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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. This is exactly what I was getting ready to post Look at how important and expensive certain spices were in the past: i.e. sugar, salt and pepper. Empires were created around them. ← How could I have forgotten this? I spent most of November/December without eggs and chicken because my dad announced that we shouldn't buy eggs.
  2. The handcut noodles is a different kettle of fish altogether. Think pasta. But I do love hand-pulled noodles. La mian is one of my favorite dishes when eating out. Sazji's method sounds like what I've seen here at the many hand-pulled noodle chains here--Crystal Jade is definitely one of the best.
  3. Boil, unpeeled, in water with... Rock sugar (the golden kind if you can get it). Make it as sweet as you like it. When done, the water will be greenish and the inside of the water chestnut should not be white. I'll ask mom what are the other ingredients and come back to post. Edited to add: Mom says nothing else. Just water chestnuts, water and sugar to taste. The texture of the boiled water chestnut is very different from raw, but still good!
  4. Pan: Will you marry me? Throw in chocolate, and that's my list too--and strawberries, and peaches, and nectarines, and mandarin oranges....
  5. Shush you! I was just thinking it was going to be perfect with a dollop of caramel!
  6. I succumbed. Let me tell you, there's an even better way of eating Korova Cookie dough, and that's hot, gooey and chockful of melted chocolate chips. See, I keep a batch of the dough in the freezer for emergencies. And I had a craving for a melted, gooey Mars bar--which does not exist in the House. So I nuked the dough... voila! It's warm and comforting, rich and gooey, sweet and salty, and it's got chocolate! What else could you ask for?
  7. Oh hmm, A Patric, if that's for me, I asked Nick because I live in Singapore too. Thanks anyway.
  8. It's called the Law of diminishing marginal utility in economics. After the first bite, every successive bite gives you less satisfaction. As for me, I'll take cheesecake anyway I can get it. I do tend to go for creamier, richer cheesecakes, so slightly-undercooked works for me.
  9. For a light, not too dense pound cake with a fine crumb: Use 1 pound each of eggs, flour, sugar (maybe less if you don't like it so sweet) and butter. Add 2 teaspoons of lime juice (we always use lime, but you *should* be able to substitute vinegar, and you can't taste the lime juice) after you cream the butter and sugar, but before you add the egg yolks. Then fold in sifted cake (ap is fine though) flour, one cup or so of liquid (you can substitute fruit juice if you like, and I feel it makes a lighter cake than if you use milk), then fold in the whipped egg whites.
  10. I had 3 rolls of Korova cookie dough (for emergencies) in the freezer. I took half, and stuck it in the microwave for a minute and a half. Yummy, gooey goodness, especially whether the chocolate has melted!
  11. Cakesuite is right. Heavy cream does wonders. Condensed milk works pretty well, but only condensed milk makes it far too sweet.
  12. miladyinsanity

    Green garlic

    recipe? I just have my pedestrian use of chopping some into tuna sandwiches. We get garlic whistles here, which are the curled tops right before a flower fully forms. This stalk is nice and crunchy raw. I've also received in my csa bin, bags of what looks lke grass but is actually garlic flavored. A coworker called it Chinese Garlic and said he's had it stir fried. I just chopped it up like chives and added it to my sunny side up eggs. ← Yup, just stirfry it. Don't add any ginger. Can't remember what's it called though.
  13. Lard, I'll bet. It's a big treat with porridge over here. Pig intestines too. (and no, I've not eaten them, mostly because I don't do pig very much) Deepfried bananas are yummy. Got a cousin who loves deep-fried scrambled eggs. I'm thinking about deepfrying...Korova Cookie dough... Ling, someday I'll get you for this. LOL!
  14. I know I've no right to demand that waitstaff not smoke, but it puts me off my food if the server stinks to high heaven of cigarette smoke!
  15. That doesn't work, IMHO. But my recipe doesn't crack--at least, the latest mutation doesn't. :laughing:
  16. Hmm.. I think I forgot to mention that Chocolate Orgasm cake I had the other day. Today, I'll have another chocolate milkshake.
  17. I wouldn't try melting what Helen calls seagrass jelly--assuming that she and I are talking about the same thing. I experimented with it, once--I can't remember why. It burnt in the pot. I spent a whole day scrubbing it.
  18. Frozen custard. Salty, frozen, chocolate custard. It is not definitely not ice cream. Good, but not ice cream. I think I'm going to the PMS thread to cry.
  19. Wahhh... Mine won't freeze, Andrea! I admit I didn't follow the recipe entirely, since I didn't use Splenda, and I didn't use the full-fat stuff and I strained it because I strain everything that goes into the ice cream maker. Oh and I didn't leave it overnight either. What else did I do? Oh I added a few pieces of plain, dark chocolate so that I could open a new bar of choccie. Sorry, I belong to the "Is Morally Required To Make Changes To All Recipes" group. Now, it tastes good. It's just not ice cream. The salt was a stroke of genius, by the way. I think I'll add some Korova cookie dough next time. After I burn milk for the first time too. I wasn't even playing Russian Roulette with my milk!
  20. Been there, done that. I still don't know how to beat egg whites with the KA, so I haven't yet made a chiffon cake.
  21. Induction is good if you have kids who want to cook. My mom doesn't use the gas hob at all these days, only the induction stove. Andie is right about the output-input ratio. When we got ours, we didn't even notice a difference in the electricity bill.
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