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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. I've made those brownies before, and none of the taste-testers (10? including me) preferred them over my recipe. (In efforts to eliminate bias, I told them beforehand the cocoa brownie recipe was another recipe I developed as well, then told them it was a Medrich recipe after they told me which one they liked better.) ← This is an excellent reason for me to bake both of them and compare them side to side.
  2. In clingfoil, then aluminium foil, then in a box?
  3. The recipe specifically gives instructions for adding it with the mixer on?
  4. How did you add the melted butter? Though, I've had genoise issues aplenty, and usually the problem was that I didn't fold it in properly, but it never sunk in the center. What size pan did you use?
  5. Be careful. The fibres from the cut side can get into food.
  6. Absolutely not. The S stands for sodium, after all.
  7. I second Medrich's cocoa brownies recommend. I'm sorry Ling, but I think it's going to be my standard brownie from now on. If you want the recipe, I can PM it to you.
  8. It's good, she says, her mouth filled with chocolate cake. Moist, very chocolatey. Vanessa, this recipe doesn't seem to crumble very much. I made Very Large Cupcakes with the extra batter using my mini pie pans, and they unmoulded very cleanly. Doesn't seem to crumble when I bite into them either. But I've not sliced the big one yet, and I won't be, since I'm sending it off to the aunties and uncles. I'll bake another one this weekend and will let you know here, unless you can't resist and decide to bake another chocolate cake.
  9. Dave, did you see this? ← Sarah Oh yeah, regardless of the dome, I used the same batter as a cake, and my daughter loved her birthday cake. I forgot to mention this - Strangely, when I baked the birthday cake, in a 4x4x5 cake tin, the cake did dome. ← That's not unusual. Sometimes you take a cake batter to make cupcakes, and it doesn't turn out the same way, even if you did bake it for the correct time at the correct temperature. Something to do with leavening and surface area, I think.
  10. Thank you for reporting , its chocolate ckae making now so after the stout one I want to try this one ( gotta start to find tester around here ). ← Just send it along. I'll PM you my address!
  11. It was mentioned in What's For Dessert, I think, Vanessa. That's on my to-try list as well. I just made this version of the Double Chocolate cake. I was going to melt the butter, but I'm not making anything else that needs butter today.
  12. The Epicurious Double Chocolate Cake, but only oil because I'm not up to messing around with melting butter today. And damn, it's good. Though it's still too hot for me to really taste anything, but the texture's good!
  13. Do we get piccies of your little girl? What are you planning to do with all that chocolate?
  14. What's the difference between coconut oil and coconut butter? Or is coconut butter "solidified coconut oil"?
  15. I think apples go well with peaches. Maybe grilled peaches and apple sorbet/ice cream?
  16. I'm old enough to pick up a can of beer on my own now. Chefpeon, please confirm so I can try the recipe too. I've had a mini mooncake today. One was quarter was champagne (I nicked it out of my mom's hands!) and the rest was a white lotus one with crunchy chocolate bits in it. Yummy. And I'm soooo sad I missed your foodblog, Ling. Computer issues. (thinking about this makes me want to scratch out the eyes of the tech people again)
  17. One wonders if it might not be easier to cut it down into thirds? Because I bake for 1, and that's what I do. I cut down all recipes according to the number of eggs they have.
  18. miladyinsanity

    Fish eyes

    I've a younger brother who'd eat them. He grew up. He figured out what it was. Now he no longer eats them.
  19. Do you have silicone muffin pans? Then you won't have to use the pan liners. But..I've using the liners and I've never had that issue.
  20. I know how versatile they are, but it gets a bit discouraging when you fail at something thrice in a row.
  21. Let me put it this way, it's not grown commercially, and I don't know anybody who has a durian tree in Singapore. My aunt does have her own orchard though. She grows durians, mangosteens, you name it, and she probably does grow it.
  22. Surely there is a definitive answer? *looks hopeful* Or a close to definitive answer? I'm still avoiding genoise until I find one.
  23. Typically, caramel ice cream will be softer than most other ice creams. When I make caramel ice cream, I will not add additional sugar to caramelize. I take a portion of the sugar already in the base recipe that i have for vanilla ice cream and caramelize that. The reasoning is that additional sugar will push down the freezing point at which the ice cream will freeze. This is very apparent with sorbets, where if you get the Baume too high (sugar saturation) the sorbet will be too soft or not freeze. If the Baume is too low, then your sorbet will will be grainy (icy) rather than smooth - because the freezing temperature of water is higher than that of syrup. This is why a lot of sorbets taste VERY sweet....because the saturation of sugar is right for the amount of liquid. The way to balance the taste out is to add some acidity like lemon juice or some ascorbic acid. ← I know. What's odd is that I substituted milk, by volume, for all the cream, and it was still so soft. The lower fat content should have made it harder. Ling, was the caramel ice cream Henry made very very soft? I'm eating cake today whilst plotting what to make tonight.
  24. Food is play for me. Which is why I always end up baking much more than I can eat. And I eat a lot.
  25. I'm one of the rare people who grew up in durian-eating country (I was going to say durian growing, but I live in Singapore) who can either take it or leave it. I'll eat one or two, but god help you if you try to bring it to my home. My poor father has to go to his brother's house to eat it. It keeps my mother happy (it makes her sick), my younger brothers won't eat it (but strangely enough will eat Thai durian cake), and I'm happy because I won't have to worry about whatever pastry I have in the fridge becoming durian-flavored. Plus dad's not allowed to eat too many anyway, and if he buys back, we'll have to throw the rest away.
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