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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. I'm having a severely modified version of Ling's brownies, and a slice of bad cake (which, I'm ashamed to admit, is a badly-made version of a Trish Deseine recipe).
  2. Do you have a branch in Singapore, Fresser? I'll hire you, and I'll introduce you to all my friends too. And today, I decided to go ALL overboard. I have brownies and I have cake. I'm a happy girl.
  3. I think maybe the problem was that you heated it to too high a temperature in either the first or second round.
  4. Yeah, custard apples are worthy of the name. So are mangoes, strawberries, mangosteens (moreso than Lychees I say!) etc.
  5. Tada! I didn't have any problems getting them off the paper. Didn't even have to stick in the freezer, just lifted them off one by one.
  6. Hold onto him tightly, Ling! Macarons. Again. I'm close to sick of them already. So next weekend, if I find the energy, it'll be chocolate cake. Edited to add: I'll post the pic in the macarons thread.
  7. Thank you! I've been looking for something like this for ages now.
  8. I do this too, actually. It's a rather healthy all in one meal, plus I don't especially like do drink soup on it's own.
  9. I learned it was "ji nu" or, "roadside chicken"! ← Ah no, "ji nu" is the correct term for prostitute. It's not much of a homonym either, because it's got a different accent from the chicken "ji".
  10. Not lack off, but the fact that it's a different kind of protein and a different kind of fat, I'd say.
  11. There's a Korean (I think, it's definitely an Asian brand) fat skimmer that's basically a ladle, but it has a very fine wire mesh for the 'bowl' part of things and it works very well. I'll see if I can find it online.
  12. It might help to think of it in terms of how much gluten is developed against time. So in theory, if you use a 13% rather than a 9% flour, all other things being equal, it'll take less time to develop the same amount of gluten with the 13% than with the 9%. I'm not an expert, that's me interpreting what I've read so far on bread.
  13. If you pour melted chocolate into the marshmallow mixture, it probably shouldn't set up so firmly, right?
  14. Tepee, if you come down to Singapore occasionally, I believe Phoon Huat does sell small quantities of fruit compounds, and the last time I was there, I saw...Ravifruit purees/frozen fruit as well.
  15. You can use a standard loaf pan, put a cookie sheet or similar on top, and weight it down with stuff that can go in the oven.
  16. Why would you make pasta dough in a breadmaker? You don't need the dough to rise, after all.
  17. Masa Harina is made from corn, right? I don't think it fits doronin's low GI requirement. List of Thickeners
  18. I believe the Sahlab is what is used to make Turkish-style ice cream, but I could be wrong. The sago starch is a good thickener, and it's tasteless as well. I don't know about its GI though.
  19. I'm not much of a fan of rosewater, but this recipe sounds good: Aphrodite Cakes And when it comes to rosewater, less is definitely more.
  20. So far, I've had mango sorbet and brownies. But I've to stop now. I sprained my ankle on the last trip to the kitchen, didn't think to grab more food, and am not up to walking to the kitchen again.
  21. To follow onto Cheryl's question, will the table of contents be available to viewers without purchase?
  22. Excellent question. I want to know too.
  23. If you have the flat kind, you can use it to wrap dumplings or cook them in one of the sweet soups until they dissolve into tiny bits.
  24. Yeah. I still remember my grandma asking why her greens were not cooked. There should be a "whole" animal dish. As in, a dish where the fish/poultry is served whole, like Dejah's suggestion of deep-fried Cornish hens. Perhaps spring chickens would be easier to find?
  25. Take a sheet pan (for example, anything flat will work), place it on top of your brownies, flip (hold it together), peel off the foil, and flip again. It shouldn't fall apart this way.
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