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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. As a newbie... 3 8 or 9 inch round pans 2 muffin pans--I love these! 3 half-sheet pans 1 9 inch round pan with a removable bottom--or you can just get your round pans with a removable bottom 2 8 by 8 square pans 2 loaf pans--8 by 4 or 9 by 5 These are the ones I use most often. I've a set of mini pie pans that occasionally double as tartlet pans that are pretty useful too.
  2. This should be me in a few weeks. You know you are an EGer when you feel guilty about not taking pics of what you take out of the oven.
  3. I must be blind but I don't see a double chin. This definitely ranks as one of my favorite blogs so far!
  4. So the first time, the icing became grainy, and it wouldn't 'fix.' The second time, it burned. Now I've a new plan. I'm making a Caramel Ice Cream Cake. I dissolved the grainy caramel into milk, made a custard and now it's about cool enough to go into the fridge. Tomorrow, I'll churn and fill the torted cake layers.
  5. Totally, Kerry! Go for it! I'll chip in next weekend, after I hear from you guys what you'll be making. Kira's adorable! Btw, have we seen any pics of you yet?
  6. Really? Are you sure you don't want to test other recipes? Just in case, you know?
  7. Define confection, please. If you mean stuff like molded chocolates, it's because a properly made chocolate will have the filling sealed off from the environment. Sugar is a preservative if there's enough sugar. If the concentration of sugar is high enough, bacteria cannot survive in it. That's why jam, for instance, keeps for so long. Same thing goes for salt.
  8. Okay, so I've not made it yet. But I have evaporated milk so I'll use it instead of cream. I really ought to keep cream in the house though. Thanks again!
  9. If you have a scale, the Gourmet Sleuth website says a tablespoon of honey weighs 21 grams.
  10. Here, it's curry chicken. Usually, both bread and rice are offered as sides. You might have a fried rice or noodle dish to go with it, and fried chicken is always popular.
  11. Hey, both Tepee's frosting and Steve's frosting are pretty close. I'll report back tomorrow after I make the frosting (I'll average the two ). Thanks!
  12. I'm afraid it'll be too runny, and I need it to set somewhat. I did think of just substituting it with mik.
  13. I was going to make a caramel cake, but I don't have any cream. I've all sorts of things, but I don't have cream. Any ideas for a caramel icing that doesn't have cream? I've milk and butter, if that helps.
  14. Ah, I personally think digestive biscuit plus marshmallows is icky. I tried. Do you know that you can make smores by stacking your marshmallow and chocolate on a graham cracker and sticking it in the toaster?
  15. Marzipan would work, fruit jellies or candied fruit rinds. Is there any way you can dehumidify at least your kitchen? ← I plan to try candying fruit rinds. Not without a dehumidifier, I don't think. I'm moving overseas to study next year, so I'm not willing to spend too much on equipment. Fruit jellies would make great Christmas gifts, so I'll bump them up my to do list. Thanks Kerry!
  16. Any ideas for candy that can be made in humid weather? I live in tropical Singapore, and it's humid all year round. I'm pretty sure marshmallows are okay. I made them once from Nightscotsman's recipe, but I didn't beat them long enough as I was afraid I'd not be able to scrape it out. I made caramels twice, and even letting it set up for 24 hours didn't make it easier to cut. I mostly ended up tearing chunks off rather than cutting, in fact.
  17. It's for this very reason that I dislike peanut oil. It annoys me to no end when my mom buys peanut oil without me knowing, and when I fry something, or make...say, scrambled eggs and my eggs have a peanutty taste!
  18. I shall go for dark brown sugar! Well, a partial substitution anyway. Plus it won't be so sweet that way. Now, Rodney and Ludja, await my report!
  19. So I sliced the double chocolate cake (my mom didn't take it to the relatives after all! Yay!) and it doesn't crumble. Also, if you chill it, it's really yummy after it's been zapped for 20 seconds in the microwave--I couldn't wait for it to come down to room temperature.
  20. Maybe. The only difference between the recipe I used and the one you did appears to be that there was melted butter in the coffee/chocolate mixture, and mine didn't.
  21. If you want to freeze the undecorated cookie, you could take them out, 'refresh' them in the oven for a few minutes before pouring the fondant, if you're worried about adhesion.
  22. Vanessa, it's okay to kill people with chocolate because they'll die happy. Can you give me the link to the recipe you tried? I didn't have that problem, and I tweaked it a bit--I used yogurt, not sourcream or buttermilk.
  23. I want to make a caramel cake, but I don't want pecans in it because I'll be the only one eating if there are, and my waistline can't take the hit. The Thankful Butterscotch cake seems like too much work to me. Any ideas?
  24. yes, on slow speed. Is this unusual? ← You can get different results from pouring it in directly and folding it in like Sweetside described.
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