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Everything posted by MsRamsey

  1. That link doesn't work, KN. Can you post it again? I'd love to read it.
  2. You miss my point. That's one of the duties of a publicist -- to clip articles about his employer.
  3. So he has a publicist, which doesn't seem so odd. Alice Waters probably has a publicist as well.
  4. Looks like I'd better firm up my October dates for Chicago. When are you guys going to MI? Edit: I have to be in Iowa for the weekend of Oct. 17-19, so my visit to Chicago can be either before or after that.
  5. As if you needed another article, here's one from zap2it.com: http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/...1|,00.html "That's all he said, as he then opted out of continuing the conversation by putting this reporter on hold and then never returning to the phone."
  6. He's keeping track of how many of his 15 minutes are left.
  7. Fish -- Is there anything about the taxes, rules, and regulations that makes it a more attractive business venture there?
  8. I found out tonight from the counter person at D'sh D'l'i'sh that Kathy Casey was instrumental in forming the concept and menu of Noodlin'. Why am I not surprised.
  9. No, Sweetie. You and I are going to the mothership: Trader Vic's!!
  10. Hopefully my transportation issues will be ironed out by late August (I don't see why not), so Aug 25 or 27 will be fine. We did go to The Islander (formerly Harbor Place), and that place is simply not ready-for-prime-time. The wait staff seems unaware of their happy hour and what's on special, and the drinks and appetizers aren't well executed. It's a disorganized mess at the moment. So we left amateur hour and went to the well-oiled machine that is Zig Zag.
  11. I'm definitely looking forward to it. August sounds like a good time. Thanks for reminding us of this, girlchow! LEdlund and I are going to check out the Islander's "tiki lounge" tonight, with a discriminating eye. I'll let you know how tiki I think it is.
  12. My guess: Alex from A Clockwork Orange That's what I've thought all along. You mean it ISN'T?
  13. I once read Beefeater described as "salty," and I agree. I like Bols Genever gin.
  14. I just called Cassis to find out when the Smith Tower location is opening, and they said it would be October 6. They will be open just for lunch and catering (private parties in the evening as well). If things go really well, they'll consider dinner service.
  15. Well said, but do we really corner the market on inconsistency? I doubt it.
  16. Yes, it's gone. I know that some of my friends on this board kind of liked it, but I thought the food was VILE. Twice.
  17. I can't believe they let the infomercials go so late! Until recently, Ming was on at 6:30 AM. By 9 AM, I've been at work for over an hour, so I guess my early morning fix of FTV is over.
  18. In Santa Barbara, there are some lovely little hotels just a couple of blocks from the beach. I stayed here during Christmas 2001 and loved it. http://www.marinabeachmotel.com/ I don't know what kind of swank factor you desire, but this place was so pretty and very nicely kept. They also have bicycles you can borrow to ride along the beach. We like an Argentinian restaurant, Cafe Buenos Aires, on State St. http://www.cafebuenosaires.com/ My dad really likes the Brown Pelican, which is right on the ocean. I've never been there, but since he plans to retire in SB, I'm sure I'll be going here frequently. http://www.santabarbara.com/dining/a_stone...can/default.asp
  19. I thought the restaurant name was bad until I read "here-baked bread." Lord.
  20. Brasserie Margaux has great food and $25 prix fixe dinners nightly. http://www.margauxseattle.com/welcome.html
  21. I loved his show when I was a little kid. But the new incarnation? Two words: Yogurt cheese. I've run into the show where he makes yogurt cheese at least 20 times. Yogurt, coffee filter, drip, drip, drip. Spread on bagel. Take a bite. Grimace. I still kind of like him because of the good memories I have of watching him way back when. I'm sure he helped form my current interest in food.
  22. Rocco DiSpirito's mother is relegated to the back of the kitchen, performing only menial tasks, as the NBC cameras roll.
  23. If you pay admission between 12 and 1, you get extra beer tickets!
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