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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. And yet, of unfamiliar foods, that sort of presentation would have the best shot of being eaten by a child. They can pick out the bits they like and dont like. Its mini-tiny bits ("my" size!). Its like playing with your food.
  2. Acid working on the proteins in the egg-yolk will cause it to thicken over time. You can see similar with berry juice in unwhipped cream - smash a few berries (esp raspberries) and watch it go.
  3. I've done ok w kale two ways, in both cases, the kale is steamed to softness before starting. If its really hot weather, you could try doing the steaming ala microwave. Steamed kale, sauteed in olive oil w garlic, squeeze lemon or vinegar to taste, salt ditto. Its more savory than sauteed spinach which always tastes sweet to me. Steamed kale chopped fine and added to fried rice before the seasonings are; the kale becomes quite neutral. I suspect kale would be good as one of the herbs in green rice, but havent tried it. You were asking about salad ideas some months back. Just had a delicious one that was romaine, LOTS of cilantro and mint leaves (ratios ~ 1:1:1) and a lemon dressing. breakfast is fruit and something grain-based most of the time. lunch usually isnt, but was kofta yesterday, w little green lentils dal. Dinners this week: quesadillas w avocado and tomato spaghetti w marina sauce, salad, broccoli, garlic bread pasta alfredo, spinach spanakopita (trader joes. not the best, but do-able) Tonight is tbd.
  4. If its close enough to the pK, could be the CO2 exhaled could push it over, no?
  5. Yup, that's one to try. Thanks!
  6. Had a nice ginger and orange semifreddo the other day. Would work in icecream too. Lemon and ginger is a classic combo in baking.
  7. Use the stick blender. Less lost product. Or, dump off the oil, get the pnut butter out, roll it into balls, cover in powdered sugar and crushed pnuts and call it candy.
  8. That pretty well eliminates nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables, and eggs.
  9. Because sometimes we really do just need them to eat. Anything. Its not even a matter of whether your kid normally eats well or not. Many kids are not adventurous about food (many adults are not adventurous about food). At the end of a long tiring day full of other people's demands & constant grownup-style good behavior (aka a child's normal life on vacation), let 'em eat. Granted, I usually scan the adult menu for options before we look at the kid's menu, but when my spinachloving sashimieating munchkin walks in the door of the restaurant proclaiming "I want a hamburger", its probably going to be a hamburger night. I've noticed I too do a kind of 'kids menu' when other kids, especially ones I dont know well, are at the house. Again, the goal is to get them to eat a meal. I will serve what I know they will eat, rather than send them back home cranky and hungry and overwrought because the only option was eggplant parmesan. We do a lot of grilled cheese and tomato soup.
  10. That does sound fun. And challenging!
  11. This leads to thoughts of practical application : that person is PERFECT, except they dont share your love of adventurous dining? Whack 'em upside the head with a rolling pin...
  12. jalapeno-lime-maple does sound bad. Nougat sounds goooood! I think jalapenos in general taste too 'green' for icecream. Kinda like green bell peppers. There might be better hot peppers for the purpose. I've been meaning to make sweet corn icecream ever since someone foodblogged it here. Maybe you will beat me to it, because its been .... 6 ? years?
  13. Yup. Make them just like making blueberry pancakes: make batter, add berries / chocolate chips. Cook. Choc chips dont like high heat cooking. A nice medium heat works well. Do you guys use the Iowa Meat Farms / Siebels mesquite charcoal or? on your grill?
  14. Its fun to see the town thru your eyes. Your food looks fabulous. My 6 yr old has the same argument for chocolate chip pancakes that your tadpole princess has for Nutella on toast.
  15. Basil, cilantro, parsley for starters.
  16. FrogPrincesse, which CSA do you use? We're thinking of trying one starting in the autumn. Its a bit daunting to think of the discipline required, but as many others have posted - it will be good for us. blue_dolphin, pomelos can be peeled and eaten out of hand, or cut in half like a grapefruit and eaten with a spoon. I quite like them that way.
  17. Pureed cilantro and lemon / lime sauce on grilled beef.
  18. TJ's low sodium soysauce is a good flavor for a good price, and saves a separate trip to the asian market, or paying 2x as much for the slightly better San-J tamari. Pomegranate Kefir:
  19. Pureed mango w yogurt, and sugar to taste. Made excellent popsicle (mango lassi on a stick).
  20. I guess it all depends whether you want the flavor, or if your main goal is to play with your food (always fun, but often not convenient). I like the slice and broil idea.
  21. My kid can smell when baked goods are done, especially ones I've made before. She can also smell rain coming. Shocked me when she first told me the whatever was done, when she was 3ish. She can also smell if I add a little extra calcium (aka cheese) to her precious Kraft. Sigh. Smelling the food - sometimes. But not 'head to the plate'.
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