained sausage maker he was great with seasoning. I still remmember that smell as it was in the super low oven overnight. He is 96 so I guess time is "a-wasting".
  17. I thought the candle was so he could navigate towards that excellent fried delight! Ya know like the candle in the window for deployed military personnel.
  18. What is it with great writers and car accidents. https://www.google.com/search?q=stephen+king+car+accident&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&oq=stephen+king+car&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.9784j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  19. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    I need to get some of those mung bean starch noodles into the pantry again. Love the texture. Barbara Tropp advocated pre-seasoning them in her China Moon book. I just love the way they sop up flavor but stay chewy.
  20. heidih

    Food recalls

    What I read today isolated the e. coli to a reservoir issue in California (yes we are the major agricultural source) and asked growers to ID their product. Messy business. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-12-california-farm-tied-coli-outbreak.html
  21. Possiby the scariest post I've ever seen! I had NO idea of origin before I read text. You make many happy
  22. heidih

    Quiche questions

    I've seen at Panera that the individual quiches sit in the display case unrefridgerated for the entire morning service. Personally I would skip the fridge. They do theirs in a croissant type dough.
  23. I shared this with Ken the other day. A great indoor light primer https://awaytogarden.com/indoor-growing-under-lights-with-leslie-halleck/
  24. A multi-faceted amazing man who embraces life. Yes! Happy Birthday. (have you seen his artwork?)
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