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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. Dana Bickford's recipe I've not tried that recipe, but it looks pretty good. I think she's the PC at Eva's in Seattle.
  2. I third the Medrich Bittersweet recommend. It's not just the sugar, it's the fat content as well.
  3. My classmates from China cheat with packaged dumpling wrappers, so I guess you could do the same, but they won't be as good.
  4. It used to take me 6-8 hours to bake 3 cakes and a batch of cookies (say, 2-3 half-sheet pans). Now it takes less 4, including mise en place and washing up. It also helps as you learn to gauge how long it'll need in the oven, and when to start on the next thing to go into the kitchen. I've had strawberries. Yum. An unsuccessful vanilla sponge. Unsuccessful because it didn't taste very vanilla-y. Anybody know how to use vanilla powder? Should I buy Vanilla Beans instead? A slice of Flo Braker's Smore Squares. I cut the sugar by a quarter and it's still way too sweet. Not to mention, not chocolatey enough. Two slices of coffee sponge. Not bad, but could use more coffee. If Ling tops this, I'm finding a new hobby.
  5. It's good to be young. I see food as a happy thing. I don't argue with my mother in the kitchen, and my family always congregats in the kitchen.
  6. Graham cracker crust. Spoonfuls of it because I managed to miscalculate it.
  7. What Pontormo said about dark chocolate. I'm drooling, and I can't wait to see the recipes, so I can give them a try myself.
  8. In the opposite manner, I could lose weight on an all foie gras diet! SB (can't stand the stuff ) ← I'm the girl who lost weight after she started baking every weekend. And I bake at least 2, usually 3, cakes and maybe a batch of cookies too, every time. Now that's a feat.
  9. I can't believe I forgot to post this here. I was trying to bake Ling's brownies, a recipe I've used many a time, and the reason why I'm in misstenacity's signature. Somewhere along the way, I decided to up the butter, cut the chocolate (which is just weird because I out-Linged Ling by upping the chocolate content), and halve the eggs! And I only discovered what happened with the eggs as I continued to bake other stuff and realised that I had forgotten to add more eggs. That was when I looked in the oven and realised that the brownies had been baking for waaaaaay too long now without binding because there weren't enough eggs. I took it out of the oven and stuck the next cake (thankfully successful) in the oven. Then I wandered off to my bedroom, timer in hand. I come back out half an hour to take the cake out and blindbake some mini-pie crusts. I forget to put in pieweights. Nevermind. It's okay, it's still usable and yummy. But when I finally remember my Not-Brownie, it's solidified into a hard, brittle, carbonized chunk that refuses to come out of my non-stick pan.
  10. We usually get the ones with double yolks...four seems to be too salty for me. I can't eat a whole one because they're so gooey sweet...it has nothing to do with stomach capacity. ← I don't like the yolks. I don't eat them. Yeah, sacrilege, no? But I guess since I do get more variety here, my mother and I usually manage to hunt out the less-sweet ones, so I can eat more! I've had a slice of Lychee Martini cake today--it's from Pine Garden Cake, LittleIsland, and if you want the address, PM me because it's really good. I forgot to take a picture. Sigh. PS I don't know what I did, but I messed up the quotes.
  11. I had beef noodles. Then strawberries. Now I'm having a yummy slice of Lychee Martini cake.
  12. Oh I love sponge toffee! I actually tried once, a few years ago. It was a disaster involving me boiling water in the pan to dissolve all the sugar that hardened in the bottom. LOL.
  13. Well, I have you beat in at least ONE respect... ← Well. I Out-Linged the Ling quite a few times up till the end of the Mooncake festival. Hmm.. Also, 1 duck egg yolk is nothing. I've seen ones with FOUR!!
  14. I'm hardly an expert, but given my...bad experiences with chiffons, I say bake it ahead.
  15. O.M.G. Yuck! Most shops here have cheesecake, either the fluffy Japanese style one or the denser kind, sometimes both. Cream cakes--you know, some sort of sponge and some sort of creamy filling like buttercream (fake and otherwise) or ganache.
  16. Mocha cake. Great recipe. I'll be making another one to frost sometime. I can't believe I ruined Ling's brownie recipe! I've made it a dozen times before. Okay, that's exaggerating. I've made it at least half a dozen times before now. But I still ruined it. Going back through what I did, I found out that I put less chocolate than I should have, more butter, and only half the amount of eggs. No, I'm not on drugs. I just think I should be. ETA: I just came back from the kitchen. When I was in the kitchen, I found out that I had forgotten to use pieweights for my blindbaked crusts. PS Please laugh at me. I'd like to know that after all the trouble I've gone through, at least somebody's enjoying my series of mishaps.
  17. I believe you call this a chibouste.
  18. Airy? Sinks? What kind of cheesecake are you making, the light Japanese-style one? Can you post the ingredients list please?
  19. You can get the Apple Cake recipe here, in a free ebook in PDF format.
  20. If it's gelatinous, you're using too much cornstarch. If you can find something called Green Bean Flour (try an Asian supermarket, and it's sometimes called Hoen Kwe flour), Renee mentioned that it's used in some local bakeries to make fudgy, puddingy frostings.
  21. I think you might be right. I just made Nyleve's honey chiffon, and I love it! Too dry, but I think it was my fault--first time I made this cake.
  22. I have no suggestions, because I'm eating chicken right now and I've been thoroughly grossed out by some of you. Good luck gfron!
  23. I just had cake. Now I'm drooooooling over your creation. Excellent as always, Ling!
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