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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. I would like to know what that is, so next weekend I plan on making the same chocolate cake I made yesterday, but this time I'll beat the eggs first.
  2. That's just what I decided to do after finding strawberries in the fridge! Thank you. So it's Korova cookies (I don't think they are going to last me the rest of the week at this rate) and chocolate cupcakes with strawberry coulis.
  3. The recipe will yield enough to cover a 2-layer, 9" cake. And that's allowing for several spoonfuls for, um, quality-control along the way. ← Thanks Patrick. And the quality-control part is very important. I taste everything that goes in my oven before it goes in side. ← LOL, what Patrick said. If you're scoping out tupperwear containers for storage, 4 cups is just about perfect -- provided you do your due diligence for quality control. ← Got it, thanks!
  4. I know!! It was only after tasting the cupcakes I made, and checking the proportions, that I realized that I had put 25g too much sugar for 8 cupcakes!! Thank goodness I substituted 50g dark brown sugar for 50g caster already, otherwise... I'm only just coming down from the sugar high of one cupcake. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I could sprinkle salt on top...It didn't occur to me to add some when I was mixing it up.
  5. They are? If they are deep-fried, they are pretty much a staple in dim sum restaurants here. I love these.
  6. I would starve. Singapore hardly grows anything at all. Practically everything is imported.
  7. Self-Frosting cupcakes? Hay Hay It's Donna Day #1: Self-frosting cupcakes
  8. The recipe will yield enough to cover a 2-layer, 9" cake. And that's allowing for several spoonfuls for, um, quality-control along the way. ← Thanks Patrick. And the quality-control part is very important. I taste everything that goes in my oven before it goes in side.
  9. I usually say prawns, but in restaurant menus, it depends. Sometimes it's prawns, and sometimes it's shrimp--this seems more common in Western cuisine. I do not expect a size difference between shrimp and prawns. As far as I am concerned, they are the same thing.
  10. I've started my PMS night. I've got cookies, cake, good bread, bananas for caramelized bananas, and of course, good choccie. I also have cookie dough in the freezer if I get really desperate, and chicken curry. I definitely can't miss gym next week. And I'll definitely need to hit the supermarket before the weekend's over.
  11. I've got melt in the mouth cupcakes, from a Trish Deseine recipe via Chocolate & Zucchini. Yum, but will be better tomorrow. Will have pics if I don't eat them all first. I probably will. I think I will need to go post in the PMS thread today. I made another batch of Korova Cookies, but I don't know what happened. It spread like mad, even though I stuck the tray back in the fridge before baking. It looks like a continent on the tray.
  12. Great Demo, Ruth! I'm putting this on my to-do list for June. To-try, rather. Question: How much cake will your given amounts frost? Say 1 8 inch, round cake? I don't do frosting, but my younger brother does, and his birthday isn't too far away.
  13. Congratulations on surviving the whole thing, Kent! And without falling facedown into your dinner too! Great pictures.
  14. I agree too. I told you we should get married the last time. There's another recipe for steaming. I think it has tomatoes, a little chilli for heat, and possibly preserved vegetables. I'll get the name from my mom, who's asleep at the moment, eventually. Though it is likely that somebody will know what I'm talking about. Or not.
  15. Right. One pair at a time, and each get 2 cups of tea. As in, there's bride, groom, Elderly Aunt and Elderly Uncle. Both bride and groom serve tea to Elderly Uncle, then repeat with Elderly Aunt.
  16. That's exactly the problem I had when I made a loaf of bread awhile back. Glennbech, a microwave (if you have the kind that has a light that switches on when you open it) works just fine.
  17. I'm drooling Patrick. Do you want an au pair? I had an almond swirl roll. There was sooooo much filling, it was nearly unpalatable. I think the filling I removed would be enough to make another 3-4 of them, my way. I've had a square of Green&Blacks Maya Gold Chocolate. I was going to have pancakes too, but I restrained myself with much difficulty.
  18. It's not agar-agar. It's the texture you get from steaming the rice flour batter. ETA: What I'm trying to say is that there is no agar-agar involved.
  19. No, I didn't bake it at all - it was a gummy base that had some crumbliness because of the extra pistachios that I added - noted in a previous post. ← Ah, I see now. Thank you.
  20. Lots of people have dishwashers. I never wanted one, because actually doing the dishes is one of the few household chores that I don't mind doing. ← Dang, Klary, if you were my age and going to the same university as me, I'd soooo want you as my roommie. I hate doing dishes. Great blog!
  21. The pistachio disk was this recipe. But then I modified it a bit by nearly doubling the pistachios because I wanted it to be more crumbly than pastey. ← gfron1, can I take that to mean you just baked pistachio paste for the disk?
  22. I've not made mac and cheese before, but I do like my pasta with tons of cheese. I've cheddar, parmesan, milk and cream in the house. And I'd like a stovetop recipe, one that does not involve or doesn't require baking. Suggestions please? Thanks in advance.
  23. I admit to being one of Those People who have to change something. But if somebody doesn't get what she wants with my recipe, then I just shrug. Not my fault. I gave you my recipe, with all my little notes and changes, and if you didn't get it right...Well, not my fault. And if somebody tried the same thing with me, Fabby, I'd have smacked that lady good!
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