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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. My favorite is passion fruit popsicles or icecream - amazing. The Spanish name escapes me at the moment.
  2. Wash, puree, freeze in 1T icecubes or blobs. When frozen, put the frozen lumps in your preferred container for long term storage. Add a lump when making lemonade. I have to try that salad recipe. I have only a little mint, but an entire bottle of black vinegar that needs a purpose in life now that its job as a guest's reminder of home is done.
  3. This weekend yielded 6 very pretty fondue forks with nicer than usual metalwork, and lovely wooden handles (no colored beads ) and two mini-muffin pans.
  4. "We were therefore dismayed to find that ....of eight courses, the first course is scallops, the second course is Terrine of foie gras and the main is Lamb. Yawn. " Apparently in their world, no one may ever again serve any of these in these places in the meal. I wonder how they feel about sweets coming near the end? ?Yawn? I'd say (as I have before) that reviewing the food when you've already made up your mind to be cranky is not fair to the restaurant or yourself. The long wait is a real issue. After that? They STATE they already knew it would not be good enough. At which point nothing else negative they say has any validity. Except (oh dear) - I agree the plates look overcrowded. Even the really pretty one with the tear drops and tiny leaves looks really busy.
  5. Well, tadiq (?sp) is the desirable sticking of rice to the bottom of the pan to make a crust, and I wish I were better at it! Not never, but not often. Not annually. Oatmeal sticks/burns wayyyyyy more often.
  6. I think Kerry's got it re Monkey - its a reference to the cannonball holder. I think Toliver's pegged the Air Bender reference, and I bet it puns on hair standing on end from the strength of the brew.
  7. Then, in my opinion, returning 10x to the sample table is greedy and rude too. You like the stuff that much? Buy some. Hungry? Buy lunch.
  8. I hear ya. See <> edits in my post - I was operating on local data.
  9. You can quibble fine points of the law til the cows come home but you put the answer in the question. You are asking ethics. Its not ethical. Its also rude aka greedy. Do many of us do it? Probably. They are not free <in any store I've ever shopped in>. The cost of them is factored into the price of the produce. <This appears not to be the case in FG's store> If you really need the bags, why not just offer to buy an entire roll from the store. They had to pay to get them <except in NYC, it seems>. They do it as a service to the customer. They could go back to an older model of 'bring your own', and then you'd get to bag, take to check out, unbag to weigh, rebag. <Ask the provider for an entire 'checkbook' of them. I go with the logic that reuse what you have, sure. Take extra? Greedy, rude, and unethical. Legal? Quibble your little hearts out.> <editted to add stuff in <> brackets, as I missed the part about them being an ad gimmick.>
  10. That is one awesome lamp! not nearly as awesome, but still bringing smiles to me: 2 tupperware sandwich keepers for $0.25 each a 'new' condition old-style tupperware jello mold with all the bits. I was so happy to see it I forgot to haggle, so paid $5. I bought a new TW jello mold last year and the thing is HUGE, and lacks the cool lids (star, heart, etc). This old style one is a much more reasonable size, has the plate, and everything. :happiness: Also scored 4 ricebowls for $1.
  11. ??? For the 35 years I've been cooking rice, I use a regular saucepan (not a nonstick) and have consistent rice: brown, black, imperial, red, basmatic, jasmine, shortgrain, etc. Rice cooker takes longer. The advantage I can see (to a one-function non-fuzzy variety) is that it holds the rice at temp just about forever. Fuzzy logic beasties are supposed to provide all kinda fabulous fringe benefits.
  12. Dog dug up most of the cantalope vines. First ever lettuce harvest. The various types:
  13. Baklava: cinnamon, walnut, with lime juice in the syrup. I love this variation.
  14. Yesterday we were treated to "___ sugar eggs". I have no idea how to write the name in Chinese: a marinade of mirin, soy, and <I wasnt watching closely enough>. Our lovely houseguest made these. The biggest challenge was the perennial one of cooking the eggs just so - different size eggs, different pan. The first batch were WAY undercooked and the dog loved them. The second batch were cooked almost thru, but were marinated anyway, and the third batch were perfect - set whites w runny yolks. First time I've ever eaten a cold runny yolk. We enjoyed the eggs by themselves and also experimented. One egg broken onto fresh greens made a fabulous salad dressing. There's a new batch marinating now.
  15. She's 6. She likes food. She will try one bite of anything, because often enough it pays off as a new pleasure and most of the time its no worse than so-so. Has learned that what you eat first affects the taste of what you eat after. So if something is supposed to be sweet and isnt being perceived that way, she'll often ask for a bit of vinegar to reset her palate. Will, if allowed, drown every and any thing in soy sauce.
  16. Kouign Aman


    Try piloncillo in fudge (non-chocolate)
  17. Interesting perspective on mother daughter weight and memories. My spouse is fat. I am not. Whenever we disagreed about our daughter's diet, habits, etc, I would simply say: "look at you, look at me. My rules." It seems to work. (on the other hand, its his rules re music. Same logic). I think the health groups should use their time more wisely. No one forces anyone to eat or order at McDs. Its a cheap and ineffective shot.
  18. Hummus. Good call on finding out region etc. I accidentally made a lovely allium-chocked meal for a friend who turned out to have a non-allium eating wife. Yikes.
  19. Did you get the cool long forks with it as well? Love the ones that have different colored tips on the handle so you can ID your fork in the pot We did and they have the different colored buttons on the end. Much fun.
  20. Make icecream Use for dog toys Use to keep garbage disposal blades happy frozen margaritas ice candles crush and read Little House in the Big Woods. Post your candy making experience in the relevant thread.
  21. Saltier mains get the sweeter veg as sides (carrots, or sweet potatoes or corn). Sweeter mains (barbecue sauce, tomato sauce etc) get salty/tangy greens for contrast. Color and shape, if I'm really thinking things thru.
  22. Acetone in small pastel bottles is called 'Nail Polish Remover'. The acetone based stuff is usually in the yellow bottle. Avoid the stuff with moisturizers added. The labels could care less.
  23. Does the hood have a place for a filter? Ours just moved the smoke around when we moved in, then we opened it and discovered that it was neither vented nor had the charcoal filter been installed. Its not as good as venting out, but the filter does make a big difference in getting smoke out of the air.
  24. Brand new, never opened enameled fondue pot. We like our melted cheese.
  25. My method is similar to ScoopKW. I pick a small area of yard (~ 5'x5') that I wont plant that year. I make a small hole every day and put in the kitchen scraps, then cover. It takes about a year to completely do that space. I have to water it every so often or it mummifies instead of rotting. No problem w odor. One year, a raccoon kept digging stuff up, and we had a bit of a fly problem as a result, so I bury it a bit deeper now (~ 4" down). I get surprise volunteer plants the next spring, since its not a hot compost (the seeds arent killed), and that is always fun.
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