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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. That whiff mostly seems to come from the redleaf lettuce in the mix, which goes to slime faster than the other components. It can be picked out, and the rest of the bag rinsed,but who wants to do that? YMMV
  2. Kouign Aman

    Broccoli stems

    We peel em and cook em w the rest of the broccoli. Panaderia Canadiense - I'm having a heck of a lot of fun visualizing squeezing the juice out of lemongrass. I think I better start watering mine more!
  3. Jarred salsa may not be god's gift to salsa, but it makes excellent salad dressing. Not as good, but interesting - slightly diluted ketchup is very reminiscent of Catalina dresssing. Soy Sauce w sesame oil isnt acid, but the salt works well on some lettuces. Yes, tomatoes contain acid, but not at the level of the mini-list in the original post.
  4. I too remember it as a rule specific to Italian food.
  5. I dont know what causes it, but I thank the stars for it. During my husband's illness, The 7 lovely people who felt the need to feed us made the difference between high stress and me collapsing.
  6. Finally finally put some seeds in the ground last week. Cantaloupe are sprouting, ditto tomatoes and okra. Beans a bit behind. Corn is soaking to be planted asap. Got some volunteer lettuce and a beet too! The gourds have not sprouted yet. Need to put in carrots too.
  7. Throw in some starchy bulk somewhere, as noted before. Rice is nice. Perhaps just medium grain white rice cooked with lots of parsely. Rolls work well too.
  8. "Normal" stuff I cant stand the smell of: raw turkey, turkey cooking - all the way to the last minute when it switches to 'crispy poultry skin' smell. I have to brown a lot of onions and garlic, and chop a lot of herbs, at thanksgiving, so I can stand to be in the house at all while the bird is in process.
  9. At least once, find a creperie and eat too many crepes. Breakfast may be an option in your hotel. If so, its worth checking out. If its a classic French breakfast as I remember it, it will be a good experience: bread/croissant, butter, jams, strong cafe au lait. I believe that when traveling, 4 meals a day are the required minimum: BLD, & at least one mid-afternoon or morning, to fit in that stuff that doesnt fit anywhen else.
  10. Fresh artichoke prep - I find myself wondering what's to hate, and realizing you must have different method/standards than mine, which is really basic and fast. Yup, on re-reading, you are quartering and frying. I only had them that way once (at a restaurant of decent reputation) and they were so horrible I never thought to try again. I steam 'em. Flush w water to wash out the passengers. Slice off bottom with honking great knife. Slice of most of the pointed part of the leaves with same knife. Done. I dont scoop the choke out til after the beast is cooked, and most of the leaves eaten.
  11. Theres a sweet made by putting bananas and sugar in a lumpia wrapper and frying it til its sticky.
  12. Rotten potato. nasty beyond belief. ripe guavas, which have a passing whiff just like the cat had been rude on the carpet.
  13. Washing leafy greens. Its not hard. I hate to see all the bugs... Putting pans away in the tightly packed under-oven cupboard.
  14. Can the floor handle a fully loaded unit, the way you are planning to load it? I made shelves out of plexiglass, not to hide the look of the unit I have. more data needed - do you want to hide the stuff stored on the shelves, or just hide the look of the shelving, but keep the kitchen stuff visible? If the former, try curtains or roller blinds. Cheaper than an armoire (tho you can get armoires for very little these days - they kinda hit their style heyday, and some folks are moving on.). Or put up "edges" on the shelves. Maybe upside down crownmolding would do.
  15. Ziplock baggies will donate a distinct taste to anything stored in them long enough. This is enough to ruin crackers.
  16. Those suggestions sound delicious, JAZ. I try to eat the veg first, as well as the salad. I may try different types of salad. The local store sells broccoli slaw - grated broccoli stems. Its good stuff, and I'm not gonna find time to grate all those stems. The peas sound good too. We sometimes have a clear soup w veg in it instead of the greens. A friend showed me how to make a head of kale into a bowl of crispiness that disappears quickly, but has surprising staying power. It takes a couple glasses of water to 'activate' the filling part. However, it makes the house smell and takes about 20 min start to finish for a snack that only I like.
  17. Perhaps PJ can kneel til he's tall enough for the stool, or you could strap a pillow to the base.
  18. Glad to hear the syrup candy works, because the munchkin is on my to try making it. We'll have to use shave ice instead of snow. There's a dearth of that in these here parts. Not a lot of sources for sour in that diet. There's an entire eg thread on how a bit of sour brightens and brings out the fullness of flavors. We use white wine, lemon, verjuice, etc. They had vinegar.
  19. Husband got a serious weightloss wake up call, so we're both trying to eat better together. Since we're stuck with it for life, no fad diets. Changes so far: attempting to be aware of portion size (it do creep up when not watched, it do) Big bowl o' greens as first course (I dont actually like salad. that part is hard!) No more purchases of potato chips (because there is no self discipline available when the bag is open.) Make meals last > 20 min - no TV, book or computer. Conversation is good. It slows the meal down. More vegetables and fruit - some of each with each meal For me - big glass of water early in the meal. I think we can keep up 2-6 indefinitely, but 1.... 1 requires constant vigilance. Its been 7 weeks. Neither of us has hard data on our starting weight, but I'm down between 5 - 10 lbs, and he's down >20. Love that baked eggs idea. must find time to try it. Any hints? Or just roast away, then throw eggs on top for a short while?
  20. heidih, glad I'm not the only one with that problem. I also wonder if having it in a pot is the issue - not enough for a deep taproot? I can barely get enough leaves for cooking once a month, from two sad little plants. We should have perfect sage weather. On the other hand, we grow enough rosemary to build a house from the prunings.
  21. Yes, marshmallow taste due to the syrup. Even commercially prepared maple syrup bacon gets that flavor if over done, and theres a VERY fine line between crispy and burnt, because of the sugar carbonizing. Unsweetened bacon seems more forgiving.
  22. We often warm plates over the oven vent, which is below the smallest burner. When that's not an option (oven not in use), we use the microwave. Sometimes I put in a small bowl of water, sometimes not. My plates dont seem to care. Some of our glazed things shouldnt be microwaved, even full. Something in the glaze (metal probably) grabs the heat and the darn things will take the skin off your hand even when the contents remain lukewarm. The wet rags sound great for even heat, dcarch.
  23. asparagus, steamed and served w miso sauce rhubarb new potatoes, butter, parsley stuffed squash blossoms (never cooked them, love to pick them, planning to cook them, and then get interupted. ah life! )
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