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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. FangJin, what exactly are you looking for? A professional pastry course? Also, Tepee, or maybe NickLam, will have a better idea of what's available in the region.
  2. I can get unsweetened chocolate here, but since I don't keep it in the house, I usually just cut down the sugar and use all bittersweet. That's what I do when I make brownies.
  3. ...I need dinner, now! LOL. And I definitely to pick up cream cheese and cream from the supermarket--no worries about butter, since unless I've just baked, I've at least 2 sticks in the fridge at all times. The waistline, it's expanding!
  4. Bryan, your sister really loves you. Because if I were your sister, I would have shot you. I may test out my mom's new cast-iron pan with a crepe recipe. I'm drooling over the Mille Crepes.
  5. My little brother used to eat them too. For a time, my mom had no idea what was happening to the eyes! Turns out that he'd go into the kitchen, pick out the eye, and it disappears down his throat.
  6. The problem with chocolate is that many of them have the "made in factories that use (pea)nuts" or something like that.
  7. I have had a rose apple, a cupcake, two slices of kaya swiss roll and two slices of chocolate cake frosted with chocolate meringue buttercream. Today, I can say I came close to besting Ling with the amount of dessert I ate. Tomorrow, I'll try to do better.
  8. Thanks Cheryl! I'll try this in the near future. ← That's what I did this time and my KitchenAid whipped up the eggs with no trouble at all. About 5-6 minutes, like my recipe said. So thanks Cheryl! But room temp for me is like 28-30 Centigrade, so that may play a part too. Except that the cornstarch keeps clumping on me. And I sieved it twice!
  9. Nice, but too sweet, IMHO. And better than Kinder Bueno.
  10. Hmm.. When I hit the baking supplies shop, I'll pick up some whole hazelnuts to mess around with. Thanks for the recipe, Franci!
  11. You mean overwhip it like egg whites and make them go flat?
  12. What is curdling in a genoise? I'm not following that problem. The temp of the heating shouldn't be high enough to cause the eggs to curdle. ← Not the heat. It's the sugar. At least, that was what I was told. It's never happened to me before and eggs curdle when they see me coming.
  13. I have tried this, and what I noticed is that if you add the sugar AFTER the eggs are pale, it usually doesn't curdle--assuming you have room temp eggs. That's why you're supposed to heat the eggs. Must I use parchment? Wouldn't greasing the bottom of the pan work the same way? Another thing, how do I know how much syrup to use? The recipe I used gave instructions, but it seems like a lot.
  14. Okies, alanamoana! I'll use the KitchenAid instead of my miniscule arm muscles the next time. Thank you.
  15. Kaneel, the recipe I used said to mix the beurre noisette with some of the egg and sugar mixture, which I did. I think Woods is right. Thanks!
  16. Actually, it happens more often than you'd think. My baby brother was asthmatic (going to the doctor every two weeks to a month) and at the same age, he'd do the same. If given chocolates, he'd bring them home and hand them over to me without being told he couldn't eat it. That sounds yummylicious!
  17. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I swear, I followed the recipe and didn't even reduce the sugar even though I was afraid it'd be too sweet. What happened was that after baking, the top half is everything a genoise is supposed to be, fluffy, light, melt-in-your-mouth. But the bottom half is a rubber pancake. Any ideas? Oh, and I used RLB's recipe, which can be found here. TIA!
  18. Nope. I think it'd look very nice, especially if your pots de creme are flavored with something that will give it color, like coffee or chocolate.
  19. Sticky rice is always a hit. And you don't necessarily have to use mango. Go for a fruit that's sweet, almost rich, preferably custardy and you're good to go. Durian (maybe not), even custard apple might work out.
  20. So long it's salty, doesn't say "tomato" or "ketchup" flavored, I'll probably give it a try. I've a weakness for muruku, shrimp chips, fish crackers, you name it, I'll eat it. I don't do candy bars though. I can't stand the terrible sweetness any more. It's terrible. During exam time (the last round's just over), I'll buy bags and bags to keep me company. And I never ever go into the little shop at the gas station. Thank goodness I don't drive.
  21. Trishiad, you can substitute coconut milk for milk in making the Jello mold. Agar-agar will work just as well as gelatin. Xanthan gum is sometimes used as a gluten substitute, but I've also seen it used as a thickener and ice cream/sorbet stabilizer. You can get it in most healthfood stores--I've not used it myself. You could make coconut ice cream, and use palm sugar rather than white sugar. Palm sugar will change the taste more than honey will, and keep in mind that the bad ones will leave a sour aftertaste.
  22. Strawberry Cake recipe Some eGulleters were trying out recipes in that thread. Can't remember whether they created a successful one or not though.
  23. I'm learning a lot here. I'm planning to make a genoise (not chocolate, an RLB recipe) on Friday.
  24. Oh ick! You don't have to substitute all the water for coconut milk. It depends on how rich you want it to be.
  25. Daniel, no recipe needed. Just the usual glutinous rice to water ratio, except you substitute coconut milk for it in equal measure. And sugar to taste if you want yours sweet.
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