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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. Kerry, is it possible to leave the peanut butter out of the Snickers nougat? My littlest brother doesn't eat nuts and this way, I can make him eat it so I won't--if I have the will power anyway. LOL.
  2. Excellent idea to keep the moisture from softening the pastry longer. ← That's what I thought. Thanks Kerry!
  3. I want to fill some tartlets with chocolate mousse. Should I paint them with melted chocolate first? Especially since I don't intend to serve them right away?
  4. Hm.. I don't know, gfron. Does it still feel light and spongy? In that case, I'd call it good.
  5. I'm Chinese, and most nights mom cooks rice, and a couple of dishes. If I want to eat more than one dish, I take a bit of rice and a bit of that dish, finish it, then take more rice and some of another dish and so forth. It makes me want to climb walls when we're out and my dad will serve us, and then he'll be dropping fish or vegetables or whatever on my plate before I'm ready!
  6. I don't have anything to compare it to, but I like my KA. BUT I only ever use it to beat butter and whip eggs. The only kinds of dough I make are cookie and pastry. No bread.
  7. If you have the matcha and the chocolate, why not test a small batch? The thing is, you might get a very muddy sort of color using the matcha.
  8. It should be fine. Do you mean a chocolate crust or painting a layer of chocolate before pouring in the filling?
  9. An overly sweet mini-Leche Flan. I knew I should have cut the sugar I put in. And I've two more.
  10. You know I will! Lyon was actually on our first draft of the trip. But damn it, there's so much to see in France! A. ← Don't you mean eat?
  11. Like dianalane, I bake often. I don't have a diary. What I do is type up recipes into my computer, and each time I try a recipe, I'll enter in my impressions and what I want to try next until it's 'perfect.'
  12. *takes notes for scone bake-off soon* I think the flour Helen mentioned is White Lily. Um, and double cream as a substitute for heavy cream in scones leads to dry and rockhard scones. Don't do it.
  13. makes sense, thanks! so its kinda like a 7 minutes-type of icing. hmmm, if i used the swiss meringue recipe in the link, could i iced it a few hours early and torch it at the party? i would like to take the dessert already fully prepared to the party...i'm sure the kitchen will be occupied by the host getting all the last minute stuff together and i don't want to get in her way, thanks again! ← Yes. But I think you can torch it beforehand as well--not clear on this.
  14. I was taught, by yelling and screaming at me (I was/am a stubborn child), to clean up as you go.
  15. Ooh I love the Apamate. To bring this back on topic, I'll probably glaze a chocolate genoise with a water ganache/chocolate water/whatever you call it, tomorrow. Any ideas on ratio? Will 1 to 1 by weight do? I've 66% Valrhona something.
  16. Sadly, no. I have had beef xiaolongbao before and rather disliked them.[...] ← Are those made by Muslims? Speaking of which, Pam, your relatives should be patronizing halal Muslim establishments in Beijing, of which there are more than a few. ← Not necessarily, I don't think. I've seen them here in restaurants specializing in xiaolongbao and accompanying dishes. Re: wrappers. I don't think the wrapper has eggs in them. Maybe we should mosey on to the China forum and ask Ah Leung? Pam, if it's not too late, the minced meat is supposed to be raw.
  17. I'm sure you'll get a suitable brownie without the corn syrup. But I can't guarantee it will be quite the same. You might like it better, I don't know. I haven't tried omitting the corn syrup myself because the recipe, to me, is perfect for a cakey brownie. My philosophy is, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it." So I make it as is. It's such a small amount, I would think that even people who have a "thing" about corn syrup wouldn't mind it all that much. ← I don't mind using it. It's just that I don't keep it around all the time, so I usually just ask in case.
  18. I have it, Vanessa, I just don't especially like using it unless I have to. It's a pain to measure tiny amounts, for one thing.
  19. Chefpeon, is the corn syrup absolutely necessary? Can I skip it?
  20. Hazelnut Cinnamon Apple Muffin Haven't tried this, but maybe someone will be interested.
  21. I'm guessing, but having had the same thing happen to me, I think you didn't fold it enough, so it's more like a meringue than a macaron.
  22. Whip your eggs? I got a very cake-like flourless chocolate cake (I mean, really flourless, no nutflours or anything like that either, just eggs, butter, sugar and chocolate) by whipping my eggs to triple volume and folding in melted butter and chocolate.
  23. (Eat a pound cake every day for a week, see how much you weigh by Saturday...or become very popular at the office and see how much your coworkers weigh by Saturday.) This is the other thing I always wonder: how are these people getting away with eating all of this stuff?! Good genes?! Whatever it is, I'm jealous. ← Good genes. Be jealous. I've only had a flourless chocolate cake today. I shall now go root in the kitchen to see what else I can find.
  24. Xiao Long Bao are dumplings. NOT bread with a filling, like char siew bao. They don't travel well after being cooked. They burst, and the soup will be all gone and they won't be yummy any more. I'd say wrap, freeze, take them to wherever and cook them there. And line your steamers--I've seen some places here use fresh cabbage. Peeling them off the bamboo/plastic will cause a properly made (ie thin skinned, but not too thin) xiao long bao to tear and lose all that precious soup. Ginger is the flavor that stands out. It is usually served with black vinegar and more fresh, sliced ginger (young ginger please). More ginger is better than less and I personally think that the Epicurious recipe doesn't have enough of it. Also, I don't think you need high gluten flour for the wrappers, Susan. In fact, I'm pretty sure you don't. So good luck! Me, I'll just go to Din Tai Fung to eat some.
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