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Everything posted by IowaDee

  1. Puffy or not, all I know is that it is watching me! Can you see the face?
  2. I just remembered there was a movie "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" It came out in 1978. Maybe your tomato has a tie in with a planned sequel? Might be looking for people to star in it. Shelby can be the first egullet movie star.
  3. Hold it up close to your ear and see if it whispers "Take me to your salad". Or "Peel me, you die".
  4. Looks to me as if the tomato is undergoing a round of acupuncture.
  5. Thank you, dates are at the head of my grocery list now.
  6. I'm lucky, my husband shucks it out in the garage. Never have to deal with anything but naked ears. And heck Shelby, you can honestly claim to own silk sheets. Last year we found some prongs that can be inserted before you boil the ears. What a finger saver they turned out to be
  7. When I was a kid, Betty Crocker had a date bar mix that I loved beyond reason. Your look even more amazing. Lucky son!
  8. Just think what that cat could do with opposable thumbs and a pair of tweezers!
  9. In other words, a paw paw and a maw maw?
  10. Put me down as a fan of squeezing too. Remember a several years back when Heinz came out with those weird colors of ketchup? It was a guess as to what color was in the bottles. I bought a half dozen and sold them on eBay. That was in the days before anything and everything was on Amazon!
  11. Oh it looks like the cryllis for the word's most elegant butterfly. Stunning and mouth-watering at the same time.
  12. I got married there and it is still my favorite memory of the place!
  13. IowaDee

    Lunch 2019

    Back here in the sticks, the natives use them thar fish eggs for bait to catch growed up fish.....
  14. Our daughter and her husband have a tradition of finding weird stuff to exchange via their Christmas stockings. I found a can of pop top pork brains at the local Amish scratch and dent store and passed them on to her. Guess won the prize for the weirdest item that year? Yup. she did!
  15. Mine has replaced the big oven as well. In fact I am now doing something I never, ever thought I would do, using the big oven for storage. My cast iron skillets and comal now call it home.
  16. I recently made a Kiva load to a chef in Peru to buy more cuys (guinea pigs). She caters to the tourists that feel eating one of the rodents is a "must" on their trip to visit Machu Picchu. She repaid the loan on time so I guess she knew her clients!
  17. Magic Dust? Oh yeah I remember that book. Shelby and the (Magic) bean stalk.
  18. I wish you a lap full of kittens to complete your homecoming.
  19. When I see a wedge of bleu cheese show up on your tray, I'll know you have the kitchen crew whipped into shape!
  20. Used to watch a show on the Food Network, The Sandwich King with Jeff Mauro. His mantra was "Crust to crust is a must". I quite agree.
  21. IowaDee

    Dinner 2019

    What a pretty serving dish for your tacos. It takes them to a whole new level. So tempting! And I would love to share that sangria as well.
  22. Oh my I can't believe you're full of "sheets". You just don't strike me as that sort of person. I agree, you deserve a huge, wonderful breakfast.
  23. I'm waiting to see the Jell-O. No hospital visit is official here unless you get a cup of the stuff! And it has to be red. And it has to leap off the spoon and roll down the front of your gown. And the nurse has to roll her eyes when she sees the mess you have made.
  24. Several years ago our daughter and her hubby went to Jungle Jim's International Market in Ohio. I asked them to bring us something we have never had and can't get locally. That turned out to be dragon fruit and a camel roast. I have no desire to eat either one again. However I still have the place on my bucket to visit!
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