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Everything posted by gfweb

  1. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 3)

    Halibut was 117 F for 30 minutes and then a sear on one side.
  2. Finding the top-loading New England style hot dog bun is key. Pepperidge Farm sells them.
  3. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 3)

    There was also thyme, garlic, S&P, and literally 2 drops of soy in the mix as I sauteed it prior to stuffing
  4. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 3)

    NY strip, warm slaw, stuffed portobello (artichoke, onion, parmesan)
  5. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 3)

    SV halibut, greens and lightly pickled beets
  6. I didn't say SS needs to be scrubbed violently. I said they could be.
  7. Variables are dose of lime rind on the skin (its not the juice itself, but in the rind), how much light there is and individual reactivity. In FL sunlight it wouldn't take too long at midday.
  8. I have a couple anodized aluminum pots and I'd say that they are a little less non-stick than a properly oiled and heated SS pan. And because of the surface can't be scrubbed as violently as an SS could be.
  9. This place has hush puppies. Right over in New Castle. http://www.noralees.com/dining-room-menu No idea if its any good...
  10. gfweb

    Dinner 2015 (Part 3)

    I make many potato salads. The most solid is yukon gold...mayo...salt...jalapeno vinegar. It tastes like potatoes.
  11. Reviews aren't great at Play Store. I guess it'll take time to upgrade.
  12. I tend to like the Euro approach to wine. Jammy is not tasty to me. In fact, I don't understand the appeal. Uber-pricey California wine is fine, but the stuff I'll buy is usually best if French/spanish/Italian.
  13. Exactly my point. And wheres the roll???? I tend to spiral cut my dogs on a skewer and then quick cook on the gas burner. Great char too.
  14. Blackened dog with yellow mustard. Perhaps relish or kraut.
  15. I love mayo. I love hot dogs. I love tomatoes. But together sounds questionable.
  16. "Studies have shown" is a dangerous route to go down when the studies aren't actually addressing the problem being discussed. For example, studies have shown that sugar helps keep down infection in wounds. Gonna clean your cutting board with sugar water? I think not. But you are right. There's a point where good sanitation becomes craziness.
  17. I have 2 SV machines. A SV supreme and an Anova 1.0 . The SVS lives in the cellar and gets the most usage, esp for long incubations. The Anova is used less because it takes up a lot of counterspace and only fits into a humongous pot/cambro. So to answer most literally, I don';t use the circulator much.
  18. And then a quick dance on the grill side for the markings
  19. Not exactly correct. What that study said was that soap scrubs removed bacteria from hands as effectively as chlorhexidine scrubs. That's not the same as saying that they are equally effective antibacterials which is a different thing. But yeah, washing with soap is a good way to remove stuff from counters etc. It will leave behind a soap film though.
  20. I think that the optimum might be flat side for a bit of sear then ridged side for marks. I'll report back
  21. Thanks, Anna! Breakfast sausage (garlic/marjoram), parmesano reggiano , hot sauce, just enough cream cheese to bind it. Panko on top (which browned-up nicely tho you couldn't tell from the photo), then broiled in the BSO. Funny enough, it was inspired by something that you posted months ago that stuck in my mind.
  22. Stuffed broiled sweet peppers
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