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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. Darienne, sounds delicious to me! Do things like eggroll count for this cook-off? Or jiaozi?
  2. I liked the microwave suggestion. Still gotta boil the spuds tho.
  3. Yup. Bye bye butter lady. In other fair news, the San Diego County Fair (aka the Del Mar Fair) once again met the basic deepfried food needs of the herd. There were at least two different versions of funnel cakes, we saw but did not eat the deepfried chocolate covered bacon and butter, we missed seeing the deepfried Koolaid , and we indulged in the annual scoffery of garlic-batter fried mushrooms.
  4. Before going nuts looking for new cleaners etc, try hot water washing. That might well solve the problem all on its own.
  5. Went tasting last week. We went to 6, and they ranged from $10 - $15 for 6 tastings, often with engraved souvenir glass. Temecula is not the best wine producing region in California, by a long shot, but it is fun to see what can be done. Maurice Carrie was pleasant. Rokel (sp?) their 'sister' winery up the road also offered a loaf of sourdough surrounding a wheel of brie, and baked. Worth arriving in time for, as they sell out. I didnt actually taste at these two locations, but was later told that they were the better results for the day by those who did. They certainly had the best shopping. Ended the day a high note, at Hart. I really like the versatility of their blanc de franc. Didnt have the capacity to taste more there. They have the best glass by far.
  6. Heidi's grandpa didnt have a special raclette oven either. He melted the cheese on a fork by the fire. Me, I'd rather use a burner, the toaster oven or the broiler, just so I could turn the heat off again quickly, when done.
  7. regular 'murcan style pancakes: grated cheddar cheese or maple syrup or homemade strawberry/Gran Marnier sauce, or lots of butter w powdered sugar dutchbabies - lemon and powdered sugar
  8. They make a nice difference when a few are smashed up and mixed into fried rice during cooking.
  9. Amazingly, we are also considering a trip to Taiwan in December. We expect to range the length of the island. Any updated recommendations?
  10. If time permits, I like standing at the counter peeling roasted peppers. Its brainless and relaxing. And it can be combined with chitchat if appropriate.
  11. Where does reasonable vs unreasonable precaution fall in this discussion? Pesticides are nasty things that tend to accumulate in the body and can cause problems way down stream. Microbes getcha now. In the US, the nasties are still thin on the ground. I am curious whether folks who wash and peel everything and dont buy fruit cut by another also never speed, time the red light, have just one but drive, eat rare meat, etc? Its up to each of us to pick our acceptable risks, and I dont intend to preach, I am just curious.
  12. I see the point that if I have 20 tomatoes to share, and I deprive friend A (who loves to eat the tomatoes out of hand as a piece of fresh fruit) of 2 extra tomatoes in order to share with friend H, and then friend H tosses them into a heavily spiced sauce, I might quietly not have enough to share w friend H next year, but I certainly wouldnt scold her/him. It was a gift. Do w it as you will.
  13. Cultivated mushrooms are grown in sterile soil. No germs to worry about except those possibly picked up in picking and packing.
  14. Empty food dye squeeze bottles (the little ones w pointy caps) make excellent re-usable soy sauce containers for sack lunches.
  15. Why does ddl get clear crystal 'rocks' in it after extended storage? What is crystalizing out? Its not sugar. Tri2Cook, i also taste a metallic flavor, tho different w differnt brands of scmilk. Magnolia and Eagle do well. Some other brands were too metallic to enjoy. Along the lines of a Nutella sandwich, has anyone tried making a Dulce de Leche sandwich?
  16. I never have. But since I am alone, I perhaps have a bit more time to talk things over with the waitstaff than if I am trying to hold up my end of a different conversation, so perhaps I benefit more from their knowledge than when in a group. Not 'special treatment', tho.
  17. The more expensive the restaurant, the more comfortable I am dining alone there.
  18. I'm with those who wish the packages would remain the same size, and the price increase, rather than shrinking the package. It would make life simpler.
  19. Pureed chipotles in adobo. A little does wonders for mac'n cheese - even the stuff in the blue box. Will look for "The Yuzu Sco" .
  20. you are nicer than me. If it were his job and it sat long enough to get in my way, they'd go unrinsed into the trash. Or in a bucket outdoors. I hate waterfilled scungy sinks with dishes or other stuff soaking in them. Urk.
  21. I think its important to use the video method when preparing eggs for others to consume atop a salad that was carefully washed in something other than the kitchen sink. Love the sleight of hand. Dont believe any of it. But of course, have to try it anyway.
  22. "reusable" ziplocks on plastic too thin to support them. The plastic tears from the stress of pulling the zipper. Staples placed thru the plastic package BELOW the ziplock. judiu, no no no! Do not hurt self! Diagonal rule works great w bacon, etc.
  23. Or grab same sharp knife, run it around inner edge of seal all the way.
  24. Guests are allowed to assess risk as they choose. Some of them live dangerously, using their fingers to pick up french fries and the like. I guess since THEY know where those fingers have been... Try as I might, people still insist on picking produce off the vine/tree, rubbing it on their shirts, and eating it. One guest even pulled a carrot out of the dirt, washed it under the garden hose, and then noshed away. Enough, I feel faint just thinking of it.
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