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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. It's like cyanide. Only a certain percentage of the population will detect something like that, and then it's probably hereditary. Both my mom and I will say the same thing after tasting something, for instance.
  2. It is with much sadness that I announce to my fellow eGulleters that nobody, as yet, has managed out-Ling the Ling. Including me. I shall try again tomorrow, since I currently have a sponge roll, 2 Spago chocolate cakes (peanut oil...WTF was I thinking?), cream puffs and Melting Chocolate Meringues from Alice Medrich. The sponge roll is also a Medrich recipe. I am determined, and I shall succeed.
  3. What you eat does change the way you smell. It's a fact.
  4. Another reason for chilling ice cream base is to enable it to freeze faster when you're churning it, such that the ice crystals will be smaller. This gives you a creamier product.
  5. If I remember correctly, it's something like 20-25% of the general population who'll be able to detect cyanide with just a smell. Verjuice, if it helps you feel better, I can't stand the smell of canola oil. And I swear to God, beansprouts Do Have a Smell and a Taste.
  6. May, you've out-Linged me. ← I haven't yet. Got one more test to pass. I'm baking tomorrow, then I'll sit in the kitchen and finish 1 chiffon cake and 1 chocolate cake and half a dozen cookies. Then I'll have out-Linged you. Well, I'll try anyway.
  7. I use 4 oz cocoa. It helps keeps my brothers away from my brownies because they think it's too much. Life is good. I'm finishing up the rest of the Alfajores today and tomorrow.
  8. Looks yum, Andrea! Ling's brownies are in RecipeGullet. They weren't rich enough for me, so I upped the calorificness by adding more chocolate.
  9. Just what I was thinking! I have Jaymes's recipe bookmarked, but the food coloring scares me, so I've not made it yet.
  10. How does it compare to the Korova cookie? Also, some chocolate and some vanilla ice cream? That's all? Ling, you can do better!
  11. Renee K, thanks! I'd heard of Sun Lik, but forgot completely about it until you mentioned it.
  12. Minus "1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder and a pinch of salt" per cup of flour from the recipe.
  13. Did I help you with a crust recipe? I don't remember...which recipe did you use? I don't think the type of nut would matter too much to a recipe...I used to make macaroons all the time for my ex and I used whatever I had on hand, and it was often almonds. ← Yup. 2 and a half cups pastry flour, 1 egg, 1/2 t vinegar and enough water--ended up only using the egg yolk though. I'll try the sour cream variation really soon--have a carton. I didn't think so either, and this time I actually did sieve the nut flour to remove the larger bits too. Off to have a few more.
  14. For sorbet, there's the egg test. Wash an egg, then float it in the cooled mixture. If it floats high enough that a 'dime-sized' part of the egg is above the liquid level, you've got enough sugar.
  15. Just plain unadulterated turmeric will do that. ← Yeah. Little fish coated in turmeric powder and fried....Mmmmm.... eG needs a drool icon, like, ASAP!
  16. I live in sunny Singapore, where it's about 30C all year round, and one my cuz's had his wedding at outside--have no idea what he was thinking. But the all-important cake wasn't covered in fondant. Thank goodness. The stuff is disgusting. Cake is meant for eating. Looking good is nice, but it's just wrong to make it so important that you sacrifice the taste!
  17. Pissaladiere, alcohol should help. Have you tried adding corn syrup?
  18. Well... If there are any bad cooks in my family (granddad on mom's side was a cook), they don't cook. I feel really lucky.
  19. I had a Bakewell Tart. The crust was great, thanks to Ling! My macarons cracked this time. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe because I subbed the almonds for hazelnuts? But I had at least half a dozen so far. And Alfajores. Not bad, but I don't think it's something I'll make again. Pics tomorrow. I hope.
  20. If you're looking at Australia, there's also the Sydney campus of Le Cordon Bleu. I remember reading a blog written by a Malaysian who's going there to study Patisserie. I can try and track it down if you're interested.
  21. What's the worst that can happen? Sweet, nutty goo that you have to eat with a spoon. Go for it! ← Chufi/Klary gave a recipe for almond paste that's 125g each almond and sugar, ground together, mixed with an egg and a bit of grated lemon zest.
  22. If you want to go the ice cream or sorbet route, how about brandy snaps or melting chocolate and letting them drizzle it over clingfoil-wrapped cups to serve the ice cream in?
  23. Great blog Marcia! That's how I make flourless chocolate cupcakes, small batches of pate choux and brownies. Anything to NOT wash something extra.
  24. Is it possible for you to ask them what they like? Especially the birthday girl's? Maybe something like RLB's Oblivion Torte?
  25. gfron1, I'm joining you. Hopefully I'll have pics I'm willing to post up here this time.
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