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Everything posted by MsRamsey

  1. You're not alone in feeling this way.
  2. It's called Earth & Ocean, and I think it's good. About 6 months ago I had some very good squab stuffed with foie gras and chestnuts. The pastry chef, Sue McCowns, makes some gorgeous desserts. You will hear mixed things about it, but it's probably one of the two good downtown hotel restaurants we have left.
  3. The menu changes daily, but here's their website: http://www.mistralseattle.com/ Union will be at 1st and Union.
  4. It's coming back, like a bad bout of indigestion, for 6 more episodes. http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/...1|,00.html
  5. No one's eating donuts for their health (except maybe choking down the Mighty-O), so I certainly wouldn't advocate for a change in the Top Pot recipe. They're tasty, but there's no denying that they are heavy, fecund, one could even say pregnant with grease (oil, grease, what the hell's the difference).
  6. We've been discussing Mistral feverishly over the last two weeks. See this thread, and go to Mistral! http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?act=ST...ST&f=7&t=27971&
  7. But Victrola has so many vegan pastries, which is not a huge turn-on for me. Which bakeries do they get pastries from? Schwartz Bros. makes Seattle's Starbucks' pastries. What I can't understand is how they can charge full price for something that's 1 or 2 days old. Probably because they get away with it. Perhaps my croissant wouldn't need to be "oven warmed" if it were fresh.
  8. Thanks for the report, Char. I'm so glad you enjoyed it (but not surprised!). Do you know who was cooking in Chef William's place that evening? I plan to go in December -- can't wait!
  9. Maybe he's interested in replacing the utterly disgraceful, two-days-old-but-still-overpriced "pastries" sold in the Seattle stores. I have complained about those for eons.
  10. I just called the Library Bistro. Veddy interesting. They're discontinuing dinner and will be serving only breakfast and lunch. They will do dinners for private parties in the dining room. I'm sad to hear about the Belltown Pub. That's a beautiful space.
  11. I wonder why crab prices were going up. There was a huge glut in certain areas (at least in the Bay Area).
  12. For a group larger than 6, a gratuity is usually added by the restaurant (often 18%). In these cases, the point is MOOT because obviously the waiter is not getting stiffed. I don't understand the objection to having a waiter put the bill on several credit cards. It's been standard practice for quite some time.
  13. Yes, I'm up for it and can drive if you need me to. PM me with specifics. (And thanks for the heads up on GG, GC!) Edit: Oops, no. I can't go on Tuesday. Going to Rocky Horror Show.
  14. How is Ton Kiang on Geary? I'm meeting a friend there in a couple of weeks. It's her favorite.
  15. Urp. They can't give the stuff away in the stores here.
  16. Hmm. I can't imagine that. It's an elegant and gracious place with amazing food. But everyone has a bad night now and then. It would be fun to hear your Herbfarm cancellation policy insights, if you care to share.
  17. Chez Shea is good, but I wouldn't say great. It is certainly romantic. Maximilien sounds like a good idea too. Rover's is 2.5 miles from the ferry dock. Also, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, how about Mistral?
  18. Thanks for the inside look and cool photos, Feaster!
  19. Another life-long Bordeaux fanatic here!
  20. Article on Hamburg Inn's 55-year anniversary and celebration: http://www.dailyiowan.com/news/460418.html...ml&mkey=1000699
  21. The best part of having your oil changed at the downtown Jiffy Lube on a Saturday morning is its proximity to Dahlia Bakery. The September bread is Roasted Sunflower Seed and Honey, and I don't have to tell you that it's really good. It's dark and seems like it might contain molasses. Also has lots of amaranth, which I love.
  22. I'd add Mistral to your list (see the "Mistral Tonight!" thread below).
  23. Heh. Well, beans, I absolutely loathe Bob Blumer and wouldn't mind at all if his toaster van fell into a pool and electrocuted him. Apparently if you consider yourself zany and have Lyle Lovett hair, you're "Surreal."
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