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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. I'm measuring my first week back at school by how many cookies I need to revive me when I get home.
  2. Ling, you're a girl after my own heart! Still finishing the Korova cookies. I wonder what I'll make this weekend.
  3. Perhaps you should have 'reconstituted' the praline powder with liquid caramel first?
  4. Only if you share with all the girls. And me. ← In your dreams!
  5. No worries--do what I would do; make another batch of dough immediately, grab a spoon, and eat! ← I didn't. In the end, I was too lazy to bake the last batch and just ate the dough. Good stuff!
  6. I don't. That said, when I eat noodle soup, I always reach for the porcelain spoon. It's automatic, for some reason.
  7. miladyinsanity


    If you want to leave stock out overnight, bring it up to a boil before switching the stove off. Then don't touch it again until the next day.
  8. I vote for nuoc mam and shrimp paste, but not the dried shrimp. Maybe it's because we use a lot of it. jsolomon, I feel the same way towards salt. I don't add salt unless it's going to be cooked again (like reheat soup). That means scrambled eggs with no salt sometimes.
  9. Adding more baking powder can give your cake a coarse texture and a very metallic taste that's yucky--as proven by my mistake when I halved a recipe but forgot to halve the baking powder.
  10. Ling, I deserve to be smacked. Despite your saying over and over again how yummy Korova Cookie dough is, I forgot to try some before sticking the dough in the freezer. :laughing: Fruits, hot chocolate and a piece of 76% chocolate for me today.
  11. What I do is something similar to what John does. I leave all the separate recipe files in one folder, then place shortcuts to the recipes in various subfolders titled Chicken, Chocolate, Fish, Cookies etc, and in more than one subfolder sometimes. For example, Korova Cookies would go to both Cookies and Chocolate.
  12. My dear sisters, I solemnly apologize for disgracing the Sisterhood. I made Korova cookies for the first time today. Not only are they still frozen and unbaked, I didn't even try some of the cookie dough! I hereby promise to make it up by baking them off and eating every single one of them. Am I forgiven?
  13. I've not had it myself, but it's supposed to be good for people who've just had surgery or have a healing wound. It's a Chinese delicacy for that reason.
  14. A separate folder in my hard disk. One subfolder contains all my recipes, then other subfolders categorize them, using shortcuts to the recipe.
  15. ...also watch it for a minute or so to make sure it doesn't move. ← I didn't think about that one!
  16. Soaking in hot water will work if you have a large enough sink.
  17. FistFullaRoux, there was somebody who did the same thing in the Marshmallow thread. You might like to check it out.
  18. Then it's probably fine, persiancook. But you should sift it before use, because sometimes it cakes up.
  19. It's a good thing. Vanilla Coke tastes like medicine--and not in a good way.
  20. We do this too, Tepee, but mostly because we don't celebrate Christmas.
  21. Yes! Me too! Those noodles are the best. They have the bowl kind where you just add hot water? Those are good too.
  22. I can't figure out how to upload a picture. Can I use something like Shutterfly or Picturetrail or must I do the album thingie? Well, it is in my album, but I can't figure out how to get it here, so I'll just link to the original. <a href="http://pub33.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?img=88481&usernum=2776043073">PMS Diner</a>
  23. OMF*G, ROFLMAO!!!! Can I quote you on this Miladyinsanity??? Too very funny ← Sure you can. Stick it on your fridge. Be great as a warning signal to the SO if you have one. It might stop him from eating that last slice of cake!
  24. I don't know how long it takes for gelatin to set, but if it's about the same as agar-agar, it wouldn't be too long. Edited to add: That is, it wouldn't take too long to make.
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