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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. @rotuts on the US cheese cave see dear David's post today https://www.davidlebovitz.com/crown-finish-caves-cheese-new-york-brooklyn-american/#more-42441
  2. They look tasty. The very combination of the phrases "lifeguard",Ontario Canada and December 17 send this wimpy Califrnia girl running
  3. heidih

    Cheese Fondue

    You bring up my issue with fondue - I am highly sensitive to the smell of sterno. Puts me off my feed.
  4. Exactly - library donation sales are a great source. Hello all those National Geographics.
  5. heidih

    Breakfast! 2018

    @Ann_T Thanks for the whipped egg white omlette reminder. I did them all the time during the "fear of yolks" era and lke them. Had a breakfast guest today and did one with spinach and havarti cheese. Excellent! No picture as we were hungry and chatty
  6. heidih

    Breakfast! 2018

    Taste is SO personal. I would never "diss" (yup I am from Los Angeles) anyone's choice but for me homogeneous tastes do not appeal. Perhaps why I gravitate to South Asian and African cuisines. I was struck when Daniel Gritzer of Serious Eats in a recent podcast said the same regarding roast beef and Melissa Clark has stated the same. Give me contrast or I am bored is the theme Again - different strokes...
  7. I can get the Lebkuchen locally in several places and it is more nostalgia than love of taste. Not familiar with Oblaten in that context.. I think of that word as the tasteless communion wafer like layers we filled with a chocolate mousse like filling from the good Doc (Oetker). All else, as always, looks wonderful.
  8. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @Dejah Goat is pretty common here with so many Mexican immigrants from various states. Goat birria being a big big deal. If you like lamb, you will like goat. See our chardgirl's feast. Also our dear departed Jonathon Gold's tribute https://www.laweekly.com/restaurants/birria-forever-and-everand-ever-2129873
  9. Hhmm intriguing on the rosemary with the orange. I must become more bold in my flavor combinations. The lack of bottom crunch is why I am not a fan of American pie and I sometimes wonder about my baklava. But the melding of ingredients seems to "make it" so deconstruction does not strike me as ideal (can you tell I have been dealing with the goverment all day - carful wording!)
  10. I have to give props to Kroger for a new design - well new to me. I have a permanent scar on my dominant hand pointer finger from the saw blade cutter style. That zip style was useless. And now (drum roll) paper and non-injuring!!! Plus it works
  11. With all the recent ramen hype globally I think those hyper cheap instant noodles don't get enough cred. The unique frying/drying process results in an amazingly toothsome noodle with zero effort. We have our own local instant noode pioneer here https://nissinfoods.com/our-story
  12. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    @HungryChris I have most likely asked this before and do not recall your response. You fry alot based on your posts and it appears you do it well. What is your method regarding equipment, oil, and oil storage/disposal? I know that proper frying is actually not greasy but I hesitate. Do you remember Florence Henderson as the Wesson oil spokes person showing non greasy frying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtR1Y2I__PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za8k3Et_roY I know the oil was not the true factor but I have had great fried foods that did not even leave an imprint on the napkin - so almost "greaseless"
  13. As a scientist I find these articles somewhere between ridiculous and dangerous. What a mess. Some factual basis but hello context?? But I could just be a grumpy pants...
  14. Oh good grief the smell is horrifying. I ran the pot outside. Started simmering some shrimp stock with vegetables and coconut milk. BUT was tired and thought i'd take a 1 minute nap. Smoke alarm woke me and it was far from stove! I liked the saucepan but I think, well I know. it is trash bound and "hello TJ Max for a new one... The last one was me being overly chatty and walking far away while green beans simmering. Do we ever learn? I don't even know if I can sleep in this end of house it is so unpleasant.
  15. The under appreciated nuances of cup holders. I have friends who cross cars off the list if they are poorly designed in this regard, http://shermanslagoon.com/comics/december-10-2018/
  16. I rarely fly. When I did the odd 5 day jaunt to Singapore on Cathay Pacific I admired the thoughtful food pesentation but what cracked me up completely was after the lights were dimmed you coud go and heat a Cup O' Noodles. I think many passengers found that the most comforting.
  17. heidih


    I traded cookies for calamansi yesterday. My friend's 2 trees are loaded. Forgot phone so no shot of trees.
  18. I was on hold for a long time and then on open line with a tech the other day. I asked her about getting ready for holidays and any baking. She stated "I can't cook". Figuratively took her hand and sent her to several no-knead bread sites. Sharing the love
  19. heidih

    Cheese Fondue

    The issue I had with fondue was the little sterno tins. I am highly reactive to the smell. I do little votives now.
  20. heidih


    My citrus including kumquats is all green.Should be December/January ripe but global trends...
  21. When we did the Vanilla Crescents it was always a game of are they cool enough to handle but hot a nough to adhre sugat. A very quick and deft hand as developed early on. Otherwise ya got "paste". Even 6 year olds get it.
  22. heidih

    Cheese Fondue

    Oh yes it is an interactive sport. The color coded forks help. Having 3 is super cool - hot oil & red meat , cheese, and chocolate All major food groups covered and everyone smiling
  23. I am starting the packing up for giving process and realize I may have to do more. People SO appreciate the baked goods. I tapped my UPS guy (store) on shouder to had him a baggie saying it was a preview. He exclaimed my name and thank you, remembering past cookie plates.
  24. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Wow what a chile line-up (and beautiful knife).
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